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To: Soren Schmidt <>
Cc: (Daniel O'Connor), current@FreeBSD.ORG, (Kazutaka YOKOTA), (Mike Smith)
Subject: Re: vga driver and signal 
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Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 23:44:51 -0800
From: Amancio Hasty <>
Sender: owner-freebsd-current@FreeBSD.ORG
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> It seems Amancio Hasty wrote:
> > =

> > Just trying to prevent dragging the whole X server to the kernel --
> > Actually dragging the whole X server to the kernel is not a bad
> > idea --- however it is something that I can not afford to do right no=
w :(
> =

> Ahh, horror, Terry's old idea is coming back again :)

Actually is my old idea not Terry's.

> Seriously, you need (at least) all the code that deals with the videoHW=

> on the interrupt in the kernel, there is no way to get this to userland=

> reliably and without significant delay. This will drag in most off the
> ddx layer I'm afraid, so its really not practical.
> =

> Lets step back for a moment, this is clearly the wrong solution to
> everything, what exactly is it you want to do or want to accomplish??
> Lets see if we can come up with another way of doing that...


The problem that the XFree86 group is trying to solve is that
when a user moves an opaque window it gets little tearings =

along the edges because the repaint of the window came in
in the middle of a vertical retrace also moving the window
is not that smooth. Apparently, the Accel-x folks have solved
this problem because according to some their X server
does not have any problems in moving opaque windows.
As Kevin Day, just posted this problem has other applications
for instance dedicated video players .

One solution that the XFree86 folks are trying is to sync up =

the mouse  interrupts to the refresh rate. =

Mark Vojkovich <> has reported
good success with this approach however the problem is that
we can not arbritraly set the mouse interrupt rate like we can =

with a vga card.

Actually, what we need is a dialogue between the XFree86 group
and this group . For now , I can serve as the bridge and it gets
too involved then we will have to cross-post between the =

two groups.

-- =

 Amancio Hasty

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