Date: Thu, 11 Jan 1996 12:37:09 +0100 From: (Stefan Esser) To: (Dave Hodge) Cc: Subject: Re: Please Help. Attempting to load freebsd v2.1 on DeskPro XL 575 Message-ID: <199601111137.AA26065@Sysiphos> In-Reply-To: (Dave Hodge) "Please Help. Attempting to load freebsd v2.1 on DeskPro XL 575" (Jan 10, 18:53)
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On Jan 10, 18:53, Dave Hodge wrote: } Subject: Please Help. Attempting to load freebsd v2.1 on DeskPro XL 575 } Stefan, } } I received your address from Gary at of the Freebsd Project Team in Walnut } Creek. Gary said that you may be able to help me via either a installation } method that you had developed or kernal/bootdisk that will allow me to } install Freebsd v2.1 to my Compaq DeskPro XL 575. Ok. I will try to get you going ... } I have tried using the instruction that are available at the WEB site } "", but I was unsuccessful. It was like a } "Catch 22" situation. The WEB instructions were all base on LINUX Slackware } distributions and not FreeBSD. I was required to obtain a kernel and place } it on a DOS bootable disk that contain some file that were capable of } re-addressing the memory location of the PCI driver. Unfortuately you had to } have the kernel first, which meant that your system had to be working: } frustrating! Hmmm, please give some information on what you tried so far, to get FreeBSD installed. The problem Linux has with that Compaq does in no way affect FreeBSD. But Compaq has a long tradition of doing things just slightly different, and to break the rules. I've had a lot of problems to get their non-compliant PCI chip sets probed correctly by the kernel. Please try to boot from the FreeBSD boot floppy and enter "-v" at the "Boot: " prompt. I'm interested in all numbers from the lines starting with "pcibus_*" and "pci0*". Then I'd like to know how it fails in the end. The Compaq seems to use the AMD Combo Ethernet and SCSI chip. This is a variant of the NCR 5380 (not the 53c810 !), and there is no direct driver support, currently. I'll have to check, whether anybody had success making it work under FreeBSD. This chip will not be automatically probed, but you may have success if you enter its port address into the FreeBSD boot config menu. The Ethernet part of that chip is said to work with the Lance driver (lnc0), and you will have to enter some port and irq value (which can be found by repeated reboots with -v, a little inconvenient, I know). Please send VERBOSE boot messages (write down ALL numbers, if you have no other means of saving the message log), and I'll tell you how to proceed. Regards, STefan -- Stefan Esser, Zentrum fuer Paralleles Rechnen Tel: +49 221 4706021 Universitaet zu Koeln, Weyertal 80, 50931 Koeln FAX: +49 221 4705160 ============================================================================== <se@ZPR.Uni-Koeln.DE>
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