From owner-freebsd-hackers@FreeBSD.ORG  Wed Jun 13 23:33:30 2012
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Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2012 16:26:08 -0700
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Subject: Re: FreeBSD Boot Times
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On 2012-06-13 14:18, Eitan Adler wrote:
> On 13 June 2012 14:16, claudiu vasadi<>  wrote:
>> If you simplky do "sysctl -d hw.usb.no_boot_wait" you will see the
>> explanation ;)
> No, you see a one liner that only explains things if you already
> understand what is going on:

I believe it pertains to mounting root from a USB device.  When set to 
0, usb_attach tells VFS to wait on the USB device being attached.  This 
results in not mounting root until the USB busses are all fully 
explored.  If you don't rely on any USB devices for multi-user start-up, 
set this to 1 and let the kernel launch multi-user without waiting for 
USB probing.  This is nice for those systems where the BIOS takes a long 
time to release control of any hubs with keyboards attached.

IMO I'd rather have my gear do the boot process in a well-ordered 
fashion and get everything right, than try to shave off a handful of 
seconds at the risk of unreliable booting.  For servers, the baseboard, 
OOB management, and SCSI BIOSes can mean minutes between power-on and OS 
bootstrap, so an extra 20 seconds is nothing. :)