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Date:      Tue, 07 Aug 2001 10:26:49 -0700
From:      Terry Lambert <>
To:        j mckitrick <>
Cc:        Wes Peters <>, Ted Mittelstaedt <>, freebsd-advocacy@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: time to step up to the SMP plate?
Message-ID:  <>
References:  <003f01c11cd7$563d7860$> <> <> <>

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j mckitrick wrote:
> | FreeBSD is setting itself up to be similarly limited; Linux
> | already is hitting its head on the same issue.
> Is it possible the real limit here is just the practical limit of open
> source development?  When almost everyone is a volunteer working in their
> spare time, not only is management and design difficult, development can
> slow to a crawl for a myriad reasons.
> I've seen more than one comment lately where this is becoming a concern.

I remain convinced that the major limitations in Open Source
developement models are emergent properties of the tools that
are being used.

It's true that there are a number of obstacles to sustained
developement inherent in the model, but its also true that
commercial interests and academic research can more than make
up for any inhernet shortcomings, if the projects can be
convinced to accept the fruits of that labor.

When I first wrote loadable kernel modules and released them
shortly before the Novell purchase of USL back in 1994, they
were a small project that had been carried out in a (mostly)
academic setting: my first prototypes were in 1993 on an SVR3
system in a University lab, since the GNU toolchain didn't
support PIC compilation, until Jeffrey Hsu added support to it.

Even then, it wasn't until several months after NetBSD adopted
the code that FreeBSD grudgingly adopted the code as well.  It's
also ironic, I think, that the KLD stuff there today is the
original design I wanted: a small linker in the kernel, capable
of directly loading modules without outside intervention, but
that design was shouted down as causing "too much kernel bloat".
The funny thing about that is that it has resulted in exactly
the opposite effect, as most drivers are now available as kernel
modules, and aren't loaded unless the hardware is present, or
the code is in the boot path.

I could make similar claims about my SYSINIT() code, which
Julian integrated over a number of strong objections, but is
now taken for granted as something that can't be lived without,
and has grown beyond the original scope of the work, in order
to support tunables, both at boot time and run time, the list of
which is aggregated out of the available code.

So isolated small projects can result in big returns, though
there have been isolated mishaps, like the failure to integrate
Jack Vogel's work at Sun Microsystems into a functioning SMP for
FreeBSD, until much later in the game: FreeBSD had a working SMP
version, for some definitions of working, as of October 27th,
1995; the code provided much of the basis for the work which was
eventually integrated, although it passed from Jack's hands to
mine to Peter and Steve, and the rest of the people who ended up
integrating it into the then much-changed FreeBSD tree.

Things like Luigi's SACK, FACK, and TSACK implementations have
pretty much languished; TSACK isn't really useful any more, now
that Microsoft clients support SACK directly.  Similarly, the
reimplementations at Pittsburgh have failed to be integrated,
even though they were developed on FreeBSD, and QLinux has LRP
and Fair Share shecduling, even though the Rice University work
was all done on FreeBSD boxes, once it was broken out of the
Scala Server Project.

There are literally tens of dozens of similar failures to
execute in the past of most large Open Source projects, and, it
seems to me, more in the future.

In FreeBSD's case, it's mostly an issue of the tools being unable
to handle multiple lines of developement, which has resulted in
the "One True HEAD Branch" phenomenon, where work not occurring
on -current is often discarded, due to the emotional investment
people have in -current.

Linux avoided this serialization problem, only to fall victim to
its own similar issue of serializing through Linus (or Alan Cox),
for lack of a source code control system.  Linus has really never
articulated well his gut reaction to source code control, instead
engaging in much hand waving, but it's clear that he sees the
danger of being locked into particular emergent properties by the
tools, even if he doesn't give very rational justification for
his gut feelings.

We had a nice example of the "gated community" effect when Matt
Dillon became able to dedicate a significant amount of his time
to working on FreeBSD, after Best Internet, the company he helped
found, was acquired by by Verio.  The gatekeepers were simply unable
to keep up with his rate of contribution of code, made over 8 and
12 hour days, and they squelched him, taking away his commit bits
until he agreed to slow down to a much slower pace, where they
could keep up with reviewing code.

I think that FreeBSD has suffered from incidents like this in the
past (e.g. John Dyson leaving the community was a major loss, IMO),
and it comes down to the "One True HEAD Branch" phenomenon, once
again, where the only way for ideas to compete openly is for them
to be implemented in different distributions... since all of the
BSD projects have the same form-factor:  core team of gate keepers,
committers, and the threat of removing commit bits temporarily,
until someone complies.  The bottom line is that real developement
on anything but the HEAD branch rarely occurs (except for the
commercially funded developement, which can't risk -current in a
shipping product), and so their work occurs on -stable, which ends
up being "the dead branch", where MFC is the rule, and MTC rarely
happens (MFC = Merge From Current; MTC = Merge To Current).

For example, I have several changes that I've done to FreeBSD 4.3;
one up'ed the open network connection limitation from 32k, and has
been tested up to 1.6M simultaneous connections.  With slightly
more time, I could easily push this to 2M or further.  I also have
changes to the TCP/IP stack, as well as several other changes to
network drivers and such, which I believe could yield a 40% or
better performance improvement on the top end, and minimally a 30%
improvement in overall throughput capacity under extreme load (as
opposed to falling off to near zero).  One of the changes effectively
eliminates NETISR: Van Jacobson's "holy grail".

Although the company I work for seems willing to let the code back
into the main line FreeBSD tree after two product release cycles, if
only to offload the maintenance burden, and so our implementation
"wins", it will probably not make it back into FreeBSD, since the
changes are against 4.3-stable, not -current, and -current is moving
at what commercially can only be considered a reckless speed, in
directions not entirely justified by research or the Computer Science
literature (certainly, no one is citing papers or research which
justify the design decisions being made).

So getting back to the inital point, I think it is a tools issue,
probably more than anything else, which has the emergent property
of selecting one "blessed" branch, and sending all the rest off to

I've only been surpriased in this opinion once so far, and I have
been involved behind the scenes or out front in the genesis of no
less than six Open Source projects.  The surprise came from the
OpenLDAP project, which took the University of Michigan code, and
applied "The FreeBSD Patches" -- 120k of diffs from me, collected
in "patchkit style" from a number of sources, particularly Critical
Angle's site, which archived, but didn't organize or review the
patches -- and then imported the UMich code, the patches, and then
went on from there.

My surprise arose from what I contend will be the next battlefield
in Open Source vs. Commercial developement: complexity.  I felt
that it would not be possible, in the context of an Open Source
project, to implement the LDAPv3 protocol.  Kurt Zeilenga, happily,
proved me wrong, mostly because of the commercial support of the
Net Boolean... and his position, relative to the project,
as an "alive and kicking" project founder.  I believe had it not
been for that, the OpenLDAP project would have failed to achive
LDAPv3 interoperability.

It seems like several commercial companies have latched onto "the
complexity defense" to throw up barriers to entry, in an attempt to
keep Open Source out of their mainstream commercial markets.  I
watch the IETF very closely, and participate when I feel it's
needed, and I have to say I've recently seen some of the most
arcane and unnecessarily complex RFCs shoved through the IETF
standardization process by large companies working in concert, in
what can only be described as protectionist tactics.

Hopefully, Open Source will be able to overcome its inherit
handicaps; it may be that FreeBSD switches to using Perforce, or
some other tool that gets rid of the "One True Head Branch"
phenomenon, despite the commercial use pain that such a switch
would entail (P4 is free for Open Source, but not for commercial
companies tracking an Open Source project, whose repository is
only available in P4).

-- Terry

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