From owner-freebsd-ports Tue Aug 18 23:30:08 1998 Return-Path: Received: (from majordom@localhost) by (8.8.8/8.8.8) id XAA29258 for freebsd-ports-outgoing; Tue, 18 Aug 1998 23:30:08 -0700 (PDT) (envelope-from owner-freebsd-ports@FreeBSD.ORG) Received: from (freefall.FreeBSD.ORG []) by (8.8.8/8.8.8) with ESMTP id XAA29224 for ; Tue, 18 Aug 1998 23:30:04 -0700 (PDT) (envelope-from Received: (from gnats@localhost) by (8.8.8/8.8.5) id XAA28833; Tue, 18 Aug 1998 23:30:01 -0700 (PDT) Received: from ( []) by (8.8.8/8.8.8) with ESMTP id XAA29025 for ; Tue, 18 Aug 1998 23:27:12 -0700 (PDT) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) by (8.7.2/Murphy) with ESMTP id MAA19739 for ; Wed, 19 Aug 1998 12:27:42 +0600 (UDT) Received: (from andy@localhost) by (8.8.5/8.8.4) id KAA07072; Wed, 19 Aug 1998 10:30:20 +0400 (MSD) Message-Id: <> Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 10:30:20 +0400 (MSD) From: "Andrey V. Zakhvatov" Reply-To: To: FreeBSD-gnats-submit@FreeBSD.ORG X-Send-Pr-Version: 3.2 Subject: ports/7674: New port: abacus-0.9.3 Sender: owner-freebsd-ports@FreeBSD.ORG Precedence: bulk X-Loop: >Number: 7674 >Category: ports >Synopsis: New port: abacus-0.9.3 >Confidential: no >Severity: non-critical >Priority: low >Responsible: freebsd-ports >State: open >Quarter: >Keywords: >Date-Required: >Class: change-request >Submitter-Id: current-users >Arrival-Date: Tue Aug 18 23:30:00 PDT 1998 >Last-Modified: >Originator: Andrey V. Zakhvatov >Organization: South Ural Railway ICC >Release: FreeBSD 2.2.2-RELEASE i386 >Environment: >Description: This is a port of abacus-0.9.3 - spreadsheet for Tcl/Tk. Abacus is a small, light and easy to use spreadsheet being developed as graduation project under the tutorship of Prof. Arlindo Oliveira, and the spreadsheet is being developed using the Tcl/Tk toolkit, as well as plain old C/C++ for all the "number-crunching" tasks. The following functionalities are available in the latest version: Multiple spreadsheets, limited by the amount of memory you have available. Small set of built-in functions that include statistical, financial, and the usual math and trig functions, including a slick menu-like interface to make it easy to paste formulas. Cell editing with all the usual Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete functions implemented. Cell formating with a load of different formats, plus fonts, italics, bold font size and borders. Column and Row insertion, deletion, resizing. Sorting using all sorts of weird sort methods, so many we find it confusing ourselves and we made it! Autosum - you select and press the button and it sums the data up the way (we hope!) you want. Graphs you can delete, move around and resize. Printing via Postscript. Imports/Exports CSV,Tab separated, Wk1 and TinySheet (for the popular PalmPilot organizer) formats. # This is a shell archive. Save it in a file, remove anything before # this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file". Note, it may # create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and # have default permissions. # # This archive contains: # # abacus-0.9.3 # abacus-0.9.3/Makefile # abacus-0.9.3/files # abacus-0.9.3/files/md5 # abacus-0.9.3/patches # abacus-0.9.3/patches/patch-aa # abacus-0.9.3/patches/patch-ab # abacus-0.9.3/patches/patch-ac # abacus-0.9.3/patches/patch-ad # abacus-0.9.3/pkg # abacus-0.9.3/pkg/COMMENT # abacus-0.9.3/pkg/PLIST # abacus-0.9.3/pkg/DESCR # echo c - abacus-0.9.3 mkdir -p abacus-0.9.3 > /dev/null 2>&1 echo x - abacus-0.9.3/Makefile sed 's/^X//' >abacus-0.9.3/Makefile << 'END-of-abacus-0.9.3/Makefile' X# New ports collection makefile for: abacus X# Version required: 0.9.3 X# Date created: 18 August 1998 X# Whom: Andrey Zakhvatov X# X# $Id$ X# X XDISTNAME= abacus XPKGNAME= abacus-0.9.3 XCATEGORIES= deskutils XMASTER_SITES= XEXTRACT_SUFX= .tgz X XMAINTAINER= X XLIB_DEPENDS= tcl80:${PORTSDIR}/x11/tcl80 \ X tk80:${PORTSDIR}/x11/tk80 X XALL_TARGET= dep tcl_interf/nxlc XUSE_GMAKE= yes