From owner-freebsd-questions  Tue Jan  2 11: 0:26 2001
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Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 20:00:22 +0100
From: Edwin Groothuis <>
To: Chris Smith <>
Cc: Freebsd Questions <freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG>
Subject: Re: open ports on my do i find out what is running
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On Tue, Jan 02, 2001 at 10:54:11AM -0800, Chris Smith wrote:
> I ran nmap on my local gateway ( 4.2-STABLE FreeBSD 4.2-STABLE #0: Thu Dec
> 28 09:29:04 PST  i386) and it shows the following ports open.  Port 22-ssh
> is ok, but the rest are a mystery to me.
> How do I find out what processes are occupying these ports?  I want to find
> out whether I have been hacked or if these are something else that I need to
> deactivate.  The only port I expect to find open is 22.

install lsof from the ports and do a grep for listen in the output:

[~] edwin@p6>/usr/local/sbin/lsof | grep LISTEN
httpd-php   234 edwin   17u  IPv4 0xc80d9b60        0t0     TCP *:http (LISTEN)
httpd-php   235 edwin   17u  IPv4 0xc80d9b60        0t0     TCP *:http (LISTEN)
httpd-php 29560 edwin   17u  IPv4 0xc80d9b60        0t0     TCP *:http (LISTEN)
httpd-php 29561 edwin   17u  IPv4 0xc80d9b60        0t0     TCP *:http (LISTEN)
rom       43968 edwin    6u  IPv4 0xc80ded80        0t0     TCP *:4000 (LISTEN)
rom       43968 edwin    7u  IPv4 0xc80dd500        0t0     TCP *:4001 (LISTEN)
rom       43968 edwin    8u  IPv4 0xc80e02e0        0t0     TCP *:4002 (LISTEN)

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