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Date:      Thu, 5 Jun 1997 20:03:35 +0900 (JST)
From:      Kazuhiko Kiriyama(System administrator) <>
To:        FreeBSD-gnats-submit@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   ports/3790: Update port mmm-0.40 (www/mmm).
Message-ID:  <>
Resent-Message-ID: <>

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>Number:         3790
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       Update port mmm-0.40 (www/mmm).
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports
>State:          open
>Class:          support
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Thu Jun  5 04:00:05 PDT 1997
>Originator:     Kazuhiko Kiriyama
Toba National College of Maritime Technology.
                 Department of Electronic Mechanical Engineering
>Release:        FreeBSD 2.2.2-RELEASE i386

	I've updated the port mmm-0.40 (www/mmm).

	Current modifications is

		(1) Change dir installation with install-info.

	Add,Delete and Update files are respecively

	[Add] :

	[Delete] :

	[Update] :

	I put the diff from ports-current(www/mmm) in "Fix:".

diff -urN --exclude=CVS /usr/ports/current/ports/www/mmm/Makefile ./Makefile
--- /usr/ports/current/ports/www/mmm/Makefile	Sun Apr 27 21:19:14 1997
+++ ./Makefile	Mon Jun  2 17:31:07 1997
@@ -7,15 +7,18 @@
 DISTNAME=	mmm-0.40
-CATEGORIES=	www tk41
-DISTFILES=	mmm40-src.tar.gz
+ \
+DISTFILES=	mmm40-src.tar.gz sboard.tgz
+EXTRACT_ONLY=	mmm40-src.tar.gz
-LIB_DEPENDS=	tk41\\.:${PORTSDIR}/x11/tk41
-BUILD_DEPENDS=	ocaml:${PORTSDIR}/lang/ocaml \
+LIB_DEPENDS?=	tcl76\\.:${PORTSDIR}/lang/tcl76 \
+		tk42\\.:${PORTSDIR}/x11/tk42
+BUILD_DEPENDS?=	ocaml:${PORTSDIR}/lang/ocaml \
@@ -25,15 +28,36 @@
-DOCDIR=		${PREFIX}/share/doc/mmm
+PORTSDOCDIR=	${PREFIX}/share/doc/mmm
 SAMPLEDIR=	${PREFIX}/share/examples/mmm
+	@${EXTRACT_CMD} -C ${WRKSRC} -xzf ${DISTDIR}/sboard.tgz
+	@${PATCH} ${PATCH_DIST_ARGS} < ${WRKSRC}/Makefile.patch.surfboard
+.for f in  user-install prefs
+	@${SED} -e "s,%PREFIX%,${PREFIX},g" \
+		-e "s,%SAMPLEDIR%,${SAMPLEDIR},g" \
+		-e "s,%RM%,${RM},g" \
+		-e "s,%SED%,${SED},g" \
+		-e "s,%CP%,${CP},g" \
+		-e "s,%ECHO%,${ECHO},g" \
+		-e "s,%MMMAD%,${MMMAD},g" \
+		< ${FILESDIR}/${f}.tmpl > ${FILESDIR}/${f}
 .if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
 .for f in always_use_proxy applets mailto_program attempt_smooth_scroll \
 	max_image_connections attempt_tables no_images_at_all dtd \
 	password_lifetime gamma_correction proxy_host hotlist_program \
@@ -41,8 +65,14 @@
 	image_loading timeout_on_headers jpeg_converter user_agent
+	@${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/surfboard.html ${SAMPLEDIR}
+	@${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/sboard/surfboard \
+		${WRKSRC}/sboard/surfboard_remote ${PREFIX}/bin
+	@${RM} -f ${FILESDIR}/user-install ${FILESDIR}/prefs
 .include <>
diff -urN --exclude=CVS /usr/ports/current/ports/www/mmm/files/md5 ./files/md5
--- /usr/ports/current/ports/www/mmm/files/md5	Fri Jan  3 21:19:50 1997
+++ ./files/md5	Sun Jun  1 12:41:43 1997
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
 MD5 (mmm40-src.tar.gz) = c668c559457917f5a30777eb83e47764
+MD5 (sboard.tgz) = fb8c1e6ad5e6afa1dd03eab589e8f30b
diff -urN --exclude=CVS /usr/ports/current/ports/www/mmm/files/prefs ./files/prefs
--- /usr/ports/current/ports/www/mmm/files/prefs	Fri Jan  3 21:30:37 1997
+++ ./files/prefs	Thu Jan  1 09:00:00 1970
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-Text fit debug:0
-Password lifetime (minutes):%password_lifetime%
-<H4> font:-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
-Mailto program:%mailto_program%
-Password save file:%password_save_file%
-Max cached widgets per window:5
-HTML Display log:0
-Proxy host:%proxy_host%
-Gamma correction:%gamma_correction%
-Keep only history:0
-User Agent:%user_agent%
-<H5> font:-*-helvetica-medium-o-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
-General trace:1
-Attempt smooth scroll:%attempt_smooth_scroll%
-Max number of documents:30
-Always Use Proxy:%always_use_proxy%
-Local binaries path:%local_binaries_path%
-<H6> font:-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
-Cache debug:0
-Proxy port:%proxy_port%
-No images at all:%no_images_at_all%
-CamlTk Debug:0
-HTTP Send Referer:%http_send_referer%
-Max image connections:3
-Attempt tables:%attempt_tables%
-Use balloon helps:1
-Follow document colors:1
-<H1> font:-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-24-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
-Timeout on headers (seconds):%timeout_on_headers%
-Automatic GIF animation display:1
-Use GIF animation:0
-Background color:white
-Strict HTML lexing:%strict_html_lexing%
-Widget Cache debug:0
-JPEG converter:%jpeg_converter%
-<H2> font:-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
-Japanese mode:0
-HTML Lexical errors:0
-Table debug:1
-HTTP Requests:1
-Image loading:%image_loading%
-Default font:-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
-Hotlist program:%hotlist_program%
-<H3> font:-*-helvetica-medium-o-normal-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
-Delete how much when full:5
diff -urN --exclude=CVS /usr/ports/current/ports/www/mmm/files/prefs.tmpl ./files/prefs.tmpl
--- /usr/ports/current/ports/www/mmm/files/prefs.tmpl	Thu Jan  1 09:00:00 1970
+++ ./files/prefs.tmpl	Sun Jun  1 12:13:25 1997
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+Text fit debug:0
+Password lifetime (minutes):%password_lifetime%
+<H4> font:-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
+Mailto program:%mailto_program%
+Password save file:%password_save_file%
+Max cached widgets per window:5
+HTML Display log:0
+Proxy host:%proxy_host%
+Gamma correction:%gamma_correction%
+Keep only history:0
+User Agent:%user_agent%
+<H5> font:-*-helvetica-medium-o-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
+General trace:0
+Attempt smooth scroll:%attempt_smooth_scroll%
+Max number of documents:30
+Always Use Proxy:%always_use_proxy%
+Local binaries path:%local_binaries_path%
+<H6> font:-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
+Cache debug:0
+Proxy port:%proxy_port%
+No images at all:%no_images_at_all%
+CamlTk Debug:0
+HTTP Send Referer:%http_send_referer%
+Max image connections:3
+Attempt tables:%attempt_tables%
+Use balloon helps:1
+Follow document colors:1
+<H1> font:-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-24-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
+Timeout on headers (seconds):%timeout_on_headers%
+Automatic GIF animation display:1
+Use GIF animation:0
+Background color:white
+Strict HTML lexing:%strict_html_lexing%
+Widget Cache debug:0
+JPEG converter:%jpeg_converter%
+<H2> font:-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
+Japanese mode:%JAPANESEMODE%
+HTML Lexical errors:0
+Table debug:0
+HTTP Requests:0
+Image loading:%image_loading%
+Default font:-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
+Hotlist program:%hotlist_program%
+<H3> font:-*-helvetica-medium-o-normal-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
+Delete how much when full:5
diff -urN --exclude=CVS /usr/ports/current/ports/www/mmm/files/surfboard.html ./files/surfboard.html
--- /usr/ports/current/ports/www/mmm/files/surfboard.html	Thu Jan  1 09:00:00 1970
+++ ./files/surfboard.html	Sun Jun  1 14:25:59 1997
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>
+<!-- This is an automatically generated file.
+It will be read and overwritten.
