Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2002 10:16:31 +0100 From: Marco Molteni <> To: Subject: help with automake and friends Message-ID: <>
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[Please keep me in CC because I am not subscribed to -ports] I am the maintainer of astro/gpsdrive, a GPS navigation system. Right now I patch src/ as follows [edited to make it shorter], in order to make it link with the needed libraries on FreeBSD: ========================================================================= --- src/ Thu Aug 8 23:52:40 2002 +++ src/ Thu Aug 8 23:54:21 2002 @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ -gpsdrive_LDADD = @XLIBS@ +gpsdrive_LDADD = @XLIBS@ -lgnugetopt @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ -friendsd_LDADD = $(LDADD) +friendsd_LDADD = $(LDADD) -lintl @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ -garble_LDADD = $(LDADD) +garble_LDADD = $(LDADD) -lgnugetopt ========================================================================= Now, I am sure the proper fix is to modify src/ so that the developer, when he runs automake, creates a src/ that can handle both Linux and FreeBSD, avoiding completely the patch in the FreeBSD port. Can somebody give me a hint on how to modify src/ ? I will then send the mods to the gpsdrive developer. For reference, the latest src/ from cvs is included below. Thanks a lot for your help marco =============================================================================== DEFS=@DEFS@ -I. -I$(srcdir) -I.. -DLOCALEDIR=\"${localedir}\" -DDATADIR=\"${datadir}\" -DLIBDIR=\"${mylibdir}\" -DFRIENDSSERVERVERSION=\"${FRIENDSSERVERVERSION}\" ${NOGARMIN} ${NOPLUGINS} ${USEMYSQL} if DISABLEGARMIN PRG1= else PRG1=garble endif bin_PROGRAMS = $(PRG1) gpsdrive gpsd friendsd LIBS= # gpsdrive_LDADD= $(GLIB_LIBS) $(GTK_LIBS) $(PIXLIBS) #gpsdrive_LDADD=@LIBS@ gpsdrive_LDADD= @XLIBS@ # gpsdrive_CFLAGS=@CFLAGS@ # libgpsd_a_CFLAGS=@CFLAGS@ # CFLAGS= noinst_LIBRARIES = libgpsd.a lib_LTLIBRARIES libfly_la_SOURCES=fly.c libfly_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 2:0:0 libnautic_la_SOURCES=nautic.c libnautic_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 2:0:0 libgpsd_a_SOURCES=netlib.c nmea_parse.c serial.c tm.c em.c \ gps.h version.h gpsd_SOURCES= gpsd.c gpsd.h nmea.h version.h gpsd_LDADD= -lgpsd -lm gpsd_LDFLAGS = -L. bin_SCRIPTS=wpcvt wpget gpsfetchmap if DISABLEGARMIN PRGS = gpsdrive.c splash.c navigation.c speech_out.c friends.c battery.c track.c settings.c stop.h gpsico.h power.h battery.h track.h gpsdrive.h gpssql.c gpskismet.c ../config.h icons.h else PRGS = gpsdrive.c splash.c navigation.c speech_out.c friends.c battery.c track.c settings.c stop.h power.h battery.h track.h gpsdrive.h gpsico.h garmin_serial_unix.cpp garmin_application.cpp garmin_link.cpp garmin_util.cpp gpsdrivegarble.cpp garmin_link.h garmin_serial_unix.h garmin_application.h garmin_packet.h garmin_types.h garmin_command.h garmin_phys.h garmin_util.h garmin_error.h garmin_serial.h gpssql.c gpskismet.c ../config.h icons.h endif gpsdrive_SOURCES= $(PRGS) if DISABLEGARMIN else garble_SOURCES=garble.cpp garmin_serial_unix.cpp garmin_application.cpp garmin_link.cpp garmin_util.cpp endif friendsd_SOURCES=friendsd.c EXTRA_DIST = wpcvt wpget gpsfetchmap gpsdrive.spec gpsdrive-nosql.spec map_koord.txt gpsdrivesplash.png friendsicon.png data_DATA = gpsdrivesplash.png friendsicon.png ============================================================================ To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-ports" in the body of the message
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