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Date:      Tue, 28 Apr 1998 14:55:36 -0600
From:      Lyndon Nerenberg <>
To:        "David E. Cross" <>
Cc:        freebsd-hackers@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: SIGDANGER 
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Tue, 28 Apr 1998 12:17:40 EDT." <> 

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>>>>> "David" == David E Cross <> writes:

    David> Default should be as it is on AIX, to terminate the
    David> process.

Folks, the default (AIX 4.2) is to *ignore* the signal:

  The system monitors the number of free paging space blocks and detects 
  when a paging-space shortage exists. When the number of free paging-space 
  blocks falls below a threshold known as the paging-space warning level, 
  the system informs all processes (except kprocs) of this condition by 
  sending the SIGDANGER signal. If the shortage continues and falls below 
  a second threshold known as the paging-space kill level, the system 
  sends the SIGKILL signal to processes that are the major users of 
  paging space and that do not have a signal handler for the SIGDANGER 
  signal (**the default action for the SIGDANGER signal is to ignore the
  signal**). The system continues sending SIGKILL signals until the number 
  of free paging-space blocks is above the paging-space kill level.

[Above quoted from the AIX system doc]

Processes in AIX will eventually die from SIGKILL, the same as any other
UNIX that overcommits. If you don't do something explicit with SIGDANGER
you'll never know it's there. (It has to behave this way to maintain
backwards source compatibility.)

AIX provides a pssignal() subroutine that can be used to query the state
of the paging space. (pssignal manpage appended to the end of this message.)
Limited user-space control of the swapspace allocation policy is available:

  If the PSALLOC environment variable is set to early, then every 
  program started in that environment from that point on, but not 
  including currently running processes, will run in the early 
  allocation environment. In the early allocation environment, 
  interfaces such as the malloc subroutine and the brk subroutine 
  will fail if sufficient paging space cannot be reserved when the 
  request is made.

I *especially* like their suggested method of changing the
policy from within a running program:

  Programming Interface

  The programming interface that controls the paging space allocation 
  mode uses the  PSALLOC environment variable. To ensure that an application 
  always runs under the desired mode (with or without early paging space 
  allocation), do the following:

  1.	Use the getenv subroutine to examine the current state of the 
        PSALLOC environment variable.

  2.	If the value of the PSALLOC environment variable is not the value 
        required by the application, use the setenv subroutine to alter 
	the value of the environment variable. Since only the execve 
	subroutine examines the state of the PSALLOC environment variable, 
	call the execve subroutine with the same set of parameters and 
	environment received by the application. When the application 
	reexamines the state of the PSALLOC environment variable and finds 
	the correct value, the application continues normally.

  3.	If the getenv subroutine reveals that the current state of the 
	PSALLOC environment variable is correct, no modification is needed. 
	The application continues normally.

Are these guys for real?

If anything, a process should be able to change it's allocation
policy through vmadvise(), although I'd hate to contemplate what
sort of kernel mods would be required. And no matter how this is
implemented, any form of overcommit should be *disabled* by default.
Any system that ships out-of-the-box with broken malloc() and sbrk()
is pretty lame ...


psdanger Subroutine


Defines the amount of free paging space available.


#include <signal.h>

int psdanger (Signal)
int Signal;


The psdanger subroutine returns the difference between the current
number of free paging-space blocks and the paging-space thresholds
of the system.


Signal	Defines the signal.

Return Values

If the value of the Signal parameter is 0, the return value is the
total number of paging-space blocks defined in the system.

If the value of the Signal parameter is -1, the return value is the
number of free paging-space blocks available in the system.

If the value of the Signal parameter is SIGDANGER, the return value
is the difference between the current number of free paging-space
blocks and the paging-space warning threshold. If the number of free
paging-space blocks is less than the paging-space warning threshold,
the return value is negative.

If the value of the Signal parameter is SIGKILL, the return value
is the difference between the current number of free paging-space
blocks and the paging-space kill threshold. If the number of free
paging-space blocks is less than the paging-space kill threshold,
the return value is negative.

Implementation Specifics

This subroutine is part of Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime.

Related Information

The swapon subroutine, swapqry subroutine.

The chps command, lsps command, mkps command, rmps command, swapon

Paging Space Overview in

Subroutines Overview and Understanding Paging Space Programming Requirements
in AIX Version 4 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging

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