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Date:      Fri, 7 Apr 2023 15:34:44 +0200
From:      Julien Cigar <>
To:        Paul Mather <>
Subject:   Re: Poudriere and Python FLAVORS
Message-ID:  <j7dxtwjnrjwpd4tupw2vsglrz2rg4r7i4o4w5pk2brzp5dtot5@7jkzxjsynebs>
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References:  <6amrdwe3seijb2qz7xjtbxkrldhkftrrfmsdqh3lopl7e4yx3k@u6bahg4f3s4l> <>

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On Fri, Apr 07, 2023 at 09:07:59AM -0400, Paul Mather wrote:
> On Apr 7, 2023, at 7:52 AM, Julien Cigar <> wrote:
> > Hello,=20
> >=20
> > I'm building 2023Q2 through Poudriere with:
> > DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=3D python2=3D2.7 python3=3D3.11 python=3D3.11 pgsql=
=3D13 php=3D8.1
> >=20
> > I'm getting tons of "Ignored: Unknown flavor 'py39', possible flavors:
> > py311" (see (1)) for my Python ports (I didn't specified any flavor=20
> > @pyxx)=20
> >=20
> > I don't understand why:
> > - Why does Poudriere tries to build @py39 flavor by default when 3.11 i=
s the
> >  default?
> > - Why py39 flavor is unknown althoug the default Python version for
> >  2023Q2 is 3.9?
> >=20
> > Any idea ? :)
> I don't know whether this is the issue in your case, but I found when set=
ting the default Python flavour to 3.10 myself I would get the same problem=
s: ports would not build due to an "unknown" flavour.

Thanks for those hints, but I don't think it's the issue in my case. If
I take net/py-pysocks for example it is marked USES=3Dpython:3.6+ .. but
it fails with [00:02:18] [04] [00:00:00] Finished net/py-pysocks@py39 | py3=
9-pysocks-1.7.1: Ignored: Unknown flavor 'py39', possible flavors: py311

> I discovered that in some cases, "USES=3D ... python:<version range>" in =
a port Makefile would make it impossible to build with the default flavour =
I had set in /etc/make.conf.  A case in point: I wanted to build sysutils/p=
y-salt via Poudriere with a default Python flavour of 3.10.  It failed.  Lo=
oking in the Makefile, I saw "USES=3D cpe python:3.6-3.9".  Most other port=
s tend to have "... python:3.6+", but this one said it only worked with 3.6=
 to 3.9.  Hence, trying to build it with 3.10 failed.
> I knew that version of py-salt would build under 3.10, so ultimately (aft=
er carrying my own local change to the Makefile for a while) submitted a Bu=
gzilla asking for it to be changed to "USES=3D cpe python:3.6-3.10", which =
solved the building problem.
> So, you may have some similar Python ports or dependent ports that specif=
y they aren't compatible with Python 3.11, and that is causing the warnings=
 and errors.
> Cheers,
> Paul.

Julien Cigar
Belgian Biodiversity Platform (
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