+Do Not Edit! -->
+<TITLE>Bookmarks for %user_name%</TITLE>
+<H1>Bookmarks for %user_name%</H1>
+    <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="865139202" LAST_VISIT="865139847" LAST_MODIFIED="865139166">Walnut Creek CDROM</A>
+    <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="865139405" LAST_VISIT="865139383" LAST_MODIFIED="865139383">Welcome to Lycos</A>
+    <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="865139457" LAST_VISIT="865139440" LAST_MODIFIED="865139440">AltaVista Search: Main Page</A>
+    <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="865139595" LAST_VISIT="865139576" LAST_MODIFIED="865139576">FreeBSD Inc.</A>
+    <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="865139811" LAST_VISIT="865139868" LAST_MODIFIED="865139789">MMM Browser Home Page</A>
diff -urN --exclude=CVS /usr/ports/current/ports/www/mmm/files/user-install ./files/user-install
--- /usr/ports/current/ports/www/mmm/files/user-install	Mon Jan  6 23:18:52 1997
+++ ./files/user-install	Thu Jan  1 09:00:00 1970
@@ -1,644 +0,0 @@
-case ${TERM} in
-	echo "Here is \"Emacs\" shell. Try on other terminal."
-	exit 1
-	;;
-MainMenu="This is a Set up Menu for specifying the MMM User environment \n\
-correctly. You must set at least your Proxy host name. Others are \n\
-supposed to be set \"Normal Values\". \n\
-For more detail specifications click \"MMM\" on MMM, and then select \n\
-\"Preferences\". You should be notice to be overriden default preference \n\
-file \"~/.mmm/prefs\" by doing \"Preferences\" on MMM. Some of which \n\
-might be bad for FreeBSD.
-Please set your environment by selecting followng items."
-Protocols="Proxy host name, Proxy port, Always Use Proxy or not, \n\
-HTTP Send referer, User Agent, Timeout on headers, \n\
-Password lifetime, Password save file, Proxy port and \n\
-Local binaries path would be set.\n\
-But if you use in default setting, only \"Proxy host name\" \n\
-MUST BE SET for your site."
-Proxy_host="Write your Proxy host name (Press F1 to Help)"
-Always_Use_Proxy="You always use proxy? (Press F1 to Help) \n\
-Press SPACE \"ON\" or \"OFF\" toggled."
-HTTP_Send_referer="You adopt \"HTTP Send referer\"? (Press F1 to Help)\n\
-Press SPACE \"ON\" or \"OFF\" toggled."
-User_Agent="Specify your \"User Agent\"(Press F1 to Help)"
-Timeout_On_Headers="Specify Timeout on headers in seconds(Press F1 to Help)"
-Password_Lifetime="Specify Password lifetime in seconds (Press F1 to Help)"
-Password_Save_File="Specify Password save file (Press F1 to Help)"
-Local_Binaries_Path="Specify Local binaries path (Press F1 to Help)"
-HTML_parsing_and_display="DTD, Strict HTML lexing, Attempt tables and \n\
-Attempt smooth scroll would be set.\n\
-But if you use in default setting, NOTHING should be done."
-DTD="Specify DTD (Press F1 to Help)\n\
-Press SPACE \"ON\" or \"OFF\" toggled."
-Strict_HTML_lexing="Strict HTML lexing? (Press F1 to Help)\n\
-Press SPACE \"ON\" or \"OFF\" toggled."
-Attempt_tables="Attempt tables? (Press F1 to Help)\n\
-Press SPACE \"ON\" or \"OFF\" toggled."
-Attempt_smooth_scroll="Attempt smooth scroll? (Press F1 to Help)\n\
-Press SPACE \"ON\" or \"OFF\" toggled."
-Images="Image loading, Max image connections, Gamma correction and \n\
-JPEG Converter would be set.\n\
-But if you use in default setting, NOTHING should be done."
-No_images_at_all="No images at all? (Press F1 to Help)\n\
-Press SPACE \"ON\" or \"OFF\" toggled."
-Image_loading="Specify Image loading (Press F1 to Help)\n\
-Press SPACE \"ON\" or \"OFF\" toggled."
-Max_Image_Connections="Specify Max image connections (Press F1 to Help)\n\
-Press SPACE \"ON\" or \"OFF\" toggled."
-Gamma_Correction="Specify Gamma Correction (Press F1 to Help)\n\
-Press SPACE \"ON\" or \"OFF\" toggled."
-JPEG_Converter="Specify JPEG Converter (Press F1 to Help)\n\
-Press SPACE \"ON\" or \"OFF\" toggled."
-External_Programs="Mailto program and Hotlist program would be set.\n\
-But if you use in default setting, NOTHING should be done."
-Mailto_program="Specify Mailto program (Press F1 to Help)"
-Hotlist_program="Specify Hotlist program (Press F1 to Help)"
-Applets="Specify Applets (Press F1 to Help)\n\
-Press SPACE \"ON\" or \"OFF\" toggled."
-dtd="HTML 3.2"
-image_loading="After document, automatic"
-    Proxy host                  : "%proxy_host%"
-    Proxy port                  : "%proxy_port%"
-    Always Use Proxy            : "%always_use_proxy%"
-    HTTP Send referer           : "%http_send_referer%"
-    User Agent                  : "%user_agent%"
-    Timeout on headers (seconds): "%timeout_on_headers%"
-    Password lifetime (minutes) : "%password_lifetime%"
-    Password save file          : "%password_save_file%"
-    Local binaries path         : "%local_binaries_path%"
-HTML parsing and display
-    DTD                         : "%dtd%"
-    Strict HTML lexing          : "%strict_html_lexing%"
-    Attempt tables              : "%attempt_tables%"
-    Attempt smooth scroll       : "%attempt_smooth_scroll%"
-    No images at all            : "%no_images_at_all%"
-    Image loading               : "%image_loading%"
-    Max image connections       : "%max_image_connections%"
-    Gamma correction            : "%gamma_correction%"
-    JPEG Converter              : "%jpeg_converter%"
-External Programs
-    Mailto program              : "%mailto_program%"
-    Hotlist program             : "%hotlist_program%"
-    Paranoid                    : "%paranoid%"
-    Active                      : "%active%"'
-SEDCMD='${SED} -e "s@%proxy_host%@${proxy_host}@g"
-  -e "s@%proxy_port%@${proxy_port}@g"
-  -e "s@%always_use_proxy%@${always_use_proxy}@g"
-  -e "s@%http_send_referer%@${http_send_referer}@g"
-  -e "s@%user_agent%@${user_agent}@g"
-  -e "s@%timeout_on_headers%@${timeout_on_headers}@g"
-  -e "s@%password_lifetime%@${password_lifetime}@g"
-  -e "s@%password_save_file%@${password_save_file}@g"
-  -e "s@%local_binaries_path%@${local_binaries_path}@g"
-  -e "s@%dtd%@${dtd}@g"
-  -e "s@%strict_html_lexing%@${strict_html_lexing}@g"
-  -e "s@%attempt_tables%@${attempt_tables}@g"
-  -e "s@%attempt_smooth_scroll%@${attempt_smooth_scroll}@g"
-  -e "s@%no_images_at_all%@${no_images_at_all}@g"
-  -e "s@%image_loading%@${image_loading}@g"
-  -e "s@%max_image_connections%@${max_image_connections}@g"
-  -e "s@%gamma_correction%@${gamma_correction}@g"
-  -e "s@%jpeg_converter%@${jpeg_converter}@g"
-  -e "s@%mailto_program%@${mailto_program}@g"
-  -e "s@%hotlist_program%@${hotlist_program}@g"
-  -e "s@%active%@${active}@g"
-  -e "s@%paranoid%@${paranoid}@g"'
-while [ ! X"${answer}" = "XQuit" ]; do
-  ${DIALOG} --title "MMM(0.40) Set up User Environment" \
-  --hline "Select Set up Items" \
-  --menu "${MainMenu}" -1 -1 7 \
-  Protocols	"Proxy host,HTTP Send referer,Password,..." \
-  HTML		"HTML parsing and display" \
-  Images	"Image loading,JPEG Converter,..." \
-  External	"External Programs(Mail and Hotlist)" \
-  Applets	"Applets(Active or Paranoid)" \
-  Reconfirm	"Reconfirm all settings" \
-  Quit		"Quit this menu" \
-    2>	/tmp/menu.tmp.$$
-  retval=$?
