From owner-cvs-ports Fri May 12 14:47:17 1995 Return-Path: cvs-ports-owner Received: (from majordom@localhost) by (8.6.10/8.6.6) id OAA01967 for cvs-ports-outgoing; Fri, 12 May 1995 14:47:17 -0700 Received: (from ache@localhost) by (8.6.10/8.6.6) id OAA01928 ; Fri, 12 May 1995 14:47:06 -0700 Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 14:47:06 -0700 From: "Andrey A. Chernov" Message-Id: <> To: CVS-commiters, cvs-ports Subject: cvs commit: ports/mail/elm/scripts pre-configure Sender: Precedence: bulk ache 95/05/12 14:47:04 Modified: mail/elm/patches patch-aa mail/elm/scripts pre-configure Log: Update to current state. Fix printing of st_size