From owner-freebsd-questions Wed Nov 13 21:23:39 1996 Return-Path: owner-questions Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) id VAA14367 for questions-outgoing; Wed, 13 Nov 1996 21:23:39 -0800 (PST) Received: from ( []) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) with ESMTP id VAA14350; Wed, 13 Nov 1996 21:23:31 -0800 (PST) Received: (from rgrimes@localhost) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) id VAA21132; Wed, 13 Nov 1996 21:23:05 -0800 (PST) From: "Rodney W. Grimes" Message-Id: <> Subject: Re: 3C900 - 3C590 - 3C595 - SMC and PCI ethernet cards ??? In-Reply-To: <> from Jim Shankland at "Nov 13, 96 05:45:14 pm" To: jas@flyingfox.COM (Jim Shankland) Date: Wed, 13 Nov 1996 21:23:05 -0800 (PST) Cc:,, X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4ME+ PL25 (25)] MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sender: owner-questions@FreeBSD.ORG X-Loop: Precedence: bulk > > What PCI Ethernet card is solid and has good support under FBSD? > > The standard answer has been to use cards based on the DEC 21x40 > chips, especially the SMC cards. I've used the SMC9332DST in 10 > Megabit mode under 2.1.0-RELEASE and 2.1.5-RELEASE in some > pretty important applications, with no problems (other than an > excessively high reported collision count). The SMC9332DST would be a rock solid card, I have sold 100's of them and only had 2 reported field problems, one tracked to bad cabling, the other had something to do with trying to run it out of the uplink port of a Cisco 7000 with a cross over cable, fixed by putting a hub between them. The reported collision count is (was) a driver bug. > I'm disturbed by the recent reports of problems with these > cards. I really need a stable, solid, PCI-based 10/100 Mbit > Ethernet solution for FreeBSD. Is there anyone who can shed > some light on what's going on here (i.e., what seems to be the > underlying cause of the various failures)? I'd be happy to help > in any way I can (test changes, donate a card, hack at the > driver, whatever). It appears that the driver needs some work to support the new style PHY/MII interface that all of the manufactures of DC21140 cards are changing to. My SMC master distributor has informed me that the 9332DST is discontiued, being replaced with the SMC9332BDT. I have ordered some of his last stock on the DST, but that will be gone in days :-(. I have 4 different manufactures (soon 5, a SMC9332BDT is on it's way) that use a new interface chip to the external world, a quick look at my DFE-500TX revision C1 shows a DP83840VCE and DP83223V being used. I know this has not been much help, but atleast it fills in some of the details. -- Rod Grimes Accurate Automation, Inc. Reliable computers for FreeBSD