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Date:      Sat, 27 Oct 2001 12:08:05 -0700
From:      Luigi Rizzo <>
To:        Terry Lambert <>
Cc:        Mike Silbersack <>, Alfred Perlstein <>, Soren Kristensen <>, net@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: NEW CODE: polling support for device drivers.
Message-ID:  <>
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On Sat, Oct 27, 2001 at 11:55:56AM -0700, Terry Lambert wrote:
only one small note: you are probably confusing me with someone
else here, all i had from you was (early this september)
a short snippet of code for some device driver
after you or somene else mentioned it on the lists.

> PS: Luigi had copies of some of my code well before I was
> able to give copies of the coelescing code to FreeBSD; he
> had previously signed a non-disclosure agreement which allowed
> me to hand him a lot of code that I still have not handed to
> others.  It's no wonder that there is some overlap.

 Luigi RIZZO,  . ACIRI/ICSI (on leave from Univ. di Pisa)  . 1947 Center St, Berkeley CA 94704
 Phone: (510) 666 2927

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