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Date:      Mon, 21 May 2001 15:17:37 -0700 (PDT)
From:      Haikal Saadh <>
To:        Brian Raynes <>, Delmonik Contee <>, freebsd newbies <>
Subject:   Re: Hello
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>

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While we're at it, I'd like to point out what I
consider a highly undermentioned resource:

After weeks of mucking around trying to get ppp
working, I just copied the sample one
(/usr/local/share/examples/ppp.conf.sample, I think,)
to /etc/ppp/ppp.conf, and it automagically worked!

Ditto cvsup and it's supfiles.

--- Brian Raynes <> wrote:
> Delmonik Contee wrote:
> > 
> > Hello,
> >     I am extremely interested in educating myself
> on the
> > configuration and utilization of FreeBSD. I was
> wondering if I could
> > get some information on good beginners material. 
> Start with the free documentation.  The
> website has links
> to the Freebsd Handbook and some other good docs
> that are newbie
> specific.  These contain some basic UNIX material
> that will be
> applicable with FreeBSD or other UNIX operating
> systems.
> For more generic UNIX stuff that will apply to
> actually using FreeBSD,
> check out O'Reilly books.  Another book that's good
> is UNIX System
> Administration by Evi Nemeth and others.  It gets
> lots of good
> recommendations and I can say that it's been very
> informative to me,
> as a newbie.
> Special mention should go to Greg Lehey's "The
> Complete FreeBSD".  It
> was last updated for the 3.x release branch, but is
> still quite
> applicable.  The author is pretty active on the
> freebsd-questions list
> and many people can provide help where the 4.x
> branch differs from the
> 3.x branch.  As a newbie, using Greg's book, I got
> hung up on some
> simple things that were due to these differences,
> but was able to find
> answers in the mailing list archives and the
> Handbook.
> The handbook had some extensive updates done last
> year that greatly
> improved it's helpfulness to me.  If you're feeling
> like starting
> cheap before shelling out bucks for books, start
> with those free docs,
> they're free but you get much more than you pay for!
> >I have a PC with
> > Windows 2000 professional and was wondering if it
> would be possible
> > for me to set up a dual boot with FreeBSD 4.2. 
> I can't help you specifically there, but there are
> other docs that
> cover sharing freebsd with other operating systems. 
> I'm not sure if
> Win2K is covered there yet, but if not, I suspect
> that the NT stuff
> might apply.  And I'm positive there will be similar
> questions in the
> archives of the freebsd-questions mailing list,
> since the desire to
> dual boot with Windows is very, very common.
> Good luck.  As a newbie that has been lurking here
> for some time, I
> can tell you that a little reading of the available
> docs, plus reading
> Greg Lehey's regularly posted message regarding
> asking good questions
> on freebsd-questions, will go a long ways toward
> getting help from
> what I have found to be a very knowledgeable and
> helpful group (when
> treated nicely).
> Brian Raynes
> To Unsubscribe: send mail to
> with "unsubscribe freebsd-newbies" in the body of
> the message

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