Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 00:35:33 +0200 (MET DST) From: Gerard Roudier <> To: scsi@FreeBSD.ORG Subject: Some SYM53C896 benchmarks Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.95.990923234606.349B-200000@localhost>
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This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. --8323328-1785991469-938125182=:349 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE Content-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.95.990924002234.486B@localhost> PII-233 / SYM53C896 / SnapShot 07/05/99 1) Using disklate.c (only works with disks that do not remove from =20 their cache data previously read) DDRS 34560W at 40 MB/s data transfers ncr: Command overhead 230 us - Transfer speed 23 MB/s sym_hipd: Command overhead 149 us - Transfer speed 34 MB/s XP32275W at 40 MB/s data transfers ncr: Command overhead 409 us - Transfer speed 23 MB/s sym_hipd: Command overhead 310 us - Transfer speed 34 MB/s 2) For the Cheatah2 LVD and the DRVS LVD, disklate is not usable since=20 these drives seem to remove data previouly read from their cache. I just tried to perform small sequential IOs read (1Kb) using dd, from= =20 the both drives at the same time (connected to the same SCSI BUS). ncr: 6000 Tps sym_hipd: 11500 Tps For test (1), the difference in latency seems to me explainable, but the=20 difference in transfers speed is strange to me. Will try to understand=20 more. I am also asking me questions about results of test 2. Under Linux I can get up to 8000 Tps in the same conditions using the generic ncr53c8xx driver and about 11500 (same as the sym_hipd driver as expected) using the sym53c8xx that takes advantage of the features of the SYM53C896.=20 I recently read a post at this list that reported a SYM53C895 in LVD mode 80 MB/s being slower that an adaptec board in SE mode (40 MB/s) using same hard disks and stock drivers. The numbers above may explain the results and let me think that the 895 was not the cause of the bad results. It would be fair, to give a try to the sym_hipd driver in the same situation and report results, even if I have only announced the sym_hipd driver as being optimized for the 896 and friends (may-be it can also help for the 895 as it does under Linux). Thanks. (The sym_hipd driver is still experimental)=20 G=E9rard. PS: I have attached disklate.c which is not from me, but that had been=20 posted to a FreeBSD list years ago. --8323328-1785991469-938125182=:349 