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Date:      Thu, 20 May 1999 13:47:06 +1200
From:      "Dan Langille" <>
To:        Rick Hamell <>
Cc:        freebsd-newbies@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: Publicity (WAS: RE: What do newbies do with FreeBSD?)
Message-ID:  <19990520014930.FBDI7869945.mta1-rme@wocker>
In-Reply-To: <Pine.WNT.3.95.990519153919.-127981A-100000@akane>
References:  <000a01bea1db$1a1d7340$>

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On 19 May 99, at 15:41, Rick Hamell wrote:

>  This topic has been hounded to death on the -chat list. :) It's
> something that 'we' all would like to change. In my opinion, the best way
> to do so is to write articles about your successes with FreeBSD and get
> local user groups going. I'm on meeting number 2 of the second, and
> writing the first. :) Oh, and I'm slowly but surely migrating office
> servers to FreeBSD... without anybody noticing. :)

Yes.  Write.  That's what I did.  But only for selfish reasons.  I wrote 
because I wanted a record of what I did.  When I got into trouble, I 
directed people to my website.  Eventually others started using it to see 
how to do things.  And the Diary was born.

You can also organise installathons.  Nothing fancy.  Invite just one 
other person perhaps.  Get them installed.  Next time, do two people.  
Start advertising in the local computer shops and on the newsgroups.  
Eventually, you'll be getting larger groups turning up.  By that time, 
you'll know what you're doing.  With you, you'll bring in others who know 
more about the areas you don't.  Eventually, it will be self-propelling.

It's easy.  But it takes a while.
Dan Langille - DVL Software Limited
The FreeBSD Diary     -
NZ FreeBSD User Group -
The Racing System     -

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