From owner-freebsd-questions  Sun Mar  9 13:11:59 1997
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Date: Sun, 9 Mar 1997 13:10:55 -0800 (PST)
From: Burton Sampley <>
To: The Hermit Hacker <>
Subject: Re: disklabel problems
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Check out FAQ 2.16 from
( This FAQ walks you through
adding a new hard drive to your system. 

Hope this helps.


On Sat, 8 Mar 1997, The Hermit Hacker wrote:

> Hi...
> 	I've just plugged in two newish drives into my machine, and can't
> get a label written to disk using disklabel.
> 	The system has two NCR SCSI controllers in it, and I'm able to 
> edit the disklabel's on the previously existing drives, but I can't
> do a disklabel on either sd2 or sd6, which are the two new drives...
> ncr0 <ncr 53c810 scsi> rev 2 int a irq 12 on pci0:11
> (ncr0:0:0): "SEAGATE ST32151N 0284" type 0 fixed SCSI 2
> sd0(ncr0:0:0): Direct-Access 
> sd0(ncr0:0:0): FAST SCSI-2 100ns (10 Mb/sec) offset 8.
> 2049MB (4197405 512 byte sectors)
> (ncr0:1:0): "CONNER CFP1060S 1.05GB 243F" type 0 fixed SCSI 2
> sd1(ncr0:1:0): Direct-Access 
> sd1(ncr0:1:0): FAST SCSI-2 100ns (10 Mb/sec) offset 8.
> 1013MB (2074880 512 byte sectors)
> (ncr0:2:0): "SEAGATE ST3390N 9571" type 0 fixed SCSI 2
> sd2(ncr0:2:0): Direct-Access 
> sd2(ncr0:2:0): FAST SCSI-2 100ns (10 Mb/sec) offset 8.
> 324MB (665154 512 byte sectors)
> ncr1 <ncr 53c810 scsi> rev 1 int a irq 11 on pci0:13
> (ncr1:0:0): "QUANTUM FIREBALL1280S 630C" type 0 fixed SCSI 2
> sd3(ncr1:0:0): Direct-Access 
> sd3(ncr1:0:0): FAST SCSI-2 100ns (10 Mb/sec) offset 8.
> 1222MB (2503872 512 byte sectors)
> (ncr1:1:0): "QUANTUM LPS340S 020B" type 0 fixed SCSI 2
> sd4(ncr1:1:0): Direct-Access 
> sd4(ncr1:1:0): FAST SCSI-2 100ns (10 Mb/sec) offset 8.
> 327MB (670506 512 byte sectors)
> (ncr1:2:0): "QUANTUM LP240S GM240S01X 4.6" type 0 fixed SCSI 2
> sd5(ncr1:2:0): Direct-Access 
> sd5(ncr1:2:0): FAST SCSI-2 100ns (10 Mb/sec) offset 8.
> 234MB (479350 512 byte sectors)
> (ncr1:6:0): "QUANTUM LP240S GM240S01X 6.4" type 0 fixed SCSI 2
> sd6(ncr1:6:0): Direct-Access 
> sd6(ncr1:6:0): FAST SCSI-2 100ns (10 Mb/sec) offset 8.
> 234MB (479350 512 byte sectors)
> 	I've read through the man pages, I *think* I have the right format
> for disklabel...and have tried the following on both of the drives:
> hub# disklabel sd6
> disklabel: ioctl DIOCGDINFO: Invalid argument
> hub# disklabel -r sd6
> disklabel: /dev/rsd6c: Undefined error: 0
> hub# disklabel -w -r sd6 auto
> disklabel: /dev/rsd6c: Undefined error: 0
> 	Since dmesg/bootup finds the drives, and is able to probe them,
> I'm assuming that I, in fact, am using the wrong format for disklabel...
> 	Can anyone comment on this?  If it something I'm overlooking?
> Thanks for any help...