-  answer=`cat /tmp/menu.tmp.$$`
-  rm -f /tmp/menu.tmp.$$
-  case $retval in
-    0)	if [ -z ${answer} ]; then
-        echo "Nothing selected"
-        exit 1
-      fi
-      ;;
-    1)	echo "Cancel pressed."
-      exit 1
-      ;;
-    255) echo "ESC pressed."
-      exit 1
-      ;;
-  esac
-  case ${answer} in
-    Protocols)
-      answer=None
-      while [ ! X"${answer}" = "XQuit" ]; do
-        ${DIALOG} --title "MMM(0.40) Set up Protocols" \
-        --hline "Select Set up Items" \
-        --menu "${Protocols}" -1 -1 10 \
-        Host	"Proxy host name" \
-        Port	"Proxy port number" \
-        Always	"Always Use Proxy or not" \
-        Referer	"HTTP Send referer or not" \
-        User	"User Agent" \
-        Timeout	"Timeout on headers (seconds)" \
-        Life	"Password lifetime (minutes)" \
-        Save	"Password save file" \
-        Binary	"Local binaries path" \
-        Quit	"Quit this menu" \
-        	2>	/tmp/menu.tmp.$$
-        retval=$?
-        answer=`cat /tmp/menu.tmp.$$`
-        rm -f /tmp/menu.tmp.$$
-        if [ X"${retval}" = "X1" -o X"${retval}" = "X255" ]; then  break; fi
-        case ${answer} in
-          Host)
-            if [ ! -z "${proxy_host}" ]; then
-              ${DIALOG} --title "Confirm your Proxy host name" \
-              --hline "Press Yes/No" \
-              --hfile ${DOCDIR}/proxy_host.hlp \
-              --yesno "Your Proxy host name has set \"${proxy_host}\". Is
-this OK?\n(Press F1 to Help)" -1 -1
-              retval=$?
-              if [ X"${retval}" = "X0" ]; then  continue; fi
-            fi
-            ${DIALOG} --title "Set Your Proxy host name" \
-            --hline "Write your Proxy host name" \
-            --hfile ${DOCDIR}/proxy_host.hlp \
-            --inputbox "${Proxy_host}" -1 -1 \
-               2>  /tmp/input.tmp.$$
-            proxy_host=`cat /tmp/input.tmp.$$`
-            rm -f /tmp/input.tmp.$$
-            ;;
-          Port)
-            if [ ! -z "${proxy_port}" ]; then
-              ${DIALOG} --title "Confirm your Proxy port number" \
-              --hline "Press Yes/No" \
-              --hfile ${DOCDIR}/proxy_port.hlp \
-              --yesno "Your Proxy port number has set \"${proxy_port}\". Is this OK?\n(Press F1 to Help)" -1 -1
-              retval=$?
-              if [ X"${retval}" = "X0" ]; then  continue; fi
-            fi
-            ${DIALOG} --title "Set Your Proxy port number" \
-            --hline "Put your Proxy port number" \
-            --hfile ${DOCDIR}/proxy_port.hlp \
-            --inputbox "${Proxy_port}" -1 -1 \
-               2>  /tmp/input.tmp.$$
-            proxy_port=`cat /tmp/input.tmp.$$`
-            rm -f /tmp/input.tmp.$$
-            ;;
-          Always)
-            ${DIALOG} --title "Always Use Proxy" \
-            --hline "" \
-            --hfile ${DOCDIR}/always_use_proxy.hlp \
-            --checklist "${Always_Use_Proxy}" -1 -1 1 \
-            "1" "Always Use Proxy" OFF \
-              2> /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
-            always_use_proxy=`cat /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$`
-            rm -f /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
-            ;;
-          Referer)
-            ${DIALOG} --title "HTTP Send referer" \
-            --hline "" \
-            --hfile ${DOCDIR}/http_send_refer.hlp \
-            --checklist "${HTTP_Send_referer}" -1 -1 1 \
-            "1" "Set HTTP Send referer" OFF \
-              2> /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
-            http_send_referer=`cat /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$`
-            rm -f /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
-            ;;
-          User)
-            if [ ! -z "${user_agent}" ]; then
-              ${DIALOG} --title "Confirm your User Agent" \
-              --hline "Press Yes/No" \
-              --hfile ${DOCDIR}/user_agent.hlp \
-              --yesno "Your User Agent has set \"${user_agent}\". Is this OK?\n(Press F1 to Help)" -1 -1
-              retval=$?
-              if [ X"${retval}" = "X0" ]; then  continue; fi
-            fi
-            ${DIALOG} --title "Set Your User Agent" \
-            --hline "Write your User Agent" \
-            --hfile ${DOCDIR}/user_agent.hlp \
-            --inputbox "${User_Agent}" -1 -1 \
-               2>  /tmp/input.tmp.$$
-            user_agent=`cat /tmp/input.tmp.$$`
-            rm -f /tmp/input.tmp.$$
-            ;;
-          Timeout)
-            if [ ! -z "${timeout_on_headers}" ]; then
-              ${DIALOG} --title "Confirm Timeout on headers (seconds)" \
-              --hline "Press Yes/No" \
-              --hfile ${DOCDIR}/timeout_on_headers.hlp \
-              --yesno "Timeout on headers (seconds) has set \"${timeout_on_headers}\". Is this OK?\n(Press F1 to Help)" -1 -1
-              retval=$?
-              if [ X"${retval}" = "X0" ]; then  continue; fi
-            fi
-            ${DIALOG} --title "Set Timeout on headers (seconds)" \
-            --hline "Write Timeout on headers (seconds)" \
-            --hfile ${DOCDIR}/timeout_on_headers.hlp \
-            --inputbox "${Timeout_On_Headers}" -1 -1 \
-               2>  /tmp/input.tmp.$$
-            timeout_on_headers=`cat /tmp/input.tmp.$$`
-            rm -f /tmp/input.tmp.$$
-            ;;
-          Life)
-            if [ ! -z "${password_lifetime}" ]; then
-              ${DIALOG} --title "Confirm your Password lifetime (minutes)" \
-              --hline "Press Yes/No" \
-              --hfile ${DOCDIR}/password_lifetime.hlp \
-              --yesno "Your Password lifetime (minutes) has set \"${password_lifetime}\". Is this OK?\n(Press F1 to Help)" -1 -1
-              retval=$?
-              if [ X"${retval}" = "X0" ]; then  continue; fi
-            fi
-            ${DIALOG} --title "Set Your Password lifetime (minutes)" \
-            --hline "Write your Password lifetime (minutes)" \
-            --hfile ${DOCDIR}/password_lifetime.hlp \
-            --inputbox "${Password_Lifetime}" -1 -1 \
-               2>  /tmp/input.tmp.$$
-            password_lifetime=`cat /tmp/input.tmp.$$`
-            rm -f /tmp/input.tmp.$$
-            ;;
-          Save)
-            if [ ! -z "${password_save_file}" ]; then
-              ${DIALOG} --title "Confirm your Password save file" \
-              --hline "Press Yes/No" \
-              --hfile ${DOCDIR}/password_save_file.hlp \
-              --yesno "Your Password save file has set \"${password_save_file}\". Is this OK?\n(Press F1 to Help)" -1 -1
-              retval=$?
-              if [ X"${retval}" = "X0" ]; then  continue; fi
-            fi
-            ${DIALOG} --title "Set Your Password save file" \
-            --hline "Write your Password save file" \
-            --hfile ${DOCDIR}/password_lifetime.hlp \
-            --inputbox "${Password_Save_File}" -1 -1 \
-               2>  /tmp/input.tmp.$$
-            password_save_file=`cat /tmp/input.tmp.$$`
-            rm -f /tmp/input.tmp.$$
-            ;;
-          Binary)
-            if [ ! -z "${local_binaries_path}" ]; then
-              ${DIALOG} --title "Confirm your Local binaries path" \
-              --hline "Press Yes/No" \
-              --hfile ${DOCDIR}/local_binaries_path.hlp \
-              --yesno "Your Local binaries path has set \"${local_binaries_path}\". Is this OK?\n(Press F1 to Help)" -1 -1
-              retval=$?
