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Date:      Sun, 12 Mar 2000 04:41:57 GMT
Subject:   bin/17330: kbdmap/vidfont bug
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>Number:         17330
>Category:       bin
>Synopsis:       a bug in the routine reading rc.conf
>Confidential:   yes
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    freebsd-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Sat Mar 11 18:50:01 PST 2000
>Originator:     Anatoly Vorobey
>Release:        FreeBSD 4.0-CURRENT i386

	latest CURRENT.

	In usr.sbin/kbdmap/, the routine &font_current
        which reads /etc/rc.conf to determine the current font
        does not handle correctly the quotation marks around fontname, 
        which causes later regexp in &vidcontrol to fail, as a
        consequence vidcontrol(1) is not invoked. 


	Install a non-standard font not matching your LANG vars
        in /etc/rc.conf . Run vidfont(1),
        but do not choose any font, rather exit by Canceling. Your
        font will be changed to the one matching your $LANG, but then
        it'll fail to revert to your default font on exit. 


--- /usr/src/usr.sbin/kbdmap/	Sat Aug 28 01:16:39 1999
+++ /usr/sbin/kbdmap	Sun Mar 12 04:38:02 2000
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
     while(<F>) {
 	/^#/ && next;
 	if (/^\s*font[0-9]+x[0-9]+\s*=\s*(\S+)/) {
-	    $font_current = $1 if $1 ne "NO";
+	    ($font_current = $1) =~ s/"//g  if $1 ne "NO";
     close F;


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