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Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 13:19:07 -0600
From: D J Hawkey Jr <>
To: "Jacques A. Vidrine" <nectar@FreeBSD.ORG>
Cc: freebsd-security@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: another TCPDump update question (going slightly off-topic)
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On Mar 24, at 12:44 PM, Jacques A. Vidrine wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 24, 2003 at 11:02:22AM -0600, D J Hawkey Jr wrote:
> > 
> > shows a new libpcap "to go with" the updated tcpdump.
> > They don't say a vulnerability was in libpcap, but if so, a quick scan
> > of userland shows that pppd is linked to libpcap. By inference, I would
> > think kernel-mode PPP falls in line with this, too. Now, there's a
> > rather big "if" here, but if true, would this then qualify as worthy
> > of a SA? As an aside, isn't BPF also tied to libpcap?
> The `if' is indeed big.  The assumptions in the above paragraph
> don't hold:
>   (1) The vulnerability was in a tcpdump printer, not libpcap.
>   (2) While pppd does indeed use libpcap to implement packet filtering,
>       kernel-mode PPP most certainly does not.
>   (3) libpcap's live-capture mode is implemented on top of bpf, not the
>       other way 'round.

I stand corrected. Thanks.

> But as for this issue ... I honestly do not think it is important to
> any FreeBSD user.  The only possible exception might be someone
> deploying tcpdump or tcpdump code fragments as part of an intrusion
> detection system (seems unlikely).
> Remember guys, we're talking about a command-line utility going into
> an infinite loop.  No crashes.  No code execution.  No nothing, it
> just sits there printing to stdout.

OK, I picked a bad example to illustrate my "bigger concern", as this
issue isn't a security issue. My bad.

> > If my feeling is wrong...
> Your feeling may be wrong in only one way: you seem to be assuming
> that the tcpdump issue did not get treatment...
> i.e. the issue got handled with as much thoroughness as any issue that
> affects the base system does...

Oh, no, no... I didn't mean to imply that you blithly (sp?) dismissed the
vulnerability out-of-hand. I know you're better than that.

Thanks again. I'll go away now.

  ______________________                         ______________________
  \__________________   \    D. J. HAWKEY JR.   /   __________________/
     \________________/\    /\________________/

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