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Date:      Tue, 3 Jun 1997 23:14:55 +0200 (MET DST)
From:      Michael Reifenberger <>
To:        FreeBSD-Hackers <>
Subject:   ASUS P/I-P55TP4N BIOS-Password lost...
Message-ID:  <>

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after deleting the User-password of a P/I-P55TP4N MB in the BIOS
and forgetting the existing Superuser-Password I have a problem.
No passwords->no boot->no BSD :-(

The Handbook states to shorten jumper 13 for a while but I tried this
with no success. Somewhere else it states that one should send the Board to the
reseller but he is not available anymore...

Is there a chance to set the NVRAM to the Factory-default = no passwords?

The Board is a:
Mainboard P/I-P55TP4N 
Award Modular BIOS v.4.50PG (#401A0-0155) (ROM PCI/ISA BIOS (PI-5XTP4))
 (S/N: 034336222)  

The NVRAM is a DALLAS chip.


Michael Reifenberger
Plaut Software GmbH, R/3 Basis

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