From owner-freebsd-ports@FreeBSD.ORG  Mon Dec 15 16:39:24 2014
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Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 10:39:21 -0600
From: Rusty Nejdl <>
To: Guido Falsi <>
Subject: Re: Giving Up Maintainership
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On 2014-12-15 09:05, Guido Falsi wrote: 

> On 12/15/14 15:09, Rusty Nejdl wrote:
>> Sorry guys, but I will have to give up maintainership on my 10 ports as I have completely run out of time and am not keeping up with my ports and keeping them to standards. I'll jump back in when I can and thank you all in advance.
>> CALIBRE [2] Ebook management application
> I'll take this one since I use it. I'll commit the maintainer change
> later today.
> Unluckily upgrading it will be a problem since new version depends on
> Python QT5 libraries.
> So I take a chance to ask:
> Is there any active work on creating ports for these?
> Who should I talk about this to?

I had to completely stop on Calibre because of the dependency on QT5. I
did start on 2.1.0 and can send you the pieces if that will help. 

From owner-freebsd-ports@FreeBSD.ORG  Mon Dec 15 17:12:44 2014
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Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 16:12:02 +0000
From: Steven Hartland <>
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To: Jeffrey Bouquet <>, 
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Subject: Re: Another pkg showstopper-- more information
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On 15/12/2014 15:19, Jeffrey Bouquet wrote:
> On 12/15/14 07:03, Steven Hartland wrote:
>> On 12/12/2014 19:22, Jeffrey Bouquet wrote:
>>> On 12/12/14 10:25, Steven Hartland wrote:
>>>> Unless I'm missing something you don't actually provide any
>>>> information about the issue your actually seeing?
>>>> I personally have already updated 10 or so boxes with a wide range of
>>>> packages to pkg 1.4 and apart from a change with the handling of pkg
>>>> upgrade -f <pkg>, which was an intended fix, I didn't have any
>>>> problems.
>>>> So not sure what your "show stopper" is or what you think could be
>>>> tested more thoroughly (don't forget the call for testing did go out
>>>> the other week, so looks like there was quite a bit of opportunity to
>>>> get involved.
>>>>       Regards
>>>>       Steve
>>>> On 12/12/2014 18:20, Jeffrey Bouquet via freebsd-ports wrote:
>>>>> Reverted to pkg, by build, and FORCE PKG REGISTER.
>>>>> pkgs still cannot be installed.
>>>>> Still stuck with ports ( however portupgrade -- non-packages -- seems
>>>>> to be
>>>>> working with this pkg << pkg-devel downgrade )
>>>>> (/ portmaster?  == no, cannot get
>>>>> handle, lock on database)  only.
>>>>> ..............###########...............##################...........
>>>>> Should pkg and/or pkg-devel be more thoroughly tested before
>>>>> release into the tree?   No other pkg usually hints at similar pkg
>>>>> system(s) breakage without a proven recovery/rollback procedure
>>>>> already documented...  similar to what portupgrade does with its
>>>>> saving of shared libraries prior to upgrade of a port.
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> To unsubscribe, send any mail to
>>>>> ""
>> Bringing the list back into this, as its not my area:
>>> pkg install wants to install extra ports and abort traps
>> You'll want to post details about, OS version, pkg version, and the
>> exact error with any stack trace
>>> pkg add a "pkg fetched" file, cannot install it by package, wrong
>>> architecture
>>> (freebsd >> FreeBSD or vice versa, setting somewhere, etc)
>> This doesn't make any sense to me, to others it may do but, always
>> best to include proper steps and the output of the commands so people
>> know exactly what your doing and the issue your seeing.
>>> portupgrade works on some ports still, but machine > machine broken
>>> because of pkg issues
>>> and portupgrade -P broken similarly
>>> portmaster cannot install,  convoluted error (lock on database and/or
>>> already installed error(s))
>>> So the /var/db/pkg build machine functionality also the portmaster  -P
>>> portupgrade -P
>>> are broken.  Here.  Maybe these could be tested on all architectures
>>> before each new package
>>> upgrade?  Another layer of machines, so to speak, "just because NOT "
>> Again you don't provide any real details of the issues, you might of
>> well have said "its broken"
>>>>>    of SQlite..  ...  one
>>> used to not have to post to the list or even subscribe to have  reliable
>>> LAN build set.
> I just updated 195471 bugzilla with a two week update.  Fixed
> (temporarily?) the wrong
> architecture error with a missing pkg.conf file or reversion of one of
> them which was not
> missing, and have a workaround for the errors that remain, but it is
> tedious and
> worrisome, to say the least.   Compared to how it could be with more SQL
> coders on
> board... maybe.

Cant say I've ever had any issues, its always just worked, so worth 
posting your customizations.
> Made a post in a thread on the forums with the same information as the
> update in
> the PR above.
> For what it is worth...
> Just read the digest of Freebsd-STABLE that arrived today, others are also
> disillusioned  with the priority given to pkg(ng) fixes for what was
> once a not-exact but
> very reliable packaging system across releases.
> Thanks for forwarding to the list.  Unsure with each email sent
> precisely the number of
> recipients, but the fewer, the more likelihood the sometimes "could not
> be sent" appears...
> Mostly wishing for a procedure to fix it before needing to upgrade to
> v10 !! Never had to
> reinstall since v5.0x AFAIK...
Copying to the list again.

You might want to see if you have a reply to list or reply to all option 
in your mail client there Jeffrey, as I said this not my area but the 
pkgng are very good, so given the right information I'm sure someone 
will be able to help.
