From owner-freebsd-hackers  Wed Jan 10  1:36:37 2001
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From: "Dan Langille" <>
Organization: The FreeBSD Diary / FreshPorts
To: Neil Blakey-Milner <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 22:35:48 +1300
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Subject: Re: how to test out cron.c changes? (was: cvs commit: src/etc crontab)
Cc: Doug Barton <DougB@FreeBSD.ORG>, freebsd-hackers@FreeBSD.ORG
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On 10 Jan 2001, at 11:24, Neil Blakey-Milner wrote:

> These changes have been tested in OpenBSD for 3 years.

That's a relatively smaller user-base compared to FreeBSD.  Do you 
consider that sufficient?

> The "solution"
> is _not_ to tell people they're stupid to schedule jobs during the
> changeover.  It has nothing to do with them.  If they want jobs at 2am
> in the morning, that's cool.  The fact the changeover is a problem is
> cron-specific.  It shouldn't be trying to be clever and work with local
> time when local time does weird things like randomly add and remove time
> from existence.  However, since it _does_ have this "feature", we should
> accomodate people who are negatively affected by it.  It _will_ fix the
> twice-yearly complaint about extra and missing jobs.  It may create
> unexpected behaviour for a tiny percentage.  Those people should be
> reading the release notes ("or they shouldn't be system administrators
> or run FreeBSD").

I don't see how the above relates to my point about sufficient testing.  It 
seems to be a repeat of what you've said before.

> Again, this change is from OpenBSD.  We will synchronise with their
> changes, and perhaps offer them back a patch to ignore what "ultra leet
> sysadmins who rely on broken behaviour because people who don't are
> simply stupid and shouldn't be running FreeBSD anyway!" with an option.

Maybe I'm stupid.  I couldn't parse that.  But I get the drift.

Dan Langille
The FreeBSD Diary -
       FreshPorts -
     NZ Broadband -

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