From owner-freebsd-current Sun Apr 23 23:07:46 1995 Return-Path: current-owner Received: (from majordom@localhost) by (8.6.10/8.6.6) id XAA23508 for current-outgoing; Sun, 23 Apr 1995 23:07:46 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (8.6.10/8.6.6) with SMTP id XAA23502 for ; Sun, 23 Apr 1995 23:07:43 -0700 Received: by (Smail3.1.28.1 #5) id m0s3HJ7-000K0iC; Sun, 23 Apr 95 23:07 WET DST Message-Id: Date: Sun, 23 Apr 95 23:07 WET DST From: (Pete Carah) To: Subject: Re: bin/358: incorrect argument handling in "dump" In-Reply-To: <> Organization: Pelican Consulting Sender: Precedence: bulk In article <> you write: >> >Synopsis: incorrect argument handling in "dump" >> >Description: >> The command "dump -0cu -b 8 -B 349525 -f /dev/nrst0 /" gives >> an error of "Unknown arguments to dump: 8 -B 349525 -f /dev/nrst0 /". >This is not expected to work. dump is a really old program with a >very specific syntax (same boat as `dd'). At least the 'dd' syntax somewhat resembles that of the card of the same name :-) (yes, I used to be the local jcl guru too...) -- Pete