-              if [ X"${retval}" = "X0" ]; then  continue; fi
-            fi
-            ${DIALOG} --title "Set Your Local binaries path" \
-            --hline "Write your Local binaries path" \
-            --hfile ${DOCDIR}/local_binaries_path.hlp \
-            --inputbox "${Local_Binaries_Path}" -1 -1 \
-               2>  /tmp/input.tmp.$$
-            local_binaries_path=`cat /tmp/input.tmp.$$`
-            rm -f /tmp/input.tmp.$$
-            ;;
-        esac
-      done
-      answer=None
-    ;;
-    HTML)
-      answer=None
-      while [ ! X"${answer}" = "XQuit" ]; do
-        ${DIALOG} --title "MMM(0.40) Set up HTML parsing and display" \
-        --hline "Select Set up Items" \
-        --menu "${HTML_parsing_and_display}" -1 -1 5 \
-        DTD	"HTML code difinition" \
-        Strict	"Strict HTML lexing" \
-        Tables	"Attempt tables" \
-        Smooth	"Attempt smooth scroll" \
-        Quit	"Quit this menu" \
-        	2>	/tmp/menu.tmp.$$
-        retval=$?
-        answer=`cat /tmp/menu.tmp.$$`
-        rm -f /tmp/menu.tmp.$$
-        if [ X"${retval}" = "X1" -o X"${retval}" = "X255" ]; then  break; fi
-        case ${answer} in
-          DTD)
-            ${DIALOG} --title "DTD" \
-            --hline "" \
-            --hfile ${DOCDIR}/dtd.hlp \
-            --checklist "${DTD}" -1 -1 2 \
-            "HTML 2.0" "HTML 2.0" OFF \
-            "HTML 3.2" "HTML 3.2" ON \
-              2> /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
-            dtd=`cat /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$`
-            rm -f /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
-            ;;
-          Strict)
-            ${DIALOG} --title "Strict HTML lexing" \
-            --hline "" \
-            --hfile ${DOCDIR}/strict_html_lexing.hlp \
-            --checklist "${Strict_HTML_lexing}" -1 -1 1 \
-            "0" "Strict HTML lexing" OFF \
-              2> /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
-            strict_html_lexing=`cat /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$`
-            rm -f /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
-            ;;
-          Tables)
-            ${DIALOG} --title "Attempt tables" \
-            --hline "" \
-            --hfile ${DOCDIR}/attempt_tables.hlp \
-            --checklist "${Attempt_tables}" -1 -1 1 \
-            "1" "Attempt tables" ON \
-              2> /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
-            attempt_tables=`cat /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$`
-            rm -f /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
-            ;;
-          Smooth)
-            ${DIALOG} --title "Attempt smooth scroll" \
-            --hline "" \
-            --hfile ${DOCDIR}/attempt_smooth_scroll.hlp \
-            --checklist "${Attempt_smooth_scroll}" -1 -1 1 \
-            "0" "Attempt smooth scroll" OFF \
-              2> /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
-            attempt_smooth_scroll=`cat /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$`
-            rm -f /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
-            ;;
-        esac
-      done
-      answer=None
-    ;;
-    Images)
-      answer=None
-      while [ ! X"${answer}" = "XQuit" ]; do
-        ${DIALOG} --title "MMM(0.40) Set up Images" \
-        --hline "Select Set up Items" \
-        --menu "${Images}" -1 -1 6 \
-        No	"No images at all" \
-        Loading	"Image loading" \
-        Max	"Max image connections" \
-        Gamma	"Gamma correction" \
-        Jpeg	"JPEG Converter" \
-        Quit	"Quit this menu" \
-        	2>	/tmp/menu.tmp.$$
-        retval=$?
-        answer=`cat /tmp/menu.tmp.$$`
-        rm -f /tmp/menu.tmp.$$
-        if [ X"${retval}" = "X1" -o X"${retval}" = "X255" ]; then  break; fi
-        case ${answer} in
-          No)
-            ${DIALOG} --title "No images at all" \
-            --hline "" \
-            --hfile ${DOCDIR}/no_images_at_all.hlp \
-            --checklist "${No_images_at_all}" -1 -1 1 \
-            "0" "No images at all" OFF \
-              2> /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
-            no_images_at_all=`cat /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$`
-            rm -f /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
-            ;;
-          Loading)
-            ${DIALOG} --title "Image loading" \
-            --hline "" \
-            --hfile ${DOCDIR}/image_loading.hlp \
-            --checklist "${Image_loading}" -1 -1 3 \
-            "After document, manual" "After document, manual" OFF \
-            "After document, automatic" "After document, automatic" ON \
-            "During document loading" "During document loading" OFF \
-              2> /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
-            image_loading=`cat /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$`
-            rm -f /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
-            ;;
-          Max)
-            if [ ! -z "${max_image_connections}" ]; then
-              ${DIALOG} --title "Confirm Max image connections" \
-              --hline "Press Yes/No" \
-              --hfile ${DOCDIR}/max_image_connections.hlp \
-              --yesno "Max image connections has set \"${max_image_connections}\". Is this OK?\n(Press F1 to Help)" -1 -1
-              retval=$?
-              if [ X"${retval}" = "X0" ]; then  continue; fi
-            fi
-            ${DIALOG} --title "Set Max image connections" \
-            --hline "Specify Max image connections" \
-            --hfile ${DOCDIR}/max_image_connections.hlp \
-            --inputbox "${Max_Image_Connections}" -1 -1 \
-               2>  /tmp/input.tmp.$$
-            max_image_connections=`cat /tmp/input.tmp.$$`
-            rm -f /tmp/input.tmp.$$
-            ;;
-          Gamma)
-            if [ ! -z "${gamma_correction}" ]; then
-              ${DIALOG} --title "Confirm your Gamma correction" \
-              --hline "Press Yes/No" \
-              --hfile ${DOCDIR}/gamma_correction.hlp \
-              --yesno "Gamma correction has set \"${gamma_correction}\". Is this OK?\n(Press F1 to Help)" -1 -1
-              retval=$?
-              if [ X"${retval}" = "X0" ]; then  continue; fi
-            fi
-            ${DIALOG} --title "Set Gamma correction" \
-            --hline "Specify Gamma correction" \
-            --hfile ${DOCDIR}/gamma_correction.hlp \
-            --inputbox "${Gamma_Correction}" -1 -1 \
-               2>  /tmp/input.tmp.$$
-            gamma_correction=`cat /tmp/input.tmp.$$`
-            rm -f /tmp/input.tmp.$$
-            ;;
-          Jpeg)
-            if [ ! -z "${jpeg_converter}" ]; then
-              ${DIALOG} --title "Confirm JPEG Converter" \
-              --hline "Press Yes/No" \
-              --hfile ${DOCDIR}/jpeg_converter.hlp \
-              --yesno "Your JPEG Converter has set \"${jpeg_converter}\". Is this OK?\n(Press F1 to Help)" -1 -1
-              retval=$?
-              if [ X"${retval}" = "X0" ]; then  continue; fi
-            fi
-            ${DIALOG} --title "Set JPEG Converter" \
-            --hline "Specify JPEG Converter" \
-            --hfile ${DOCDIR}/jpeg_converter.hlp \
-            --inputbox "${JPEG_Converter}" -1 -1 \
-               2>  /tmp/input.tmp.$$
-            jpeg_converter=`cat /tmp/input.tmp.$$`
-            rm -f /tmp/input.tmp.$$
-            ;;
-        esac
-      done
-      answer=None
-    ;;
-    External)
-      answer=None
-      while [ ! X"${answer}" = "XQuit" ]; do
-        ${DIALOG} --title "MMM(0.40) Set up External Programs" \
-        --hline "Select Set up Items" \
-        --menu "${External_Programs}" -1 -1 3 \
-        Mailto	"Mailto program" \
-        Hotlist	"Hotlist program" \
-        Quit	"Quit this menu" \
-        	2>	/tmp/menu.tmp.$$
-        retval=$?
-        answer=`cat /tmp/menu.tmp.$$`
-        rm -f /tmp/menu.tmp.$$
-        if [ X"${retval}" = "X1" -o X"${retval}" = "X255" ]; then  break; fi
-        case ${answer} in
-          Mailto)
-            if [ ! -z "${mailto_program}" ]; then
-              ${DIALOG} --title "Confirm Mailto program" \
-              --hline "Press Yes/No" \
-              --hfile ${DOCDIR}/mailto_program.hlp \
-              --yesno "Mailto program has set \"${mailto_program}\". Is this OK?\n(Press F1 to Help)" -1 -1
-              retval=$?
