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Did you guys already unmount your filesystem?

On Mon, 06 Jun 2005 17:48:26 +0200, Oliver Fromme <>  

> Yuval Levy <> wrote:
>  > Oliver Fromme wrote:
>  > > I do look carefully every day, because it's my job.  I work
>  > > with various operating systems every day, including FreeBSD
>  > > and Linux.
>  >
>  >  From a professional I would expect a more mature and balanced  
> approach,
>  > rather than "my favorite OS is the best one and the others have no
>  > advantages".
> That's not what I wrote.  FreeBSD is not "the best".  There
> is no such thing as "the best", in general.
>  > Be real: there is a lot of diversity of OS out there and
>  > they all have advantages and disadvantages.
> Right.  Everyone has to decide for himself which tool works
> best for his job.
>  > > Yup, I know the usual freebsd-for-servers and linux-for-
>  > > desktops arguments.  And to be honest, I'm fed up with
>  > > them.  They're lies.  I'm running FreeBSD on my desktop
>  > > at home, a lot of people are happily running Linux on
>  > > their servers, and I've seen people successfully installing
>  > > FreeBSD who have never even heard the word "unix" until
>  > > that day.
>  >
>  > You can run FreeBSD on your desktop at home because you have the  
> skills,
>  > the time, the dedication.
> For most "standard" applications it doesn't require any
> more skills (or time, or dedication) than with any other
> OS.  In fact, getting some applications to work correctly
> under, say, Windows requires more skills (and time, and
> dedication) sometimes.
>  > You are special. Every human being is special
> Right.  I don't disagree with you there.
>  > [...]  They do not share your view.
>  > I do not share your view. This does not make us liars.
> Uhm, what are you talking about?  I've never called you a
> liar.  But those people who claim that FreeBSD is only
> suitable for servers and Linux is only suitable for desk-
> tops -- those are liars.  There are plenty of counter-
> examples.
>  > I am moving my servers from Linux to FreeBSD, because FreeBSD gives me
>  > the manageability, stability and security that are more important to  
> my
>  > clients than the bleeding edge features that often make it into Linux  
> first.
>  >
>  > I am generally inclined toward Open Source software over proprietary
>  > one, but will pragmatically mix and match to obtain what works best  
> for
>  > me rather than dogmatically pretend that my favorite OS is the best  
> and
>  > its filesystem is the brightest and its license is the only acceptable
>  > distribution form.
> I agree 100%.
> Most of "my" machines (i.e. the machines which I own or
> which I'm responsible for to operate) run FreeBSD, but some
> also run Linux (Debian), Solaris or Windows.  I used to
> have OpenBSD, too, but it stopped working for me (a long
> story).  And currently I'm evaluating to move one of my
> privat machines from FreeBSD to DragonFly BSD, because
> some of its features would be very useful.
> Still, of all of those systems, FreeBSD is (currently) my
> favourite.  It's particularly versatile to work well for
> all kinds of different purposes, including servers _and_
> desktops.
>  > Which brings me back to the topic of this thread: is there anybody out
>  > there with the skills to cleanly solve this shameful situation in  
> which
>  > rebooting FreeBSD results in unclean mounting of ext2 (and potentially
>  > other) volumes?
> A umount command in rc.shutdown should be a feasible
> work-around.
> Fixing the driver is probably not a high-priority, because
> not many users are affected by the problem, I guess.
> (But then again:  It's open source, so you can try to fix
> it yourself.)
> Best regards
>    Oliver
> PS:  I think this should rather move to the -chat list.

  Ronald Klop
  Amsterdam, The Netherlands