From owner-freebsd-advocacy  Tue Sep 26 12:49:34 2000
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From: Nathan Williams <>
To: Matt Heckaman <matt@ARPA.MAIL.NET>,
	Brett Glass <>
Cc: Nathan Williams <>, advocacy@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: RE: Pulse poll at Borland
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 14:49:37 -0500
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But wouldn't you like to have the choice?

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Matt Heckaman [SMTP:matt@ARPA.MAIL.NET]
> Sent:	Tuesday, September 26, 2000 2:47 PM
> To:	Brett Glass
> Cc:	Nathan Williams; advocacy@FreeBSD.ORG
> Subject:	Re: Pulse poll at Borland
> Hash: SHA1
> Thankfully we have great development software such as CodeForge
> ( - It's not open source, however they do
> actively support a native FreeBSD version. I have been quite thrilled with
> it since the day I first tried out the evaluation version. At 50$ for a
> Single-User Commercial license, it's very reasonably priced. I don't think
> I'd leave it for Borland even if it existed for FreeBSD native. :)
> Matt
> On Tue, 26 Sep 2000, Brett Glass wrote:
> : Borland has a long history of ignoring all but the #1 platform in any
> : niche -- a strategy which has caused them serious problems more than
> : once. Their support of Windows to the exclusion of all other OSes in
> : the 90's made them dependent on Microsoft and practically destroyed
> : the company.
> : 
> : When I asked them, at the February LinuxWorld, if they'd be supporting
> : FreeBSD, the marketing droid at the booth asked me (I kid you not)
> : "Which distribution of Linux is that? I've never heard of it."
> : 
> : The sad part is that their booth was about two aisles away from
> : the Walnut Creek/BSDi booth. I don't even think they "got it" when
> : the 10-foot-high daemon walked by.
> : 
> : When I posted messages on their site's message boards asking politely
> : about support for the BSDs, they simply did not respond. This despite
> : the fact that Borland language manager Simon Thornhill claims that
> : "Borland does not have a platform agenda." (Odd, then, that they
> : support so few platforms!)
> : 
> : In short, Borland needs a serious wake-up call. 
> : 
> : A *lot* of people will have to respond to that poll before they even
> : consider any of the BSDs, and if we're not #1 (or, at best, #2) they
> : simply won't do it. So folks had better vote early and often.
> : 
> : This is a company that up to this point has had little foresight and 
> : does not have any sense of the value of diversification. I hope they 
> : will change. I'm not holding my breath, though, as they have been so 
> : dense for all of these years. 
> : 
> : --Brett Glass
> * Matt Heckaman   - *
> * GPG fingerprint - A9BC F3A8 278E 22F2 9BDA  BFCF 74C3 2D31 C035 5390 *
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