Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1999 08:42:03 -0700 (PDT) From: To:, Cc: freebsd-bugs@FreeBSD.ORG Subject: Re: kern/11984: pthread_kill cannot kill select() threads, etc. Message-ID: <>
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} > Subject: Re: kern/11984: pthread_kill cannot kill select() threads, etc. } > Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 12:46:56 -0700 } } Note, according the PR, you are running: } } >Release: FreeBSD 3.2-RELEASE i386 } } > } > By tracing downto c_r library, two problems have been found: } > } > (1) pthread_exit(void *status) } > { } > int sig; } > long l; } > pthread_t pthread; } > } > /* Check if this thread is already in the process of exiting: */ } > if ((_thread_run->flags & PTHREAD_EXITING) != 0) { } > char msg[128]; } > snprintf(msg,"Thread %p has called pthread_exit() from a destruc } tor. } > POSIX 1003.1 1996 s16.2.5.2 does not allow this!",_thread_run); } > PANIC(msg); } > } } > } > /* Flag this thread as exiting: */ } > _thread_run->flags |= PTHREAD_EXITING; } > ... } > } } > } > PTHREAD_EXITING is defined as 0x100, but _thread_run->flags is type of } > char. } > } > So, PTHREAD_EXITING can never be checked or set. } } Huh? From 3.2-stable (which is the same as 3.2R), pthread_private.h } } SCLASS struct pthread * volatile _thread_run } } struct pthread { } .... } /* Miscellaneous data. */ } int flags; } #define PTHREAD_FLAGS_PRIVATE 0x0001 } #define PTHREAD_EXITING 0x0002 } #define PTHREAD_FLAGS_QUEUED 0x0004 /* in queue (qe is used) */ } #define PTHREAD_FLAGS_TRACE 0x0008 } } And, from current: } SCLASS struct pthread * volatile _thread_run } } struct pthread { } ..... } /* Miscellaneous data. */ } int flags; } #define PTHREAD_FLAGS_PRIVATE 0x0001 } #define PTHREAD_EXITING 0x0002 } #define PTHREAD_FLAGS_IN_CONDQ 0x0004 /* in condition queue using qe link*/ } #define PTHREAD_FLAGS_IN_WORKQ 0x0008 /* in work queue using qe link */ } #define PTHREAD_FLAGS_IN_WAITQ 0x0010 /* in waiting queue using pqe link*/ } #define PTHREAD_FLAGS_IN_PRIOQ 0x0020 /* in priority queue using pqe link*/ } #define PTHREAD_FLAGS_TRACE 0x0040 /* for debugging purposes */ } } flags and PTHREAD_EXITING are different that what you claim. } } Which version of FreeBSD are you using? In 3.0, it was a char, so I'll } bet you are using a buggy version of the library. Please update to a } more recent version, which has these bugs fixed. Sorry for the confusion. That was in 2.2.8-RELEASE. The problem is the gdb get core dump under 3.2-RELEASE when attach the hanging process, so I did debugging under 2.2.8-RELEASE. Yes, part of the problem 1 is fixed in 3.2-RELEASE, but the flags is not checked any where, which causes problem 2 still in 3.2. } As far as the second issue, I suspect (but did not review the code) that } the error may be fixed in more recent versions of the code, which have } had substantial changes since 3.0R. (Even 3.1R has most of the fixes in } place.) } } } Nate I will look into the latest SNAP, but I doubt it is fixed. The entire idea is still there. That is, the GC is still waiting for PS_DEAD thread to do cond_signal. Since part of the problem (1) is improved, so we can check further on the (flags & PTHREAD_EXITING) before doing cond_waiting on each PS_DEAD thread, and everything should work. If you agree this logic, I will examine the code and add this conditional code to fix the problem. If you think there may be other problems, we can discuss on it. Thanks, -Jin To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-bugs" in the body of the message
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