From owner-freebsd-hardware  Mon Sep 25 12:32: 9 2000
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X-Mailer: exmh version 2.1.1 10/15/1999
To: "O. Hartmann" <>
Subject: Re: TYAN Thunder 2500/MP Table Error 
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Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 12:31:20 -0700
From: Mike Smith <>
Sender: owner-freebsd-hardware@FreeBSD.ORG
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This is an informational message only, and you should ignore it.

> Dear Sirs.
> I run successfully a TYAN Thunder 2500 mainboard with FreeBSD 4.1-STABLE, BIOS Beta
> 1.03/896 for the LSI 53C896 based SCSI controler. When booting, I obtain a lot of
> SMP messages from the kernel, but at one stage, I receive this error:
> APIC_IO: Testing 8254 interrupt delivery
> APIC_IO: Broken MP table detected: 8254 is not connected to IOAPIC #0 intpin 2
> APIC_IO: routing 8254 via 8259 and IOAPIC #0 intpin 0
> SMP works fine, but it seems that there is something wron with the MP table.
> Is this a serious error message or is it simply a warning? What kind of performance penalty does
> it results in? And: hopefully, is there a chance to get rid of it with a new
> BIOS update in the future?
> Thanks in advance,
> Gruss O. Hartmann
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