-              if [ X"${retval}" = "X0" ]; then  continue; fi
-            fi
-            ${DIALOG} --title "Set Mailto program" \
-            --hline "Specify Mailto program" \
-            --hfile ${DOCDIR}/mailto_program.hlp \
-            --inputbox "${Mailto_program}" -1 -1 \
-               2>  /tmp/input.tmp.$$
-            mailto_program=`cat /tmp/input.tmp.$$`
-            rm -f /tmp/input.tmp.$$
-            ;;
-          Hotlist)
-            if [ ! -z "${hotlist_program}" ]; then
-              ${DIALOG} --title "Confirm Hotlist program" \
-              --hline "Press Yes/No" \
-              --hfile ${DOCDIR}/hotlist_program.hlp \
-              --yesno "Your Hotlist program has set \"${hotlist_program}\". Is this OK?\n(Press F1 to Help)" -1 -1
-              retval=$?
-              if [ X"${retval}" = "X0" ]; then  continue; fi
-            fi
-            ${DIALOG} --title "Set Hotlist program" \
-            --hline "Specify Hotlist program" \
-            --hfile ${DOCDIR}/hotlist_program.hlp \
-            --inputbox "${Hotlist_program}" -1 -1 \
-               2>  /tmp/input.tmp.$$
-            hotlist_program=`cat /tmp/input.tmp.$$`
-            rm -f /tmp/input.tmp.$$
-            ;;
-        esac
-      done
-      answer=None
-    ;;
-    Applets)
-      ${DIALOG} --title "MMM(0.40) Set up Applets" \
-      --hline "" \
-      --hfile ${DOCDIR}/applets.hlp \
-      --checklist "${Applets}" -1 -1 2 \
-      "Active" "Active" ON \
-      "Paranoid" "Paranoid" OFF \
-        2> /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
-      applets=`cat /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$`
-      case ${applets} in
-        Active)   active=1; paranoid=0; ;;
-        Paranoid) active=0; paranoid=1; ;;
-      esac
-      rm -f /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
-    ;;
-    Reconfirm)
-      echo "${Reconfirm}" | eval ${SEDCMD} > /tmp/textbox.tmp.$$
-      ${DIALOG} --title "MMM(0.40) Reconfirm all settings" \
-      --hline "" \
-      --textbox /tmp/textbox.tmp.$$ 30 70
-      rm -f /tmp/textbox.tmp.$$
-    ;;
-  esac
-if [ ! -d ${HOME}/.mmm ]; then  mkdir ${HOME}/.mmm; fi
-if [ -f ${HOME}/.mmm/prefs ]; then
-  mv ${HOME}/.mmm/prefs ${HOME}/.mmm/prefs.$$
-if [ ! -f ${HOME}/.mmm/ ]; then
-  ${CP} ${LIBDIR}/ ${HOME}/.mmm/
-eval ${SEDCMD} < ${DOCDIR}/prefs > ${HOME}/.mmm/prefs
diff -urN --exclude=CVS /usr/ports/current/ports/www/mmm/files/user-install.tmpl ./files/user-install.tmpl
--- /usr/ports/current/ports/www/mmm/files/user-install.tmpl	Thu Jan  1 09:00:00 1970
+++ ./files/user-install.tmpl	Sun Jun  1 15:17:11 1997
@@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
+case ${TERM} in
+	${ECHO} "Here is \"Emacs\" shell. Try on other terminal."
+	exit 1
+	;;
+MainMenu="This is a Set up Menu for specifying the MMM User environment \n\
+correctly. You must set at least your Proxy host name. Others are \n\
+supposed to be set \"Normal Values\". \n\
+For more detail specifications click \"MMM\" on MMM, and then select \n\
+\"Preferences\". You should be notice to be overriden default preference \n\
+file \"~/.mmm/prefs\" by doing \"Preferences\" on MMM. Some of which \n\
+might be bad for FreeBSD.
+Please set your environment by selecting followng items."
+Protocols="Proxy host name, Proxy port, Always Use Proxy or not, \n\
+HTTP Send referer, User Agent, Timeout on headers, \n\
+Password lifetime, Password save file, Proxy port and \n\
+Local binaries path would be set.\n\
+But if you use in default setting, only \"Proxy host name\" \n\
+MUST BE SET for your site."
+Proxy_host="Write your Proxy host name (Press F1 to Help)"
+Always_Use_Proxy="You always use proxy? (Press F1 to Help) \n\
+Press SPACE \"ON\" or \"OFF\" toggled."
+HTTP_Send_referer="You adopt \"HTTP Send referer\"? (Press F1 to Help)\n\
+Press SPACE \"ON\" or \"OFF\" toggled."
+User_Agent="Specify your \"User Agent\"(Press F1 to Help)"
+Timeout_On_Headers="Specify Timeout on headers in seconds(Press F1 to Help)"
+Password_Lifetime="Specify Password lifetime in seconds (Press F1 to Help)"
+Password_Save_File="Specify Password save file (Press F1 to Help)"
+Local_Binaries_Path="Specify Local binaries path (Press F1 to Help)"
+HTML_parsing_and_display="DTD, Strict HTML lexing, Attempt tables and \n\
+Attempt smooth scroll would be set.\n\
+But if you use in default setting, NOTHING should be done."
+DTD="Specify DTD (Press F1 to Help)\n\
+Press SPACE \"ON\" or \"OFF\" toggled."
+Strict_HTML_lexing="Strict HTML lexing? (Press F1 to Help)\n\
+Press SPACE \"ON\" or \"OFF\" toggled."
+Attempt_tables="Attempt tables? (Press F1 to Help)\n\
+Press SPACE \"ON\" or \"OFF\" toggled."
+Attempt_smooth_scroll="Attempt smooth scroll? (Press F1 to Help)\n\
+Press SPACE \"ON\" or \"OFF\" toggled."
+Images="Image loading, Max image connections, Gamma correction and \n\
+JPEG Converter would be set.\n\
+But if you use in default setting, NOTHING should be done."
+No_images_at_all="No images at all? (Press F1 to Help)\n\
+Press SPACE \"ON\" or \"OFF\" toggled."
+Image_loading="Specify Image loading (Press F1 to Help)\n\
+Press SPACE \"ON\" or \"OFF\" toggled."
+Max_Image_Connections="Specify Max image connections (Press F1 to Help)\n\
+Press SPACE \"ON\" or \"OFF\" toggled."
+Gamma_Correction="Specify Gamma Correction (Press F1 to Help)\n\
+Press SPACE \"ON\" or \"OFF\" toggled."
+JPEG_Converter="Specify JPEG Converter (Press F1 to Help)\n\
+Press SPACE \"ON\" or \"OFF\" toggled."
+External_Programs="Mailto program and Hotlist program would be set.\n\
+But if you use in default setting, NOTHING should be done."
+Mailto_program="Specify Mailto program (Press F1 to Help)"
+Hotlist_program="Specify Hotlist program (Press F1 to Help)"
+Applets="Specify Applets (Press F1 to Help)\n\
+Press SPACE \"ON\" or \"OFF\" toggled."
