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Date:      Sat, 10 Aug 1996 11:51:32 +0200 (MET DST)
From:      J Wunsch <>
To: (FreeBSD-current users),
Subject:   Crash in rtrequest()
Message-ID:  <>

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-current kernel as of about 2 weeks old, dialup PPP session active
over tun0, the system crashed at the first use of the line (the panic
message noted named_xfer to be the current process).

Here's the debugger analysis:

uriah # gdb -k kernel /tmp/crash/vmcore.1
IdlePTD 240000
current pcb at 1feb60
panic: from debugger
#0  boot (howto=256) at ../../i386/i386/machdep.c:750
750                                     dumppcb.pcb_cr3 = rcr3();
(kgdb) backtrace
#10 0xf01bab61 in calltrap ()
#11 0xf0143967 in rt_setgate (rt0=0xf0f39800, dst=0xf0f3a730, gate=0xf0e17450)
    at ../../net/route.c:682
#12 0xf01435be in rtrequest (req=11, dst=0xf0f3a730, gateway=0x0, netmask=0x0, 
    flags=0, ret_nrt=0xefbffe68) at ../../net/route.c:468
#13 0xf0142f21 in rtalloc1 (dst=0xf0f3a730, report=1, ignflags=0)
    at ../../net/route.c:130
#14 0xf0142e6b in rtalloc (ro=0xf0f3a72c) at ../../net/route.c:98
#15 0xf01490fd in in_pcbladdr ()
#16 0xf015197e in tcp_connect ()
#17 0xf0151363 in tcp_usr_connect ()
#18 0xf012458f in soconnect ()
#19 0xf01270ef in connect ()
(kgdb) up 9
#9  0xf01c5853 in trap (frame={tf_es = 16, tf_ds = 16, tf_edi = 0, tf_esi = 0, 
      tf_ebp = -272630356, tf_isp = -272630420, tf_ebx = 131079, tf_edx = 16, 
      tf_ecx = 0, tf_eax = -1073610752, tf_trapno = 12, tf_err = 0, 
      tf_eip = -267111553, tf_cs = 8, tf_eflags = 66182, tf_esp = -252471296, 
      tf_ss = -252471296}) at ../../i386/i386/trap.c:310
310                             (void) trap_pfault(&frame, FALSE);
(kgdb) frame frame->tf_ebp frame->tf_eip
#0  0xf014337f in rtrequest (req=2, dst=0x0, gateway=0x0, netmask=0x0, 
    flags=131079, ret_nrt=0x0) at ../../net/route.c:388
388             if ((rnh = rt_tables[dst->sa_family]) == 0)

                                     ^^^ dst is 0

(kgdb) l
383             register struct radix_node_head *rnh;
384             struct ifaddr *ifa;
385             struct sockaddr *ndst;
386     #define senderr(x) { error = x ; goto bad; }
388             if ((rnh = rt_tables[dst->sa_family]) == 0)
389                     senderr(ESRCH);
390             if (flags & RTF_HOST)
391                     netmask = 0;
392             switch (req) {
(kgdb) up
#1  0xf0143967 in rt_setgate (rt0=0xf0f39800, dst=0xf0f3a730, gate=0xf0e17450)
    at ../../net/route.c:682
682                     rtrequest(RTM_DELETE, (struct sockaddr *)rt_key(rt0),
(kgdb) l
677                 (bcmp(dst, gate, dst->sa_len) == 0)) {
678                     /*
679                      * The route might already exist if this is an RTM_CHANGE
680                      * or a routing redirect, so try to delete it.
681                      */
682                     rtrequest(RTM_DELETE, (struct sockaddr *)rt_key(rt0),
683                             rt0->rt_gateway, rt_mask(rt0), rt0->rt_flags, 0);
684                     return EADDRNOTAVAIL;
685             }
(kgdb) quit
uriah # exit

Here's my suggested fix (workaround?), if nobody objects, i'm going to
commit this within some days:

Index: net/route.c
RCS file: /usr/home/cvs/src/sys/net/route.c,v
retrieving revision 1.34
diff -u -u -r1.34 route.c
--- route.c	1996/07/10 01:34:35	1.34
+++ route.c	1996/08/10 09:38:06
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@
 	struct sockaddr *ndst;
 #define senderr(x) { error = x ; goto bad; }
-	if ((rnh = rt_tables[dst->sa_family]) == 0)
+	if (dst == 0 || (rnh = rt_tables[dst->sa_family]) == 0)
 	if (flags & RTF_HOST)
 		netmask = 0;

cheers, J"org -- -- NIC: JW11-RIPE
Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)

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