XUSE_X_PREFIX= yes XWRKSRC= ${WRKDIR} X Xpost-extract: X @ ${RM} -fr ${WRKSRC}/RCS X Xdo-install: X @ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/${DISTNAME} ${PREFIX}/bin X @ ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/abacus X @ ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/abacus/display X @ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/display/*.tcl ${PREFIX}/share/abacus/display X @ ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/abacus/graphics X @ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/graphics/*.tcl ${PREFIX}/share/abacus/graphics X @ ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/abacus/runlib X @ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/runlib/*.tcl ${PREFIX}/share/abacus/runlib X @ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/runlib/version ${PREFIX}/share/abacus/runlib X @ ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/abacus/runlib/bitmaps X @ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/runlib/bitmaps/* ${PREFIX}/share/abacus/runlib/bitmaps X @ ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/abacus/tcl_interf X @ ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/tcl_interf/nxlc ${PREFIX}/share/abacus/tcl_interf X @ ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/examples/abacus X @ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/regressive/* ${PREFIX}/share/examples/abacus X X.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) X @ ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/doc/abacus X @ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/doc/* ${PREFIX}/share/doc/abacus X.endif X X.include END-of-abacus-0.9.3/Makefile echo c - abacus-0.9.3/files mkdir -p abacus-0.9.3/files > /dev/null 2>&1 echo x - abacus-0.9.3/files/md5 sed 's/^X//' >abacus-0.9.3/files/md5 << 'END-of-abacus-0.9.3/files/md5' XMD5 (abacus.tgz) = 2144e59f49a8336fc232bb58228ccc99 END-of-abacus-0.9.3/files/md5 echo c - abacus-0.9.3/patches mkdir -p abacus-0.9.3/patches > /dev/null 2>&1 echo x - abacus-0.9.3/patches/patch-aa sed 's/^X//' >abacus-0.9.3/patches/patch-aa << 'END-of-abacus-0.9.3/patches/patch-aa' X--- Makefile Thu Aug 6 21:15:12 1998 X+++ /home/andy/tmp/wrk/Makefile Tue Aug 18 15:24:56 1998 X@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ X-# $Id: Makefile,v 1.20 1998/08/06 21:15:11 aml Exp $ X+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.20 1998/08/06 21:15:11 aml Exp andy $ X # Main Makefile for xxl X # X # Authors: Arlindo Oliveira ( X@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ X # explicit permission of the copyright holder. X # X X-CCFLAGS= -g X+CCFLAGS= $(CFLAGS) -I$(X11BASE)/include -I$(LOCALBASE)/include/tcl8.0 -I$(LOCALBASE)/include/tk8.0 X TARGET = tcl_interf/nxlc X DIRS = display calc io graphics include runlib lib canvas tcl_interf X TARDIRS = $(DIRS) lib RCS tests regressive doc X@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ X rm -f *~ gmon.out tests/* regressive/*.bck X X dep : version X- for i in $(DIRS); do $(MAKE) dep -C $$i; done X+ for i in $(DIRS); do $(MAKE) dep -C $$i CCFLAGS="$(CCFLAGS)"; done X rm -f *~ X X END-of-abacus-0.9.3/patches/patch-aa echo x - abacus-0.9.3/patches/patch-ab sed 's/^X//' >abacus-0.9.3/patches/patch-ab << 'END-of-abacus-0.9.3/patches/patch-ab' X--- abacus Mon Aug 3 11:25:52 1998 X+++ /home/andy/tmp/wrk/abacus Tue Aug 18 15:55:55 1998 X@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ X #!