From owner-freebsd-questions  Wed Feb 19 10:29:01 1997
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Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 10:26:52 -0800 (PST)
From: Doug White <>
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Reply-To: Doug White <>
To: Hugh Blandford <>
Subject: Re: Problem with menu-driven disklabel
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On Wed, 19 Feb 1997, Hugh Blandford wrote:

> I am trying to reassign my disk space between /var, /usr and so on.
> I have backed everything up and booted from the floppy.  Running the
> Custom install option from the menu I go into the label option to
> reconfigure things.
> After I have everything the way I want it I use W to write the changes
> to the disk.  However, at this point I get a message that says:
> You must partition the disk before this option can be used.
> The disk is already partitioned and I do not really want to have to go
> through a complete reinstall process.  All I am doing is resizing /usr
> and /var.

You cannot resize these without destroying the contents of these
partitions.  Backup your system, delete the slice, then recreate your
slice & partitions. Install the bare minumums so you can get into the
system, then restore.

Doug White                              | University of Oregon  
Internet:    | Residence Networking Assistant    | Computer Science Major