Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2006 16:47:00 -0500 From: "jimmy" <> To: "" <> Subject: Update Ready ,See Message-ID: <l1yp87qtk53iq975d2qo@ariw6ubil5>
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<= v:f=20 eqn=3D"sum 0 0 @1"><= v:f=20 eqn=3D"sum @10 21600 0"> =20 =20 2= 7 Oct=20 2006=20 <= SPAN=20 style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes"> Weekend Alert[DEL: = ; &nb= sp; =20 :DEL] Stocks Screaming News =20 NEW DEA= LS THAT=20 WILL LIGHT UP THE BOARD!! YOU GET THEM=20 FIRST!=20 _________________________________________________________________ =20 Cody=20 Ventures Corporation<= o:p> S= ymbol:=20 [1]CDYV<= o:p> R= ecent=20 Price:=20 $0.= 12 =20 <= o:p> D= ay's=20 Range: $0.= 09 -=20 0.14 <= o:p> S= hares=20 Outstanding:=20 47.072M [2]New Interest and High Potential for=20 Growth (CDYV)! The buy=20 signals are lighting up as interest on the internet about Cody Ventur= es=20 Corporation builds: [3] CODY VENTURES CORPORATION M= UST BE=20 WORTH ITS WEIGHT AND MORE [4]Read More About The Deal Here...=20 On Octo= ber 23,=20 2006, Cody Ventures Corporation (the "Company") was cleared for quota= tion=20 by the NASD for the Pink Sheets and by October 24, 2006, the Company,=20 started to trade and each day the price has jumped the volume has=20 increased. These are t= wo=20 facts showing that momentum is growing, and we think this stock is po= ised=20 for a quick jump in price. =20 Something must be happening for this quiet little company to b= e=20 getting so much interest. We think the Company will announce a=20 transaction, earning, merger, etc. and we will NEVER see this stock a= t=20 these prices again. =20 Understand that we could be wrong and the buying is for no rea= son=20 =85=85=85. Like that could be true! We take= our=20 time and look for the right stocks to play! _________________________________________________________________ =20 Cody=20 Ventures Corporation<= o:p> S= ymbol:=20 [5]CDYV<= o:p> R= ecent=20 Price:=20 $= 0.12 =20 <= o:p> D= ay's=20 Range: $0.= 09 -=20 0.14 <= o:p> I= ncorporated: Nevada [6]The= right=20 place at the right time! (CDYV) =20 Cody Ve= ntures=20 Corporation MACD indicators are looking good as price and volume incr= ease!=20 Shake It Up! =96 Volume and Interest Grow We t= hink=20 this stock will see its old Highs around $0.45 in a short time. So if you invest $6,000 at= $0.12 =3D=20 50,000 shares =85=85=85=85.. and at $0.42 X 50,000 shares =3D $21,000= a profit of=20 about $15,000. Underst= and can=20 not say that this WILL happen, but we believe this stock has the=20 potential. Cody Ventures Corporation Webpage= : /=20 _________________________________________________________________ MOMENTUM BUILDING: Don=92t M= iss The=20 Boat! =20 Adverti= sements=20 _________________________________________________________________ [7] [8] [9]<= /O:P> _________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER:=20 We are not a registered broker and may not sell, offer to sell or off= er to=20 buy any security. Our profiles are not a solicitation or recommendati= on to=20 buy, sell or hold securities. An offer to buy or sell can be made onl= y=20 with accompanying disclosure documents from the company offering or=20 selling securities and only in the states and provinces for which the= y are=20 approved. The material in this release is intended to be strictly=20 informational. Safe=20 Harbor<= SPAN=20 style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #999999; FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial Narrow'= ; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial">=20 Statement _________________________________________________________________ [10]To unsubscribe=20 click here. =20 Raven wanted the rivers to turn and wind, so that as he flew up and down=20 them, he would have different views at every bend. The state of Washingt= on is=20 fortunate to host four breeding species of hummingbirds. Raven wanted th= e=20 rivers to turn and wind, so that as he flew up and down them, he would have=20 different views at every bend. Both species will nest only in cavities,= such=20 as old woodpecker holes or man-made nestboxes. Imagine covering those miles= in=20 the dark of night. And female birds of prey are most notably bigger than=20 males among hawk species that hunt agile prey, such as other birds. A Spott= ed=20 Owl hoots from deep within a Northwest forest, calling out a four-note sequ= ence=20 distinctive of the species. When you hear their chorus, be assured that our=20 summer birds will soon arrive, some from as far south as Northern=20 Mexico. While spring heralds the return of many migratory birds, it also=20 spells the end of a long winter stay in Washington by others. At first=20 glance, a Varied Thrush can appear to be a robin. The plight of the grav= ely=20 endangered Spotted Owl illustrates the imperiled status of old-growth fores= t in=20 the Pacific Northwest. Its skillful hunting is enhanced by exceptional sigh= t and=20 acute hearing. With names like the Screaming Piha, the Blue-crowned Motmot,= and=20 the Black-necked Red-Cotinga, these are not your average birds. By March= ,=20 Rufous Hummingbirds are returning to our region, after wintering in Mexico.= This=20 bird is often called the Chinese Pheasant for its country of origin. The= re is=20 an element of luck in birdwatching, and sometimes that luck is mostly=20 bad. Outside of the breeding season, robins tend to gather in large floc= ks.=20 These nests endure rough treatment. And female birds of prey are most no= tably=20 bigger than males among hawk species that hunt agile prey, such as other=20 birds. Imagine covering those miles in the dark of night. References 1. 3D""=20 2. 3D" 3. 3D"" 4. 3D" 5. 3D""=20 6. 3D"" 7. 3D"" 8. 3D"" 9. 3D"" 10. =3D""
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