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Date:      Mon, 31 Jan 2011 04:52:29 +0100 (CET)
From:      "Julian H. Stacey" <>
Cc:        "Marc Recht \(for NetBSD\)" <>, "Julian H. Stacey" <>, Tim Kientzle <>, "Gary Jennejohn \(Home\)" <>
Subject:   bin/154407: usr.bin/tar/ ignores error codes from read() just silently pads nulls
Message-ID:  <>
Resent-Message-ID: <>

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>Number:         154407
>Category:       bin
>Synopsis:       usr.bin/tar/ ignores error codes from read() just silently pads nulls
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       high
>Responsible:    freebsd-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Jan 31 04:00:21 UTC 2011
>Originator:     "Julian H. Stacey" <>
>Release:        FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE amd64
>Organization: BSD Linux Unix Consultancy, Munich/Muenchen.
System: FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE #2: Fri Aug 20 15:11:19 CEST 2010 amd64

	usr.bin/tar/ ignores error codes from read() silently pads with nulls,
	corrupting copied data without warning !
	Log of how I discovered problem + diffs + copy of send-pr:
	(various files have .ignore extension to avoid my customise script).

	Comparison with gtar:
		gtar also delivers false nulls unfortunately,
		gtar warns users it is getting device errors.

	Comparison with cp:
		cp warns of errors,
		cp delivers no false nulls, truncates at read fail.

- Get a normal data CD or DVD you have created )
  (not commercial recorded hollywood deliberately sector crippled media),
- Damage the media so it will have some read errors,
  mount /dev/acd0 /cdrom
  cd /tmp
  mkdir -p cp tar/cdrom
  cp -R /cdrom cp
  (cd /cdrom ; tar cf - . ) | ( cd tar/cdrom ; tar xf - )
  cd tar/cdrom
  find . -type f -exex cmpd -d {} ../../cp/cdrom \;
  foreach i ( `find . -type f | xargs 8f -n 2048 -b 0 -l` )
	echo $i
	xargs od -c $i | yail

My patches fix code to avoid unwarned damaged data.  As it's Tim
K.'s recently written code, I presume he will want to fix it himself,
so my patch lines as well as fixing, are also appended with edit mark
// JHS for easy searching.

write.c & util.c were bad in 8.1-RELEASE 
	(& the critical bit in 
	the final 
	bytes_read = read(fd, bsdtar->buff, FILEDATABUFLEN);
	is also bad)
Various return values silently ignored.  
All invocations of [f]read() & [f]write() & all invocations of
*_read_* & *_write_* etc should be checked whether return value is
properly used.

Later fixes if any will be in
A copy appended.

