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Date: Mon, 1 May 2000 19:22:53 +0100
From: Alexander Frolkin <>
To: bradley oedithipus <>
Subject: Re: NFS
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On Sun, Apr 30, 2000 at 03:42:52PM -0500, bradley oedithipus wrote:
> This is an NFS problem....
> I have hosts.allow setup to allow Anything from all inside the internet
> network.
> I have /etc/exports setup like so:
> / -maproot=0 psy
> /usr -maproot=0 psy
> I also have NFS and NFS_Root compiled into the kernel.
> Here is my problem.. i'll show you my steps.
> virt:~ # killall portmap nfsd nfsiod mountd
> virt:~ #
> virt:~ # portmap -v  // debugging -v
> virt:~ # mountd -r   // registration with RPC
> virt:~ # nfsd -u -t -n 4  // starting 4 nfs servers for UDP and TCP
> Then i get these errors.
> Apr 30 15:32:07 virt nfsd:[598]: can't register with udp portmap
> Apr 30 15:33:30 virt mountd[592]: can't register mount

I had a similar problem recently, with 4.0-STABLE, and, for some reason, it
was caused by lp0 being down. The problem disappeared when I made world on


> Says it cant register with portmap, looks simple, start portmap.. BUT!
> virt:~ # ps aux|grep portmap
> daemon    590  0.0  0.4   832  508  ??  Is    3:30PM   0:00.00 portmap
> -v // already running
> Also.
> virt:~ # rpcinfo -p virt
>    program vers proto   port
>     100000    2   tcp    111  portmapper
>     100000    2   udp    111  portmapper
> ^^^ Proves again that portmap is running....
> I'm sure I am just missing the obvious here, but I am missing it all the
> same.
> I have not had luck finding good documentation on any of these. And I
> dont have a good book.
> I hope someone could point the obvious out for me, let me know how
> foolish i am =)!!
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