+dtd="HTML 3.2"
+image_loading="After document, automatic"
+    Proxy host                  : "%proxy_host%"
+    Proxy port                  : "%proxy_port%"
+    Always Use Proxy            : "%always_use_proxy%"
+    HTTP Send referer           : "%http_send_referer%"
+    User Agent                  : "%user_agent%"
+    Timeout on headers (seconds): "%timeout_on_headers%"
+    Password lifetime (minutes) : "%password_lifetime%"
+    Password save file          : "%password_save_file%"
+    Local binaries path         : "%local_binaries_path%"
+HTML parsing and display
+    DTD                         : "%dtd%"
+    Strict HTML lexing          : "%strict_html_lexing%"
+    Attempt tables              : "%attempt_tables%"
+    Attempt smooth scroll       : "%attempt_smooth_scroll%"
+    No images at all            : "%no_images_at_all%"
+    Image loading               : "%image_loading%"
+    Max image connections       : "%max_image_connections%"
+    Gamma correction            : "%gamma_correction%"
+    JPEG Converter              : "%jpeg_converter%"
+External Programs
+    Mailto program              : "%mailto_program%"
+    Hotlist program             : "%hotlist_program%"
+    Paranoid                    : "%paranoid%"
+    Active                      : "%active%"'
+SEDCMD='${SED} -e "s@%proxy_host%@${proxy_host}@g"
+  -e "s@%proxy_port%@${proxy_port}@g"
+  -e "s@%always_use_proxy%@${always_use_proxy}@g"
+  -e "s@%http_send_referer%@${http_send_referer}@g"
+  -e "s@%user_agent%@${user_agent}@g"
+  -e "s@%timeout_on_headers%@${timeout_on_headers}@g"
+  -e "s@%password_lifetime%@${password_lifetime}@g"
+  -e "s@%password_save_file%@${password_save_file}@g"
+  -e "s@%local_binaries_path%@${local_binaries_path}@g"
+  -e "s@%dtd%@${dtd}@g"
+  -e "s@%strict_html_lexing%@${strict_html_lexing}@g"
+  -e "s@%attempt_tables%@${attempt_tables}@g"
+  -e "s@%attempt_smooth_scroll%@${attempt_smooth_scroll}@g"
+  -e "s@%no_images_at_all%@${no_images_at_all}@g"
+  -e "s@%image_loading%@${image_loading}@g"
+  -e "s@%max_image_connections%@${max_image_connections}@g"
+  -e "s@%gamma_correction%@${gamma_correction}@g"
+  -e "s@%jpeg_converter%@${jpeg_converter}@g"
+  -e "s@%mailto_program%@${mailto_program}@g"
+  -e "s@%hotlist_program%@${hotlist_program}@g"
+  -e "s@%active%@${active}@g"
+  -e "s@%paranoid%@${paranoid}@g"'
+while [ ! X"${answer}" = "XQuit" ]; do
+  ${DIALOG} --title "MMM(0.40) Set up User Environment" \
+  --hline "Select Set up Items" \
+  --menu "${MainMenu}" -1 -1 7 \
+  Protocols	"Proxy host,HTTP Send referer,Password,..." \
+  HTML		"HTML parsing and display" \
+  Images	"Image loading,JPEG Converter,..." \
+  External	"External Programs(Mail and Hotlist)" \
+  Applets	"Applets(Active or Paranoid)" \
+  Reconfirm	"Reconfirm all settings" \
+  Quit		"Quit this menu" \
+    2>	/tmp/menu.tmp.$$
+  retval=$?
+  answer=`cat /tmp/menu.tmp.$$`
+  ${RM} -f /tmp/menu.tmp.$$
+  case $retval in
+    0)	if [ -z ${answer} ]; then
+        ${ECHO} "Nothing selected"
+        exit 1
+      fi
+      ;;
+    1)	${ECHO} "Cancel pressed."
+      exit 1
+      ;;
+    255) ${ECHO} "ESC pressed."
+      exit 1
+      ;;
+  esac
+  case ${answer} in
+    Protocols)
+      answer=None
+      while [ ! X"${answer}" = "XQuit" ]; do
+        ${DIALOG} --title "MMM(0.40) Set up Protocols" \
+        --hline "Select Set up Items" \
+        --menu "${Protocols}" -1 -1 10 \
+        Host	"Proxy host name" \
+        Port	"Proxy port number" \
+        Always	"Always Use Proxy or not" \
+        Referer	"HTTP Send referer or not" \
+        User	"User Agent" \
+        Timeout	"Timeout on headers (seconds)" \
+        Life	"Password lifetime (minutes)" \
+        Save	"Password save file" \
+        Binary	"Local binaries path" \
+        Quit	"Quit this menu" \
+        	2>	/tmp/menu.tmp.$$
+        retval=$?
+        answer=`cat /tmp/menu.tmp.$$`
+        ${RM} -f /tmp/menu.tmp.$$
+        if [ X"${retval}" = "X1" -o X"${retval}" = "X255" ]; then  break; fi
+        case ${answer} in
+          Host)
+            if [ ! -z "${proxy_host}" ]; then
+              ${DIALOG} --title "Confirm your Proxy host name" \
+              --hline "Press Yes/No" \
+              --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/proxy_host.hlp \
+              --yesno "Your Proxy host name has set \"${proxy_host}\". Is
+this OK?\n(Press F1 to Help)" -1 -1
+              retval=$?
+              if [ X"${retval}" = "X0" ]; then  continue; fi
+            fi
+            ${DIALOG} --title "Set Your Proxy host name" \
+            --hline "Write your Proxy host name" \
+            --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/proxy_host.hlp \
+            --inputbox "${Proxy_host}" -1 -1 \
+               2>  /tmp/input.tmp.$$
+            proxy_host=`cat /tmp/input.tmp.$$`
+            ${RM} -f /tmp/input.tmp.$$
+            ;;
+          Port)
+            if [ ! -z "${proxy_port}" ]; then
+              ${DIALOG} --title "Confirm your Proxy port number" \
+              --hline "Press Yes/No" \
+              --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/proxy_port.hlp \
+              --yesno "Your Proxy port number has set \"${proxy_port}\". Is this OK?\n(Press F1 to Help)" -1 -1
+              retval=$?
+              if [ X"${retval}" = "X0" ]; then  continue; fi
+            fi
+            ${DIALOG} --title "Set Your Proxy port number" \
+            --hline "Put your Proxy port number" \
+            --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/proxy_port.hlp \
+            --inputbox "${Proxy_port}" -1 -1 \
+               2>  /tmp/input.tmp.$$
+            proxy_port=`cat /tmp/input.tmp.$$`
+            ${RM} -f /tmp/input.tmp.$$
+            ;;
+          Always)
+            ${DIALOG} --title "Always Use Proxy" \
+            --hline "" \
+            --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/always_use_proxy.hlp \
+            --checklist "${Always_Use_Proxy}" -1 -1 1 \
+            "1" "Always Use Proxy" OFF \
+              2> /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
+            always_use_proxy=`cat /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$`
+            ${RM} -f /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
+            ;;
+          Referer)
+            ${DIALOG} --title "HTTP Send referer" \
+            --hline "" \
+            --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/http_send_refer.hlp \
+            --checklist "${HTTP_Send_referer}" -1 -1 1 \
+            "1" "Set HTTP Send referer" OFF \
+              2> /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
+            http_send_referer=`cat /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$`
+            ${RM} -f /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
+            ;;
+          User)
+            if [ ! -z "${user_agent}" ]; then
+              ${DIALOG} --title "Confirm your User Agent" \
+              --hline "Press Yes/No" \
+              --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/user_agent.hlp \
+              --yesno "Your User Agent has set \"${user_agent}\". Is this OK?\n(Press F1 to Help)" -1 -1
+              retval=$?
+              if [ X"${retval}" = "X0" ]; then  continue; fi
+            fi
+            ${DIALOG} --title "Set Your User Agent" \
+            --hline "Write your User Agent" \
+            --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/user_agent.hlp \
+            --inputbox "${User_Agent}" -1 -1 \
+               2>  /tmp/input.tmp.$$
+            user_agent=`cat /tmp/input.tmp.$$`
+            ${RM} -f /tmp/input.tmp.$$
+            ;;
+          Timeout)
+            if [ ! -z "${timeout_on_headers}" ]; then
+              ${DIALOG} --title "Confirm Timeout on headers (seconds)" \
+              --hline "Press Yes/No" \
+              --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/timeout_on_headers.hlp \
+              --yesno "Timeout on headers (seconds) has set \"${timeout_on_headers}\". Is this OK?\n(Press F1 to Help)" -1 -1
+              retval=$?
+              if [ X"${retval}" = "X0" ]; then  continue; fi
+            fi
+            ${DIALOG} --title "Set Timeout on headers (seconds)" \
+            --hline "Write Timeout on headers (seconds)" \
+            --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/timeout_on_headers.hlp \
+            --inputbox "${Timeout_On_Headers}" -1 -1 \
+               2>  /tmp/input.tmp.$$
+            timeout_on_headers=`cat /tmp/input.tmp.$$`
+            ${RM} -f /tmp/input.tmp.$$
+            ;;
+          Life)
+            if [ ! -z "${password_lifetime}" ]; then
+              ${DIALOG} --title "Confirm your Password lifetime (minutes)" \
+              --hline "Press Yes/No" \
+              --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/password_lifetime.hlp \
+              --yesno "Your Password lifetime (minutes) has set \"${password_lifetime}\". Is this OK?\n(Press F1 to Help)" -1 -1
+              retval=$?
