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Date:      Mon, 18 Aug 2003 21:32:42 +0100
From:      Matthew Seaman <>
To:        Charles Howse <>
Subject:   Re: Make world question
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <005501c365ba$16139390$04fea8c0@moe>
References:  <005501c365ba$16139390$04fea8c0@moe>

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On Mon, Aug 18, 2003 at 01:53:55PM -0500, Charles Howse wrote:
> Hi,
> I haven't done this before, and even though I have "FreeBSD Unleashed",
> and have read several articles from and the relevant
> section of the handbook, I still have a simple question.
> I want to stay at a 'production' version of FreeBSD.  I'm currently
> running 4.8-RELEASE, which I installed via ftp over the Internet perhaps
> 2 weeks ago.
> All I want to do is have the latest ports, bugfixes and source code.
> I'm not interested in being on the 'bleeding edge'.
> I have used cvsupit to update my ports and base cources.  Here is my
> /etc/cvsupfile:
> *default
> *default  base=3D/usr
> *default  prefix=3D/usr
> *default  release=3Dcvs
> *default  tag=3DRELENG_4

RELENG_4 gets you 4.8-STABLE.  From what you say above, you probably
want RELENG_4_8 which gets you 4.8-RELEASE-p3 at the moment.

> *default  delete use-rel-suffix
> src-base
> *default tag=3D.
> ports-all
> doc-all
> The question is: How can I determine if it is necessary to do a 'make
> world'?

If you're tracking 4.8-STABLE, then the sources are updated
continuously, so you just do a cvsup and make world cycle at
appropriate intervals in order to pick up any changes.

If you're tracking 4.8-RELEASE-px, then subscribe to
freebsd-announce@... where any new patches to that branch will be
announced, usually in the form of a security advisory.  Or you can
just run cvsup at intervals, and do a make world if there are any
source changes or if /usr/src/UPDATING gains any new entries.

Ports and doc are continually updated, and the only good ways to track
updates to any ports you have installed are either to keep running
cvsup at intervals, and look for modifications to the ports you've
installed, or to subscribe at

If you cvsup your ports regularly, you can get everything up to date
fairly automatically just by running:

    # cd /usr/ports
    # make index       ( -or- portsdb -uU)
    # portupgrade -Nia



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
PGP:         Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614                                  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK

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