/bin/sh X # The next line restarts using nxlc \ X-exec $ABACUS_HOME/tcl_interf/nxlc -f $0 ${1+"$@"} X+exec /usr/X11R6/share/abacus/tcl_interf/nxlc -f $0 ${1+"$@"} X # $Id: xxl,v 1.9 1997/03/27 10:00:57 aml Exp $ X X global env X@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ X if [info exists env(ABACUS_HOME)] { X set home $env(ABACUS_HOME) X } else { X- set home "." X+ set home "/usr/X11R6/share/abacus" X } X X wm withdraw . END-of-abacus-0.9.3/patches/patch-ab echo x - abacus-0.9.3/patches/patch-ac sed 's/^X//' >abacus-0.9.3/patches/patch-ac << 'END-of-abacus-0.9.3/patches/patch-ac' X--- calc/Makefile Thu Nov 6 00:30:09 1997 X+++ /home/andy/tmp/wrk/calc/Makefile Tue Aug 18 15:32:43 1998 X@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ X $(LEX) -i -t scan.l > scan.c X X gram.o: X- $(CCC) $(IFLAGS) -g -o gram.o -c X+ $(CCC) $(CCFLAGS) $(IFLAGS) -g -o gram.o -c X X gram.y scan.c X $(YACC) -d gram.y END-of-abacus-0.9.3/patches/patch-ac echo x - abacus-0.9.3/patches/patch-ad sed 's/^X//' >abacus-0.9.3/patches/patch-ad << 'END-of-abacus-0.9.3/patches/patch-ad' X--- tcl_interf/Makefile Thu Aug 6 21:08:39 1998 X+++ /home/andy/tmp/wrk/tcl_interf/Makefile Tue Aug 18 15:37:43 1998 X@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ X LIBDIR = ../lib X X XXL_LIBS = $(LIBDIR)/libcalc.a $(LIBDIR)/libio.a $(LIBDIR)/libcanvas.a X-LIBS = -ltk8.0 -ltcl8.0 -lX11 -ldl -lm X+LIBS = -ltk80 -ltcl80 -lX11 -lm X X CC = gcc X CCC = g++ END-of-abacus-0.9.3/patches/patch-ad echo c - abacus-0.9.3/pkg mkdir -p abacus-0.9.3/pkg > /dev/null 2>&1 echo x - abacus-0.9.3/pkg/COMMENT sed 's/^X//' >abacus-0.9.3/pkg/COMMENT << 'END-of-abacus-0.9.3/pkg/COMMENT' XSpread sheet for X Window System. END-of-abacus-0.9.3/pkg/COMMENT echo x - abacus-0.9.3/pkg/PLIST sed 's/^X//' >abacus-0.9.3/pkg/PLIST << 'END-of-abacus-0.9.3/pkg/PLIST' Xbin/abacus Xshare/abacus/display/autosum.tcl Xshare/abacus/display/canvas.tcl Xshare/abacus/display/create_pixmaps.tcl Xshare/abacus/display/defaults.tcl Xshare/abacus/display/display.tcl Xshare/abacus/display/edit.tcl Xshare/abacus/display/entry.tcl Xshare/abacus/display/font.tcl Xshare/abacus/display/format.tcl Xshare/abacus/display/funcmenu.tcl Xshare/abacus/display/funcs.tcl Xshare/abacus/display/globals.tcl Xshare/abacus/display/graphs.tcl Xshare/abacus/display/init.tcl Xshare/abacus/display/io.tcl Xshare/abacus/display/menubar.tcl Xshare/abacus/display/print.tcl Xshare/abacus/display/sheet.tcl Xshare/abacus/display/sort.tcl Xshare/abacus/display/standard.tcl Xshare/abacus/display/teste.tcl Xshare/abacus/display/user_interf.tcl Xshare/abacus/display/utils.tcl Xshare/abacus/graphics/bar.tcl Xshare/abacus/graphics/explodepie.tcl Xshare/abacus/graphics/histogram.tcl Xshare/abacus/graphics/line.tcl Xshare/abacus/graphics/pie.tcl Xshare/abacus/graphics/scatter.tcl Xshare/abacus/graphics/stackedBar.tcl Xshare/abacus/runlib/globals.tcl Xshare/abacus/runlib/globalvars.tcl Xshare/abacus/runlib/version Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/ascend.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/ascend.xbm Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/bold.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/bold.xbm Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/borders.xbm Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/calc.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/calc.xpm Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/check.xbm Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/close.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/copy.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/cross.xbm Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/cut.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/descend.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/descend.xbm Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/fill.xbm Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/floppy.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/folder.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/funcs.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/funcs.xbm Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/icenter.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/icenter.xbm Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/ileft.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/ileft.xbm Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/iright.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/iright.xbm Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/italic.