+              if [ X"${retval}" = "X0" ]; then  continue; fi
+            fi
+            ${DIALOG} --title "Set Your Password lifetime (minutes)" \
+            --hline "Write your Password lifetime (minutes)" \
+            --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/password_lifetime.hlp \
+            --inputbox "${Password_Lifetime}" -1 -1 \
+               2>  /tmp/input.tmp.$$
+            password_lifetime=`cat /tmp/input.tmp.$$`
+            ${RM} -f /tmp/input.tmp.$$
+            ;;
+          Save)
+            if [ ! -z "${password_save_file}" ]; then
+              ${DIALOG} --title "Confirm your Password save file" \
+              --hline "Press Yes/No" \
+              --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/password_save_file.hlp \
+              --yesno "Your Password save file has set \"${password_save_file}\". Is this OK?\n(Press F1 to Help)" -1 -1
+              retval=$?
+              if [ X"${retval}" = "X0" ]; then  continue; fi
+            fi
+            ${DIALOG} --title "Set Your Password save file" \
+            --hline "Write your Password save file" \
+            --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/password_lifetime.hlp \
+            --inputbox "${Password_Save_File}" -1 -1 \
+               2>  /tmp/input.tmp.$$
+            password_save_file=`cat /tmp/input.tmp.$$`
+            ${RM} -f /tmp/input.tmp.$$
+            ;;
+          Binary)
+            if [ ! -z "${local_binaries_path}" ]; then
+              ${DIALOG} --title "Confirm your Local binaries path" \
+              --hline "Press Yes/No" \
+              --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/local_binaries_path.hlp \
+              --yesno "Your Local binaries path has set \"${local_binaries_path}\". Is this OK?\n(Press F1 to Help)" -1 -1
+              retval=$?
+              if [ X"${retval}" = "X0" ]; then  continue; fi
+            fi
+            ${DIALOG} --title "Set Your Local binaries path" \
+            --hline "Write your Local binaries path" \
+            --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/local_binaries_path.hlp \
+            --inputbox "${Local_Binaries_Path}" -1 -1 \
+               2>  /tmp/input.tmp.$$
+            local_binaries_path=`cat /tmp/input.tmp.$$`
+            ${RM} -f /tmp/input.tmp.$$
+            ;;
+        esac
+      done
+      answer=None
+    ;;
+    HTML)
+      answer=None
+      while [ ! X"${answer}" = "XQuit" ]; do
+        ${DIALOG} --title "MMM(0.40) Set up HTML parsing and display" \
+        --hline "Select Set up Items" \
+        --menu "${HTML_parsing_and_display}" -1 -1 5 \
+        DTD	"HTML code difinition" \
+        Strict	"Strict HTML lexing" \
+        Tables	"Attempt tables" \
+        Smooth	"Attempt smooth scroll" \
+        Quit	"Quit this menu" \
+        	2>	/tmp/menu.tmp.$$
+        retval=$?
+        answer=`cat /tmp/menu.tmp.$$`
+        ${RM} -f /tmp/menu.tmp.$$
+        if [ X"${retval}" = "X1" -o X"${retval}" = "X255" ]; then  break; fi
+        case ${answer} in
+          DTD)
+            ${DIALOG} --title "DTD" \
+            --hline "" \
+            --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/dtd.hlp \
+            --checklist "${DTD}" -1 -1 2 \
+            "HTML 2.0" "HTML 2.0" OFF \
+            "HTML 3.2" "HTML 3.2" ON \
+              2> /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
+            dtd=`cat /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$`
+            ${RM} -f /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
+            ;;
+          Strict)
+            ${DIALOG} --title "Strict HTML lexing" \
+            --hline "" \
+            --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/strict_html_lexing.hlp \
+            --checklist "${Strict_HTML_lexing}" -1 -1 1 \
+            "0" "Strict HTML lexing" OFF \
+              2> /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
+            strict_html_lexing=`cat /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$`
+            ${RM} -f /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
+            ;;
+          Tables)
+            ${DIALOG} --title "Attempt tables" \
+            --hline "" \
+            --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/attempt_tables.hlp \
+            --checklist "${Attempt_tables}" -1 -1 1 \
+            "1" "Attempt tables" ON \
+              2> /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
+            attempt_tables=`cat /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$`
+            ${RM} -f /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
+            ;;
+          Smooth)
+            ${DIALOG} --title "Attempt smooth scroll" \
+            --hline "" \
+            --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/attempt_smooth_scroll.hlp \
+            --checklist "${Attempt_smooth_scroll}" -1 -1 1 \
+            "0" "Attempt smooth scroll" OFF \
+              2> /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
+            attempt_smooth_scroll=`cat /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$`
+            ${RM} -f /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
+            ;;
+        esac
+      done
+      answer=None
+    ;;
+    Images)
+      answer=None
+      while [ ! X"${answer}" = "XQuit" ]; do
+        ${DIALOG} --title "MMM(0.40) Set up Images" \
+        --hline "Select Set up Items" \
+        --menu "${Images}" -1 -1 6 \
+        No	"No images at all" \
+        Loading	"Image loading" \
+        Max	"Max image connections" \
+        Gamma	"Gamma correction" \
+        Jpeg	"JPEG Converter" \
+        Quit	"Quit this menu" \
+        	2>	/tmp/menu.tmp.$$
+        retval=$?
+        answer=`cat /tmp/menu.tmp.$$`
+        ${RM} -f /tmp/menu.tmp.$$
+        if [ X"${retval}" = "X1" -o X"${retval}" = "X255" ]; then  break; fi
+        case ${answer} in
+          No)
+            ${DIALOG} --title "No images at all" \
+            --hline "" \
+            --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/no_images_at_all.hlp \
+            --checklist "${No_images_at_all}" -1 -1 1 \
+            "0" "No images at all" OFF \
+              2> /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
+            no_images_at_all=`cat /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$`
+            ${RM} -f /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
+            ;;
+          Loading)
+            ${DIALOG} --title "Image loading" \
+            --hline "" \
+            --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/image_loading.hlp \
+            --checklist "${Image_loading}" -1 -1 3 \
+            "After document, manual" "After document, manual" OFF \
+            "After document, automatic" "After document, automatic" ON \
+            "During document loading" "During document loading" OFF \
+              2> /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
+            image_loading=`cat /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$`
+            ${RM} -f /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
+            ;;
+          Max)
+            if [ ! -z "${max_image_connections}" ]; then
+              ${DIALOG} --title "Confirm Max image connections" \
+              --hline "Press Yes/No" \
+              --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/max_image_connections.hlp \
+              --yesno "Max image connections has set \"${max_image_connections}\". Is this OK?\n(Press F1 to Help)" -1 -1
+              retval=$?
+              if [ X"${retval}" = "X0" ]; then  continue; fi
+            fi
+            ${DIALOG} --title "Set Max image connections" \
+            --hline "Specify Max image connections" \
+            --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/max_image_connections.hlp \
+            --inputbox "${Max_Image_Connections}" -1 -1 \
+               2>  /tmp/input.tmp.$$
+            max_image_connections=`cat /tmp/input.tmp.$$`
+            ${RM} -f /tmp/input.tmp.$$
+            ;;
+          Gamma)
+            if [ ! -z "${gamma_correction}" ]; then
+              ${DIALOG} --title "Confirm your Gamma correction" \
+              --hline "Press Yes/No" \
+              --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/gamma_correction.hlp \
+              --yesno "Gamma correction has set \"${gamma_correction}\". Is this OK?\n(Press F1 to Help)" -1 -1
+              retval=$?
+              if [ X"${retval}" = "X0" ]; then  continue; fi
+            fi
+            ${DIALOG} --title "Set Gamma correction" \
+            --hline "Specify Gamma correction" \
+            --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/gamma_correction.hlp \
+            --inputbox "${Gamma_Correction}" -1 -1 \
+               2>  /tmp/input.tmp.$$
+            gamma_correction=`cat /tmp/input.tmp.$$`
+            ${RM} -f /tmp/input.tmp.$$
+            ;;
+          Jpeg)
+            if [ ! -z "${jpeg_converter}" ]; then
+              ${DIALOG} --title "Confirm JPEG Converter" \
+              --hline "Press Yes/No" \
+              --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/jpeg_converter.hlp \
+              --yesno "Your JPEG Converter has set \"${jpeg_converter}\". Is this OK?\n(Press F1 to Help)" -1 -1
+              retval=$?
