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To: Pat Lathem <>
Subject: Re: Copying of Developer's Guide
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From: (Gary W. Swearingen)
Date: 16 Feb 2003 12:26:51 -0800
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Pat Lathem <> writes:

> I recently tried to print out out the Developer's Guide at a local
> Kinko's. They refused because it is copyrighted. They looked at page 2
> of the guide, and decided that it was not explicit stately that
> reproduction was allowed (in printed form). Could that page possibly
> explicitly state that it is permissible to copy the Developer's handbook
> (with whatever restrictions) in printed form? It would be greatly
> appreciated.

I'm not sure which "page 2" you're referring to, especially since I'm
not aware of a "Developer's Guide".  Making a few assumptions, I'll
ask you to follow the "Copyright" link near the top of

Is THAT what Kinkos finds insufficient?

Do YOU think that would be insufficient?  Do you think it should be?

Please state what you know of Kinkos' requirements (and it would be good
if you could find out and tell us, if you don't know much about them).

How are you supplying the "original"?  A URL?  A floppy file?  Multiple
files?  How will they accept it?  Do they require that the license be in
the same file as the document?  On the same web site?  Will they consider
a semi-official (but non-binding) explanation of the license along with
the license which they can't (or won't) understand?

(This is the third time I've seen mention of Kinkos here.)

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