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII; NAME="disklate.c" Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.95.990924001942.349C@localhost> Content-Description: I2luY2x1ZGUgPHN5cy90eXBlcy5oPg0KI2luY2x1ZGUgPHN5cy90aW1lLmg+ DQojaW5jbHVkZSA8ZmNudGwuaD4NCiNpbmNsdWRlIDxzdGRpby5oPg0KI2lu Y2x1ZGUgPHVuaXN0ZC5oPg0KDQojZGVmaW5lIElURVJBVElPTlMJMjAwMA0K DQpzdGF0aWMgaW50IHN5c2Vycm9yKGNvbnN0IGNoYXIgKndoZXJlKTsNCnN0 YXRpYyBsb25nIHRpbWVpdChpbnQgZmQsIGNoYXIgKmJ1ZiwgdW5zaWduZWQg YmxvY2tzaXplKTsNCg0KaW50IG1haW4oaW50IGFyZ2MsIGNoYXIgKiphcmd2 KQ0Kew0KICAgIGNoYXIgYnVmWzIgKiA0MDk2XTsNCiAgICBpbnQgZmQ7DQog ICAgbG9uZyB0aW1lXzQwOTY7DQogICAgbG9uZyB0aW1lXzgxOTI7DQoNCiAg ICBpZiAoYXJnYyAhPSAyKQ0KICAgIHsNCglmcHJpbnRmKHN0ZGVyciwgInVz YWdlOiAlcyBkZXZpY2VcbiIsIGFyZ3ZbMF0pOw0KCWV4aXQoMSk7DQogICAg fQ0KICAgIGZkID0gb3Blbihhcmd2WzFdLCBPX1JET05MWSk7DQogICAgaWYg KGZkID09IC0xKQ0KCXN5c2Vycm9yKCJvcGVuIik7DQogICAgdGltZV80MDk2 ID0gdGltZWl0KGZkLCBidWYsIDQwOTYpOw0KICAgIHRpbWVfODE5MiA9IHRp bWVpdChmZCwgYnVmLCA4MTkyKTsNCiAgICBwcmludGYoIkNvbW1hbmQgb3Zl cmhlYWQgaXMgJWxkIHVzZWMgKHRpbWVfNDA5NiA9ICVsZCwgdGltZV84MTky ID0gJWxkKVxuIiwNCgkgICAodGltZV80MDk2IC0gKHRpbWVfODE5MiAtIHRp bWVfNDA5NikpIC8gSVRFUkFUSU9OUywNCgkgICB0aW1lXzQwOTYgLyBJVEVS QVRJT05TLCB0aW1lXzgxOTIgLyBJVEVSQVRJT05TKTsNCiAgICBwcmludGYo InRyYW5zZmVyIHNwZWVkIGlzICVnIGJ5dGVzL3NlY1xuIiwNCgkgICA0MDk2 ICogSVRFUkFUSU9OUyAqIDEwMDAwMDAuMCAvICh0aW1lXzgxOTIgLSB0aW1l XzQwOTYpKTsNCiAgICBleGl0KDApOw0KfQ0KDQpzdGF0aWMgaW50IHN5c2Vy cm9yKGNvbnN0IGNoYXIgKndoZXJlKQ0Kew0KICAgIHBlcnJvcih3aGVyZSk7 DQogICAgZXhpdCgxKTsNCn0NCg0Kc3RhdGljIGxvbmcgdGltZWl0KGludCBm ZCwgY2hhciAqYnVmLCB1bnNpZ25lZCBibG9ja3NpemUpDQp7DQogICAgc3Ry dWN0IHRpbWV2YWwgZmluaXNoOw0KICAgIGludCBpOw0KICAgIHN0cnVjdCB0 aW1ldmFsIHN0YXJ0Ow0KDQogICAgaWYgKHJlYWQoZmQsIGJ1ZiwgYmxvY2tz aXplKSAhPSBibG9ja3NpemUpDQoJc3lzZXJyb3IoInJlYWQiKTsNCiAgICBp ZiAoZ2V0dGltZW9mZGF5KCZzdGFydCwgKHN0cnVjdCB0aW1lem9uZSAqKU5V TEwpICE9IDApDQoJc3lzZXJyb3IoImdldHRpbWVvZmRheShzdGFydCkiKTsN CiAgICBmb3IgKGkgPSAwOyBpIDwgSVRFUkFUSU9OUzsgKytpKQ0KICAgIHsN CglpZiAobHNlZWsoZmQsIChvZmZfdCkwLCBTRUVLX1NFVCkgPT0gLTEpDQoJ ICAgIHN5c2Vycm9yKCJsc2VlayIpOw0KCWlmIChyZWFkKGZkLCBidWYsIGJs b2Nrc2l6ZSkgIT0gYmxvY2tzaXplKQ0KCSAgICBzeXNlcnJvcigicmVhZCIp Ow0KICAgIH0NCiAgICBpZiAoZ2V0dGltZW9mZGF5KCZmaW5pc2gsIChzdHJ1 Y3QgdGltZXpvbmUgKilOVUxMKSAhPSAwKQ0KCXN5c2Vycm9yKCJnZXR0aW1l b2ZkYXkoZmluaXNoKSIpOw0KICAgIHJldHVybiAoZmluaXNoLnR2X3NlYyAt IHN0YXJ0LnR2X3NlYykgKiAxMDAwMDAwDQoJICAgICsgZmluaXNoLnR2X3Vz ZWMgLSBzdGFydC50dl91c2VjOw0KfQ0K --8323328-1785991469-938125182=:349-- To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-scsi" in the body of the message
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