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Date:      Thu, 27 Aug 1998 15:07:39 +0200 (MET DST)
From:      Nick Hibma <>
To:        FreeBSD hackers mailing list <hackers@FreeBSD.ORG>
Subject:   Re: Imap4 (fwd)
Message-ID:  <Pine.GSO.3.95q.980827150732.394M-100000@elect8>

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 > > Its not like there are many IMAP clients anyway..
 > > The only ones I know of are Pine, TkRat, and fetchmail :)
 > Netscape 4.0x also does IMAP.  I have no idea how well it does it, but
 > it's there.

Well decently I'd say. I can;t whether it delays fetching of parts in a
mime message, but I think it does. So, if you have enough morons on site
who send you 10mb Word documents you can see the intro in the
message and delete the message without pulling the large chunk across.
well, pine doesn't, netscape starts to, but you can stop it from doing
that. It's a bit overly enthousiastic in pulling down chunks of a Mime
encoded message.


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