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Date:      Thu, 28 Oct 1999 21:32:51 -0400 (EDT)
From:      Andrew Gallatin <>
Subject:   Re: ip forwarding broken on alpha
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>
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Andrew Gallatin writes:
 > I have an older AlphaStation 600 5/266 running -current (cvsupped
 > last week) which is setup as a router between 2 100mb networks.  When
 > the machine is pushed fairly hard (like running a netperf -tUDP_STREAM
 > -- -m 100 across the router, eg about 10-20k 100byte packets/sec ) the
 > alpha falls over almost instantly.  I have not enabled any NAT or
 > firewall functionality, just ip forwarding.


 > This might be a red herring, but I've found that if I run the entire
 > ip_input path under splnet() (added splnet() around the call to
 > ip_input() in ipintr().), things get a hell of a lot more stable.
 > Rather than crashing in a few seconds, it sometimes takes minutes.
 > And rather than an illegal access, I tend to run out of kernel stack
 > space ( either a panic("possible stack overflow\n"); in
 > alpha/alpha/interrupt.c, or I end up in the SRM console after calling
 > halt from a PC which isn't in the kernel, which smells like an overrun
 > stack to me).  I'm not sure if this is related, or if it is a separate
 > problem entirely.

That was it.

The problem is that the interrupt handler returns through
exception_return, like the trap handler does.  Exception_return checks
to see if the last ipl the system was at was 0.  If it was, it
eventually lowers the ipl to zero and checks for a pending ast.  This
was the problem.  If you're getting interrupts quickly enough, there's
large window when you're still running on the interrupt stack where
you're sitting at ipl0 and you can get another interrupt & build onto
that stack.  If you're getting 40,000 interrupts per second
(forwarding 20,000 packets/sec), this can build up & rapidly run you
out of stack space.

I've found the system can forward 70,000 packets per second & remain
perfectly stable with the appended patch.  I'm not terribly good at
assembler, so rather than try to be tricky & check to see if the
current ipl is >= 4 (handling a device interrupt), I simply copied 
exception_return & skipped the ipl lowering & the check for an ast
since I don't think you're ever going to need to check for an ast
after an interrupt.  

I have NFC why mclfree was getting trashed, but it must have been
caused by running out of stack space as the appended patch seems to
take care of everything.

Doug -- should I commit this as-is, or do you want to take a more
refined approach?

Andrew Gallatin, Sr Systems Programmer
Duke University				Email:
Department of Computer Science		Phone: (919) 660-6590

Index: exception.s
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/alpha/alpha/exception.s,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 exception.s
--- exception.s	1999/08/28 00:38:26	1.3
+++ exception.s	1999/10/28 19:17:26
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 	/* a0, a1, & a2 already set up */
 	mov	sp, a3			; .loc 1 __LINE__
-	jmp	zero, exception_return
+	jmp	zero, interrupt_return
Index: swtch.s
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/alpha/alpha/swtch.s,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -r1.11 swtch.s
--- swtch.s	1999/08/28 00:38:32	1.11
+++ swtch.s	1999/10/28 20:08:24
@@ -308,6 +308,61 @@
 	.set at
+LEAF(interrupt_return, 1)			/* XXX should be NESTED */
+	br	pv, Lintr_er1
+Lintr_er1:	LDGP(pv)
+	ldq	s1, (FRAME_PS * 8)(sp)		/* get the saved PS */
+	and	s1, ALPHA_PSL_IPL_MASK, t0	/* look at the saved IPL */
+	bne	t0, Lintr_restoreregs		/* != 0: can't do AST or SIR */
+	/* see if we can do an SIR */
+	ldl	t1, ipending			/* SIR pending? */
+	beq	t1, Lintr_chkast			/* no, try an AST*/
+	/* We've got a SIR. */
+	CALL(do_sir)				/* do the SIR; lowers IPL */
+	and	s1, ALPHA_PSL_USERMODE, t0	/* are we returning to user? */
+	beq	t0, Lintr_restoreregs		/* no: just return */
+	/* enable FPU based on whether the current proc is fpcurproc */
+	ldq	t0, curproc
+	ldq	t1, fpcurproc
+	cmpeq	t0, t1, t0
+	mov	zero, a0
+	cmovne	t0, 1, a0
+	call_pal PAL_OSF1_wrfen
+	/* set the hae register if this process has specified a value */
+	ldq	t0, curproc
+	beq	t0, Lintr_nohae
+	ldq	t1, P_MD_FLAGS(t0)
+	and	t1, MDP_HAEUSED
+	beq	t1, Lintr_nohae
+	ldq	a0, P_MD_HAE(t0)
+	ldq	pv, chipset + CHIPSET_WRITE_HAE
+	CALL((pv))
+	/* restore the registers, and return */
+	bsr	ra, exception_restore_regs	/* jmp/CALL trashes pv/t12 */
+	ldq	ra,(FRAME_RA*8)(sp)
+	.set noat
+	ldq	at_reg,(FRAME_AT*8)(sp)
+	lda	sp,(FRAME_SW_SIZE*8)(sp)
+	call_pal PAL_OSF1_rti
+	.set at
+	END(interrupt_return)
 LEAF(exception_save_regs, 0)
 	stq	v0,(FRAME_V0*8)(sp)
 	stq	a3,(FRAME_A3*8)(sp)

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