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Date:      Thu, 17 Oct 2002 21:55:40 -0700
From:      Mike Thompson <>
To:        freebsd-scsi@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Multiple FreeBSD SCSI Hosts
Message-ID:  <>

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I'm interested in setting up two FreeBSD systems in a very simple 
clustering type configuration around centralized external SCSI storage 
devices for hardware redundancy.  The specific configuration I'm thinking 
about is shown in the simple diagram below:

  +-----------+     +----------+     +-----------+
  |  FreeBSD  |     |          |     |  FreeBSD  |
  |  Host  1  |     | External |     |  Host  2  |
  | (primary) |     |   SCSI   |     |(secondary)|
  |           |     |RAID/DRIVE|     |           |
  | SCSI  r/w |     |          |     | SCSI  r/o |
  +-----+-----+     +---+--+---+     +-----+-----+
        |               |  |               |
        +---------------+  +---------------+

There would be two FreeBSD systems with the primary server mounting the 
external SCSI storage read-write and the secondary server mounting the 
external SCSI storage read-only.  Each server would have non-shared /, /usr 
and /var partitions on local drives.   In a fail over situation, I would 
manually power down the primary server and re-mount the SCSI storage 
read-write on the secondary server to continue operation.  My questions 
about this are as follows:

1. Do the FreeBSD SCSI drivers support such a configuration by implementing 
the SCSI RESERVE/RELEASE commands to lock access to the SCSI bus?  If so, 
which drivers for which specific SCSI adapters?

2. Many external raid controllers describe themselves as host dual 
capability.  Is the type of configuration they are describing?

3. Will the secondary server still experience a corrupted file system 
because of write caching by the primary server?  If so, would it be 
possible to configure the primary server to write through the cache?

4. Are there any FreeBSD specific projects or ports that would make such a 
dual host SCSI configuration easier to configure or maintain?

5. What am I overlooking in such a configuration?

6. Are there alternatives to this type of scenario that may work better for 

7. Finally, are there resources already on the web that would answer these 
questions for me?

I would be very much interested in hearing if other people have attempted 
such a configuration with FreeBSD servers and their experience.  Also, 
specific hardware recommendations would be helpful.


Mike Thompson

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