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/italic.xbm Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/move.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/new.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/none.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/paint.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/preview.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/print.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/pulldown.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/pulldown.xbm Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/rect.xbm Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/redo.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/redo.xbm Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/scissors.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/shade.xbm Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/stop.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/stop.xbm Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/sum.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/sum.xbm Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/teste.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/tmp.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/under.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/under.xbm Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/undo.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/xxl.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/undo.xbm Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/xxl2.gif Xshare/abacus/runlib/bitmaps/xxl_bck.gif Xshare/abacus/tcl_interf/nxlc Xshare/doc/abacus/TODO Xshare/doc/abacus/user_interf.fig Xshare/doc/abacus/wsff1.txt Xshare/doc/abacus/wsff2.txt Xshare/doc/abacus/wsff3.txt Xshare/doc/abacus/wsff4.txt Xshare/examples/abacus/allfuncs.wk1 Xshare/examples/abacus/emprestimo.wk1 Xshare/examples/abacus/example.wk1 Xshare/examples/abacus/notas.wk1 Xshare/examples/abacus/notas_plain.wk1 Xshare/examples/abacus/obras.wk1 Xshare/examples/abacus/prestacao.wk1 Xshare/examples/abacus/recpt197.wk1 Xshare/examples/abacus/tables.wk1 X@dirrm share/abacus/display X@dirrm share/abacus/graphics X@dirrm share/abacus/runlib/bitmaps X@dirrm share/abacus/runlib X@dirrm share/abacus/tcl_interf X@dirrm share/abacus X@dirrm share/doc/abacus X@dirrm share/examples/abacus END-of-abacus-0.9.3/pkg/PLIST echo x - abacus-0.9.3/pkg/DESCR sed 's/^X//' >abacus-0.9.3/pkg/DESCR << 'END-of-abacus-0.9.3/pkg/DESCR' X Abacus is a small, light and easy to use spreadsheet being developed Xas graduation project under the tutorship of Prof. Arlindo Oliveira, Xand the spreadsheet is being developed using the Tcl/Tk toolkit, as Xwell as plain old C/C++ for all the "number-crunching" tasks. XThe following functionalities are available in the latest version: X Multiple spreadsheets, limited by the amount of memory you have Xavailable. Small set of built-in functions that include statistical, Xfinancial, and the usual math and trig functions, including a slick Xmenu-like interface to make it easy to paste formulas. Cell editing Xwith all the usual Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete functions implemented. Cell Xformating with a load of different formats, plus fonts, italics, bold Xfont size and borders. Column and Row insertion, deletion, resizing. XSorting using all sorts of weird sort methods, so many we find it Xconfusing ourselves and we made it! Autosum - you select and press the Xbutton and it sums the data up the way (we hope!) you want. Graphs you Xcan delete, move around and resize. Printing via Postscript. XImports/Exports CSV,Tab separated, Wk1 and TinySheet (for the popular XPalmPilot organizer) formats. X X END-of-abacus-0.9.3/pkg/DESCR exit >How-To-Repeat: >Fix: Please, check and commit this port. >Audit-Trail: >Unformatted: To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-ports" in the body of the message