From owner-cvs-all Wed Jan 6 16:52:13 1999 Return-Path: Received: (from majordom@localhost) by (8.8.8/8.8.8) id QAA03105 for cvs-all-outgoing; Wed, 6 Jan 1999 16:52:13 -0800 (PST) (envelope-from owner-cvs-all@FreeBSD.ORG) Received: from (freefall.FreeBSD.ORG []) by (8.8.8/8.8.8) with ESMTP id QAA03099; Wed, 6 Jan 1999 16:52:12 -0800 (PST) (envelope-from From: Stefan Esser Received: (from se@localhost) by (8.8.8/8.8.5) id QAA20668; Wed, 6 Jan 1999 16:52:06 -0800 (PST) Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 16:52:06 -0800 (PST) Message-Id: <> To: cvs-committers@FreeBSD.ORG, cvs-all@FreeBSD.ORG Subject: cvs commit: ports/audio/kdemultimedia11 Makefile ports/audio/kdemultimedia11/files md5 ports/audio/kdemultimedia11/patches patch-a0 patch-a1 patch-aa patch-ab patch-ad ports/audio/kdemultimedia11/pkg PLIST ports/converters/kdesupport11 Makefile ports/converters/kdesupport11/files ... Sender: owner-cvs-all@FreeBSD.ORG Precedence: bulk se 1999/01/06 16:52:05 PST Modified files: audio/kdemultimedia11 Makefile audio/kdemultimedia11/files md5 audio/kdemultimedia11/pkg PLIST converters/kdesupport11 Makefile converters/kdesupport11/files md5 converters/kdesupport11/pkg PLIST games/kdegames11 Makefile games/kdegames11/files md5 games/kdegames11/pkg PLIST graphics/kdegraphics11 Makefile graphics/kdegraphics11/files md5 graphics/kdegraphics11/pkg COMMENT PLIST misc/kdeutils11 Makefile misc/kdeutils11/files md5 misc/kdeutils11/patches patch-aa misc/kdeutils11/pkg PLIST net/kdenetwork11 Makefile net/kdenetwork11/files md5 net/kdenetwork11/patches patch-ab patch-ac patch-ad net/kdenetwork11/pkg PLIST x11/kde11 Makefile x11/kdebase11 Makefile x11/kdebase11/files md5 x11/kdebase11/patches patch-ai patch-an x11/kdebase11/pkg PLIST x11/kdelibs11 Makefile x11/kdelibs11/files md5 x11/kdelibs11/pkg PLIST Added files: converters/kdesupport11/patches patch-aa games/kdegames11/patches patch-ac net/kdenetwork11/patches patch-aa x11/kdebase11/patches patch-ap patch-aq patch-ar patch-as patch-at Removed files: audio/kdemultimedia11/patches patch-a0 patch-a1 patch-aa patch-ab patch-ad converters/kdesupport11/patches patch-a0 patch-a1 patch-a2 games/kdegames11/patches patch-a0 patch-a1 patch-aa patch-ab graphics/kdegraphics11/patches patch-a0 patch-a1 patch-aa misc/kdeutils11/patches patch-a0 patch-a1 net/kdenetwork11/patches patch-a0 patch-a1 patch-ae patch-af patch-ah x11/kdebase11/patches patch-a0 patch-a1 patch-ah patch-aj patch-al patch-am x11/kdelibs11/patches patch-a0 patch-a1 patch-a2 Log: Upgrade to the first pre-release of KDE 1.1. This port requireat least s version 1.41 of the Qt library. There will be an error reported by configure, if only an earlier version is found, but no automatic port dependency exists (i.e. the x11-toolkits/qt141 port has to be manually built and installed). There may still be a problem with a missing -lXext in the kdesupport port. This will be taken care of during the next few days, if the problem still exists ... Revision Changes Path 1.24 +8 -9 ports/audio/kdemultimedia11/Makefile 1.5 +1 -1 ports/audio/kdemultimedia11/files/md5 1.4 +44 -15 ports/audio/kdemultimedia11/pkg/PLIST 1.15 +8 -5 ports/converters/kdesupport11/Makefile 1.6 +1 -1 ports/converters/kdesupport11/files/md5 1.6 +35 -12 ports/converters/kdesupport11/pkg/PLIST 1.22 +13 -14 ports/games/kdegames11/Makefile 1.5 +1 -1 ports/games/kdegames11/files/md5 1.5 +490 -0 ports/games/kdegames11/pkg/PLIST 1.17 +9 -10 ports/graphics/kdegraphics11/Makefile 1.4 +1 -1 ports/graphics/kdegraphics11/files/md5 1.2 +1 -1 ports/graphics/kdegraphics11/pkg/COMMENT 1.4 +111 -13 ports/graphics/kdegraphics11/pkg/PLIST 1.23 +10 -10 ports/misc/kdeutils11/Makefile 1.6 +1 -1 ports/misc/kdeutils11/files/md5 1.7 +25 -24 ports/misc/kdeutils11/patches/patch-aa 1.7 +143 -83 ports/misc/kdeutils11/pkg/PLIST 1.24 +14 -12 ports/net/kdenetwork11/Makefile 1.5 +1 -1 ports/net/kdenetwork11/files/md5 1.6 +48 -39 ports/net/kdenetwork11/patches/patch-ab 1.4 +53 -10 ports/net/kdenetwork11/patches/patch-ac 1.2 +11 -10 ports/net/kdenetwork11/patches/patch-ad 1.5 +227 -0 ports/net/kdenetwork11/pkg/PLIST 1.17 +2 -4 ports/x11/kde11/Makefile 1.24 +11 -11 ports/x11/kdebase11/Makefile 1.6 +1 -1 ports/x11/kdebase11/files/md5 1.3 +7 -17 ports/x11/kdebase11/patches/patch-ai 1.2 +8 -12 ports/x11/kdebase11/patches/patch-an 1.9 +585 -40 ports/x11/kdebase11/pkg/PLIST 1.24 +18 -10 ports/x11/kdelibs11/Makefile 1.6 +1 -1 ports/x11/kdelibs11/files/md5 1.9 +95 -23 ports/x11/kdelibs11/pkg/PLIST To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe cvs-all" in the body of the message