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Date:      Wed, 20 Jun 2001 14:07:18 -0700
From:      John Merryweather Cooper <>
To:        "Hartmann, O." <>
Cc:        freebsd-stable@FreeBSD.ORG, freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: Strange mouse bahviour in FBSD 4.3 and XFree86 4.1.0
Message-ID:  <20010620140718.G14541@johncoop>
In-Reply-To: <>; from on Wed, Jun 20, 2001 at 13:58:49 -0700
References:  <>

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On 2001.06.20 13:58 "Hartmann, O." wrote:
> Dear Sirs.
> I posted here several postings about a problem with one of our
> FBSD 4.3-STABLE boxes. This machine has been cvsupdated today,
> XFRee864.1.0_4 has been installed several days ago (by a fresh
> compilation).
> One of the earlier problems is the following:
> I can not shutdown this machine by being remotely loged in
> using shutdown -r now. I always have to use shutdown -r -o now
> to do the task. On all other maschines that works!
> The machine I speak about is a AMD K7 800 MHz based on ASUS A7V
> PCB and IBM DTLA 307030. The videoadaptor is a ELSA Erazor III Pro.
> See the following dmesg-output .
> The new problem is hard to describe. It seems one way like a hardware
> fault, but another way the fault of some FBSD subsystems.
> Description:
> Using /dev/sysmouse and moused as the basic mouse system, we have a
> Logitech optical USB port mouse attached to this machine. The USB
> mouse is connected to a HUB located at a Iiyama 18 inch LCD screen
> (bit that doesn't matter, I tried the USB port directly or a PS/2
> mouse with the same effect).
> On the X11 screen, the mouse rushes uncontrollable over the screen,
> jumping, shivers around, not reacting on pressed buttons. It looks
> like having used the wrong protocol with earlier XFree types. But there
> is no misconfiguration, this configuration worked since approximately I
> switched over to XFree86 4.1.0 and/or did a cvsupdate.
> When leaving the X-session, Xserver drops a core, reporting something
> about an
> illegal instruction after resetting the mouese!
> When in terminal mode (no X), the mouse shivers and jumps also
> uncontroleable
> on the screen. I exchanged the mouese with a simple PS/2 mouse and
> sometimes
> I have a pointer, sometimes not (using sysmouse/moused). In X11 the
> phenomenon
> of a jumping and rushing mouse is not as obvious as with the USB type,
> but it
> is also faulty. The mouse disappears or is unuseable. The kernel reports
> a mouse
> at psm0, but in X (chooser) there is no access/movement of it. Sometimes,
> while
> having luck moving it around, it seems to drop spontanously "button
> presses"
> around.
> This machine is without graphical device or mouse accessible and works
> perfect.
> I can use it remotely without problems. It seems really to be related to
> something
> like sysmouse/moused/mouse/XFree86 or FreeBSD's driver for the mouse
> system.
> Does anyone heared about such strange things due a bug of FreeBSD/XFree86
> 4.1.0?
> If not, this really seems to be a massive hardware related problem.
> On the other hand:
> We have a lot of self-made X11 Terminals around here for our students,
> based
> on a DFI AK74EC main PCB, Duron 700, Gigabyte GA660+ video board, using
> Logitech
> 3 button PS/2 mice. They are cvsupdated 7 days ago, XFree86 4.1.0 has
> been build
> several days ago. These diskless booting terminals do not show any kind
> of disruption
> of mouse access or movement ...
> --
> MfG
> O. Hartmann
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> IT-Administration des Institut fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
> Becherweg 21
> 55099 Mainz
> Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinensaal)
> Tel: +496131/3924144
> FAX: +496131/3923532
I have had similar, but less severe, experiences recently with my mouse--a
Logitech MouseMan+.  I don't get the illegal instruction error as above
(but this maybe because I use "startx" and OH uses "xdm"?)  But the erratic
mouse cursor and the dropping of random clicks makes XFree86-4 operation
somewhat more painful than I'd like at the moment.

My configuration:

Adapter:  Diamond Mutlimedia Viper 770 Ultra (nVidia TNT2 Ultra with 32
Mouse:  Logitech MouseMan+ connected to PS/2 port


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