From owner-freebsd-ports  Mon Mar 25 15:51:55 1996
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From: Howard Lew <hlew@genome.Stanford.EDU>
cc: gpalmer@FreeBSD.ORG, ports@FreeBSD.ORG, questions@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: Voice Capable modems
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On Mon, 25 Mar 1996, Rich Murphey wrote:

> |From: "Gary Palmer" <gpalmer@FreeBSD.ORG>
> |I've just got myself a new USR modem, and I somehow ended up with one
> |of the new voicemail capable modems (I'm not complaining :) ). Anyone
> |have any idea how to drive the voicemail features under FreeBSD?
> I've tried vgetty (part of mgetty-0.97) with some
> success.  The main reason I gave up was that I couldn't
> get it to reliably differntiate between 'voice',
> 'silence, and 'data'.  It uses fft/spectrum analysis to
> do differentite the signals and just wasn't
> consistently successful.  Still, if you stick to voice
> and DTMF (touch tones) it works great.  Rich

Hmmm....  Have you guys tried the March release mgetty-0.99 on

It may do the job, but it needs some ports patches before it will
compile...  I recall hearing someone say that class I voice/data/fax
modems can't differentiate between data and the others, but class II
could.  But a class I can still do the fax/voice autodetect okay. 

Well, if anyone gets that mgetty 0.99 March release compiled, please let
me know.  Otherwise, it would still be nice to get the latest Wine (also 
needs patches to compile) to work with the Win3.1 modem software that's 

Does anyone know anything about the Wine FAQ that says you can use dosemu 
and throw Win 3.1 on top of it to get Windows emulation?


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