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Date:      Tue, 11 Dec 2001 12:32:08 +0100
From:      Roman Neuhauser <>
To:        Petre Bandac <>
Subject:   Re: bash newbie question
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <01121111545202.00308@k>
References:  <01121021283600.00268@k> <> <01121111545202.00308@k>

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> From: Petre Bandac <>
> Subject: Re: bash newbie question
> Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 11:55:04 +0200
> To:
> what I ment is if I can make bash look 100% like the linux bash
> it's already installed - however, what bother me is that the auto-completion 
> of the command doesn't work like in linux - I mean if there I typed "tr" and 
> TAB I got the commands starting with "tr" [tr          traceroute  trap       
>  troff       true        tryaffix], while here I must type "trace" and TAB 
> and only then I get the traceroute.
> must I understand that this is the only auto-completion of the command I 
> shall get in freebsd ?

    no. it is fully configurable. your Linux distro probably ships with
    a bit tweaked dotfiles. You can try to copy the .profile (or
    whatever it's called -- I don't use bash) from your Linux machine to
    the FreeBSD one, and after sourcing it you should have exactly the
    same shell on both systems.
> also - I was used to have some colors on the screen after a <ls> :-)

    I believe you want to check man ls.
> so, resumig, the question I have for those of you more experienced in freebsd 
> is: must I expect a 100% similarity in bash freebsd-linux or the port to bsd 
> is quite "incomplete" ?

    you can expect 100% similarity... If you use the same configuration
    on both machines.

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