From owner-freebsd-bugs  Mon Oct 30 08:49:39 1995
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From: Chris Augustine <>
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Subject: ATAPI CDROM!!
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 10:49:31 -0600 (CST)
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For the sake of completeness I am sending this to you guys.

I have a DELL XPS100 system with a 1.6gig EIDE hard drive and a
HITACHI EIDE CDROM. Everything works great except for the cdrom
drive, of course. So I got sup-stable2.1 with the ATAPI kernel
config file distributed with it and built a new kernel. During
boot up everything was recognize, it recognize the my CDROM is a
HITACHI and the it's transfer rate is 673KB/sec, 128 volume levels
etc... However, when I try to mount it, it claims device not 
configured. mount_cd9660 /dev/wcd0c /mnt is the command that I used.
I noticed that my major number for /dev/wcd0c was 18 and according to
devices.386 file form wcd it should be 19, so I changed the MAKEDEV
script to use major number 19, tried mounting again and it still did
not mount device..device not configured. I also tried editing the
devices.386 files changing wcd to 18 instead of 19 and remade the kernel.
This time when I tried mounting the cdrom drive I must have hit my hard
drive because the system locked up and my hard drive light stay on 
continously. Is there some hardware setting I should check or maybe this
device simply is not supported by this driver?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. ;(