*** 8.1-RELEASE-generic/src/usr.bin/tar/write.c	Mon Jun 14 04:09:06 2010
--- 8.1-RELEASE+jhs-error-detect/src/usr.bin/tar/write.c	Sat Jan 29 18:34:55 2011
*** 217,222 ****
--- 217,224 ----
  	if (ARCHIVE_OK != archive_write_open_file(a, bsdtar->filename))
  		bsdtar_errc(bsdtar, 1, 0, archive_error_string(a));
  	write_archive(a, bsdtar);
+ 		// JHS write_archive is declared void,
+ 		// JHS is there a static extern ret val to check ?
*** 301,312 ****
  		archive_write_set_format(a, format);
  	lseek(bsdtar->fd, end_offset, SEEK_SET); /* XXX check return val XXX */
  	if (ARCHIVE_OK != archive_write_set_options(a, bsdtar->option_options))
  		bsdtar_errc(bsdtar, 1, 0, archive_error_string(a));
  	if (ARCHIVE_OK != archive_write_open_fd(a, bsdtar->fd))
  		bsdtar_errc(bsdtar, 1, 0, archive_error_string(a));
! 	write_archive(a, bsdtar); /* XXX check return val XXX */
  	bsdtar->fd = -1;
--- 303,316 ----
  		archive_write_set_format(a, format);
  	lseek(bsdtar->fd, end_offset, SEEK_SET); /* XXX check return val XXX */
+ 								// JHS
  	if (ARCHIVE_OK != archive_write_set_options(a, bsdtar->option_options))
  		bsdtar_errc(bsdtar, 1, 0, archive_error_string(a));
  	if (ARCHIVE_OK != archive_write_open_fd(a, bsdtar->fd))
  		bsdtar_errc(bsdtar, 1, 0, archive_error_string(a));
! 	write_archive(a, bsdtar); /* XXX check return val XXX */	
! 		// JHS what return val ? write_archive is declared void
  	bsdtar->fd = -1;
*** 390,395 ****
--- 394,401 ----
  		bsdtar_errc(bsdtar, 1, 0, archive_error_string(a));
  	write_archive(a, bsdtar);
+ 		// JHS write_archive is declared void,
+ 		// JHS is there a static extern ret val to check ?
  	bsdtar->fd = -1;
*** 926,931 ****
--- 932,945 ----
  	off_t	progress = 0;
  	bytes_read = read(fd, bsdtar->buff, FILEDATABUFLEN);
+ 	if (bytes_read < 0) {					// JHS
+ 		perror(NULL) ;					// JHS
+ 		fprintf(stderr,"File: %s, Line %d, Ret %d\n",	// JHS
+ 			__FILE__, __LINE__, (int)bytes_read );	// JHS
+ 		return(-1) ;					// JHS
+ 		// I've not checked to see if caller 		// JHS
+ 		// appropriately detects & deals with -1	// JHS
+ 		}						// JHS
  	while (bytes_read > 0) {
  		siginfo_printinfo(bsdtar, progress);
*** 945,951 ****
  		progress += bytes_written;
  		bytes_read = read(fd, bsdtar->buff, FILEDATABUFLEN);
! 	}
  	return 0;
--- 959,995 ----
  		progress += bytes_written;
  		bytes_read = read(fd, bsdtar->buff, FILEDATABUFLEN);
! 		if (bytes_read < 0)				// JHS
! 			{					// JHS
! 			perror(NULL) ;				// JHS
! 			fprintf(stderr,"Read error.\n");	// JHS
! 			// fprintf(stderr,"Read error on %s.\n",	// JHS
! 			// Please pass in name as parameter to print. // JHS
! 			//	"" ); 				// JHS
! 			fprintf(stderr,				// JHS
! 			 "Output will contain false trailing nulls.\n"); // JHS
! 			// This prints when 
! 			fprintf(stderr,				// JHS
! 				"File: %s, Line %d, Ret %d\n",	// JHS
! 			 __FILE__, __LINE__, (int)bytes_read );	// JHS
! 			return(-1) ;				// JHS
! 			// I've not read code to see if caller 	// JHS
! 			// appropriately detects & deals with -1 // JHS
! 			// But Ive tested it, with		// JHS
! 			// tar cvf junk.tar aa bb,		// JHS
! 			// & if aa has dev errors,		// JHS
! 			// bb does not get archived.		// JHS
! 			}					// JHS
! 	}
! 	if (bytes_read < 0) 					// JHS
! 		{						// JHS
! 		perror(NULL) ;					// JHS
! 		fprintf(stderr,"File: %s, Line %d\n", 		// JHS
! 			__FILE__, __LINE__ ); 			// JHS
! 		return(-1) ;					// JHS
! 		// I've not read code to see if caller 		// JHS
! 		// appropriately detects & deals with -1 	// JHS
! 		}						// JHS
  	return 0;
*** 8.1-RELEASE-generic/src/usr.bin/tar/util.c	Mon Jun 14 04:09:06 2010
--- 8.1-RELEASE+jhs-error-detect/src/usr.bin/tar/util.c	Sat Jan 29 16:36:45 2011
*** 234,239 ****
--- 234,241 ----
+ /* Get confirmation from user to do something, eg add/ copy 		// JHS
+ 	Return: 1=yes, 0=no */						// JHS
  yes(const char *fmt, ...)
*** 249,254 ****
--- 251,263 ----
  	l = read(2, buff, sizeof(buff) - 1);
+ 	if (l < 0) 							// JHS
+ 		{							// JHS
+ 		perror(NULL) ;						// JHS
+ 		fprintf(stderr,"Failed to read yes/no\n" ); 		// JHS
+ 		fprintf(stderr,"File: %s, Line %d, Ret %d\n", 		// JHS
+ 			__FILE__, __LINE__, (int)l );			// JHS	
+ 		}							// JHS
  	if (l <= 0)
  		return (0);
  	buff[l] = 0;
*** 307,312 ****
--- 316,333 ----
  		/* Get some more data into the buffer. */
  		bytes_wanted = buff + buff_length - buff_end;
  		bytes_read = fread(buff_end, 1, bytes_wanted, f);
+ 		if (							// JHS
+ 			( bytes_read < bytes_wanted )			// JHS
+ 			|| 						// JHS
+ 			(bytes_read = 0)				// JHS
+ 		   )							// JHS
+ 		if ((bytes_read = 0) || ( bytes_read < bytes_wanted ))	// JHS
+ 			{						// JHS
+ 			perror(NULL) ;					// JHS
+ 			fprintf(stderr,					// JHS
+ 				"File: %s, Line %d, Ret %d\n",		// JHS
+ 				__FILE__, __LINE__, (int)bytes_read ); 	// JHS
+ 			}						// JHS
  		buff_end += bytes_read;
  		/* Process all complete lines in the buffer. */
  		while (line_end < buff_end) {

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