+              if [ X"${retval}" = "X0" ]; then  continue; fi
+            fi
+            ${DIALOG} --title "Set JPEG Converter" \
+            --hline "Specify JPEG Converter" \
+            --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/jpeg_converter.hlp \
+            --inputbox "${JPEG_Converter}" -1 -1 \
+               2>  /tmp/input.tmp.$$
+            jpeg_converter=`cat /tmp/input.tmp.$$`
+            ${RM} -f /tmp/input.tmp.$$
+            ;;
+        esac
+      done
+      answer=None
+    ;;
+    External)
+      answer=None
+      while [ ! X"${answer}" = "XQuit" ]; do
+        ${DIALOG} --title "MMM(0.40) Set up External Programs" \
+        --hline "Select Set up Items" \
+        --menu "${External_Programs}" -1 -1 3 \
+        Mailto	"Mailto program" \
+        Hotlist	"Hotlist program" \
+        Quit	"Quit this menu" \
+        	2>	/tmp/menu.tmp.$$
+        retval=$?
+        answer=`cat /tmp/menu.tmp.$$`
+        ${RM} -f /tmp/menu.tmp.$$
+        if [ X"${retval}" = "X1" -o X"${retval}" = "X255" ]; then  break; fi
+        case ${answer} in
+          Mailto)
+            if [ ! -z "${mailto_program}" ]; then
+              ${DIALOG} --title "Confirm Mailto program" \
+              --hline "Press Yes/No" \
+              --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/mailto_program.hlp \
+              --yesno "Mailto program has set \"${mailto_program}\". Is this OK?\n(Press F1 to Help)" -1 -1
+              retval=$?
+              if [ X"${retval}" = "X0" ]; then  continue; fi
+            fi
+            ${DIALOG} --title "Set Mailto program" \
+            --hline "Specify Mailto program" \
+            --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/mailto_program.hlp \
+            --inputbox "${Mailto_program}" -1 -1 \
+               2>  /tmp/input.tmp.$$
+            mailto_program=`cat /tmp/input.tmp.$$`
+            ${RM} -f /tmp/input.tmp.$$
+            ;;
+          Hotlist)
+            if [ ! -z "${hotlist_program}" ]; then
+              ${DIALOG} --title "Confirm Hotlist program" \
+              --hline "Press Yes/No" \
+              --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/hotlist_program.hlp \
+              --yesno "Your Hotlist program has set \"${hotlist_program}\". Is this OK?\n(Press F1 to Help)" -1 -1
+              retval=$?
+              if [ X"${retval}" = "X0" ]; then  continue; fi
+            fi
+            ${DIALOG} --title "Set Hotlist program" \
+            --hline "Specify Hotlist program" \
+            --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/hotlist_program.hlp \
+            --inputbox "${Hotlist_program}" -1 -1 \
+               2>  /tmp/input.tmp.$$
+            hotlist_program=`cat /tmp/input.tmp.$$`
+            ${RM} -f /tmp/input.tmp.$$
+            ;;
+        esac
+      done
+      answer=None
+    ;;
+    Applets)
+      ${DIALOG} --title "MMM(0.40) Set up Applets" \
+      --hline "" \
+      --hfile ${SAMPLEDIR}/applets.hlp \
+      --checklist "${Applets}" -1 -1 2 \
+      "Active" "Active" ON \
+      "Paranoid" "Paranoid" OFF \
+        2> /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
+      applets=`cat /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$`
+      case ${applets} in
+        Active)   active=1; paranoid=0; ;;
+        Paranoid) active=0; paranoid=1; ;;
+      esac
+      ${RM} -f /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
+    ;;
+    Reconfirm)
+      ${ECHO} "${Reconfirm}" | eval ${SEDCMD} > /tmp/textbox.tmp.$$
+      ${DIALOG} --title "MMM(0.40) Reconfirm all settings" \
+      --hline "" \
+      --textbox /tmp/textbox.tmp.$$ 30 70
+      ${RM} -f /tmp/textbox.tmp.$$
+    ;;
+  esac
+if [ ! -d ${HOME}/.mmm ]; then  mkdir ${HOME}/.mmm; fi
+if [ -f ${HOME}/.mmm/prefs ]; then
+  mv ${HOME}/.mmm/prefs ${HOME}/.mmm/prefs.$$
+if [ ! -f ${HOME}/.mmm/ ]; then
+  ${CP} ${LIBDIR}/%MMMAD% ${HOME}/.mmm/
+if [ ! -f ${HOME}/.mmm/surfboard.html ]; then
+  if [ -f ${HOME}/.netscape/surfboard.html ]; then
+    ${CP} ${HOME}/.netscape/surfboard.html ${HOME}/.mmm
+  else
+    name=`whoami`
+    name=`awk -v name=${name} 'BEGIN{FS=":"}$1==name{print $5}' /etc/passwd`
+    ${SED} -e "s:%user_name%:${name}:g" \
+	< ${SAMPLEDIR}/surfboard.html > ${HOME}/.mmm/surfboard.html
+  fi
+eval ${SEDCMD} < ${SAMPLEDIR}/prefs > ${HOME}/.mmm/prefs
diff -urN --exclude=CVS /usr/ports/current/ports/www/mmm/patches/patch-ab ./patches/patch-ab
--- /usr/ports/current/ports/www/mmm/patches/patch-ab	Mon Jan  6 23:18:54 1997
+++ ./patches/patch-ab	Sun Jun  1 12:49:05 1997
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
---- Makefile	Mon Dec  2 22:15:01 1996
-+++ Makefile	Mon Dec 23 19:10:20 1996
-@@ -168,15 +172,15 @@
+--- Makefile~	Sun Jun  1 12:42:06 1997
++++ Makefile	Sun Jun  1 12:47:43 1997
+@@ -169,15 +169,15 @@
  install: mmm htparse mmm_remote
  	[ -d $(INSTALLDIR) ] || mkdir $(INSTALLDIR)
diff -urN --exclude=CVS /usr/ports/current/ports/www/mmm/pkg/COMMENT ./pkg/COMMENT
--- /usr/ports/current/ports/www/mmm/pkg/COMMENT	Fri Jan  3 21:31:02 1997
+++ ./pkg/COMMENT	Sun Jun  1 11:33:48 1997
@@ -1 +1 @@
-WWW browser using Objective Caml, Tcl7.5 and Tk4.1.
+WWW browser using Objective Caml, Tcl/Tk.
diff -urN --exclude=CVS /usr/ports/current/ports/www/mmm/pkg/DESCR ./pkg/DESCR
--- /usr/ports/current/ports/www/mmm/pkg/DESCR	Mon Jan  6 23:18:55 1997
+++ ./pkg/DESCR	Thu Jun  5 17:04:32 1997
@@ -27,13 +27,15 @@
     % /usr/local/share/examples/mmm/user-install
-While various custumization might be available, only "Proxy host name"
+While various customization might be available, only "Proxy host name"
 should be set if you use in default setting.
 After site installation, you may be get start MMM. Just type
      % mmm 
-MMM will take up default MMM home page.
+MMM will take up default MMM home page. If you want to use Netsacpe
+like bookmark tool(called "Surfboad"),start up "surfboard" first and
+then get start "mmm" with the "-external" option.
 Documentation and other information:
diff -urN --exclude=CVS /usr/ports/current/ports/www/mmm/pkg/MESSAGE ./pkg/MESSAGE
--- /usr/ports/current/ports/www/mmm/pkg/MESSAGE	Sat May 24 16:49:29 1997
+++ ./pkg/MESSAGE	Sun Jun  1 11:33:48 1997
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 *                                                                       *
-*       >>> Congraturation !!!  MMM successfully installed! <<<         *
+*       >>> Congratuation !!!  MMM successfully installed! <<<          *
 *                                                                       *
 *    MMM successfully installed on your site. But you should be set up  *
 *  your user environment. You can do this in control panel in MMM by    *
diff -urN --exclude=CVS /usr/ports/current/ports/www/mmm/pkg/PLIST ./pkg/PLIST
--- /usr/ports/current/ports/www/mmm/pkg/PLIST	Mon Jan  6 23:18:55 1997
+++ ./pkg/PLIST	Sun Jun  1 14:57:28 1997
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
@@ -41,3 +43,8 @@
+@dirrm lib/mmm/mdk
+@dirrm lib/mmm
+@dirrm share/doc/mmm
+@dirrm share/examples/mmm

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