From owner-freebsd-questions  Mon May  4 14:42:58 1998
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Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 14:41:58 -0700 (PDT)
From: Doug White <>
Reply-To: Doug White <>
To: Adam Furman <>
cc: questions@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: Netware on FreeBSD
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On Sun, 3 May 1998, Adam Furman wrote:

> I'm looking for someting that I can elimnate Novell Netware on FreeBSD
> just for my ScanJet 4 Network scanner.  We currently have a novell serer
> running but the scanner is its olny purpose.  If someone can tell me if
> FreeBSD can eliminate Netware in some ways I might be able to get the
> scanner to work off the FreeBSD server.  Also please also respond via
> email.

Please explain the relationship between the scanner and Novell.  Do you
just need to serve the images it acquires?

Doug White                              | University of Oregon  
Internet:    | Residence Networking Assistant    | Computer Science Major

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