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Date:      Mon, 13 Apr 1998 20:42:41 -0700
From:      Joey Garcia <>
To:        Sue Blake <>, Frank Pawlak <>
Cc:        chat@FreeBSD.ORG, jmb@FreeBSD.ORG, newbies@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: Promoting FreeBSD - the user's piece of the action.
Message-ID:  <>

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Hey all!!

You know, I've been saying this all along....FreeBSD needs promotion.  I
was at the bookstore today in the Unix section....not one FreeBSD (or BSD
for that matter) book did I see.  None. Zilch. Nada.  Although, there were
more Linux books than I have fingers and toes (10 fingers, 10 toes =P ).
There were also books on SCO Unix and Solaris.  Well after getting tired of
looking at books, I went over to the magazine rack and BAM .... there it
was ... a Linux magazine.  (Linux Journal)  Linux, Linux everywhere.

We all know that Linux has a big following....hell even I use it, just
because I heard about Linux before I heard about FreeBSD ... or BSD for
that matter.  I learned about Unix and Linux when I kept getting nuked off
IRC.  Anyways, I've been using Linux for a little while now ... but I have
read enough about BSD and FreeBSD to know that it's worth a try.  "If Yahoo
can swear by it....then it must be good", I thought.

Anyways, I'm still getting more information about FreeBSD (and the other
BSD's) before I migrate, but things would have helped if there were more
promotion of in books, magazines (online or in print), etc.

So basically...I'm willing to put forth some effort to promote FreeBSD (to
help myself and others learn more about it) as in user groups or something
within my area.  I live in Los Angeles...and that's a big area.  :) I'm
willing to think about this and try to figure out ways in order to show the
world that FreeBSD exists and stuff.

The point of all this is that I'm up for the task of FreeBSD promotion.

Joey Bear Garcia

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