From owner-cvs-sys Thu Sep 7 13:53:48 1995 Return-Path: cvs-sys-owner Received: (from majordom@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.6) id NAA08209 for cvs-sys-outgoing; Thu, 7 Sep 1995 13:53:48 -0700 Received: (from se@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.6) id NAA08198 ; Thu, 7 Sep 1995 13:53:42 -0700 Date: Thu, 7 Sep 1995 13:53:42 -0700 From: Stefan Esser Message-Id: <> To: CVS-commiters, cvs-sys Subject: cvs commit: src/sys/pci ncr.c Sender: Precedence: bulk se 95/09/07 13:53:42 Modified: sys/pci ncr.c Log: Add support for 16 targets on WIDE SCSI bus. This seems to work fine on my 53c810, but really should be tested on a 53c825 with at least one target set to an ID >= 8. The script is now copied to memory mapped using vm_page_alloc_contig(), since it has to be physically contigous. This must be changed, if the driver is converted into a loadable module ! Two of the probe messages are suppressed, unless "bootverbose" is set.