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Date:      Sun, 23 Jun 1996 12:33:43 -0700 (MST)
From:      Don Yuniskis <>
To: (=?KOI8-R?Q?=E1=CE=C4=D2=C5=CA_=FE=C5=D2=CE=CF=D7?=)
Cc: (FreeBSD hackers)
Subject:   Re: INDEX.fonts
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <> from "=?KOI8-R?Q?=E1=CE=C4=D2=C5=CA_=FE=C5=D2=CE=CF=D7?=" at Jun 23, 96 10:40:31 pm

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> > As I mentioned in my post, the prefix is there *for me* since I use
> > that to distinguish between "FreeBSD ", "DOS ", etc. fonts
> > in my collection.  Otherwise, you'd have to invent some other way 
> > of differentiating between a "cp437" font that, perhaps, came from
> > DOS, FBSD, 2.1R or somewhere else.
> It is no matter from where the font comes, font internal structure
> is what determine things. Our fonts are VGA adapter binary fonts,
> check VGA hardware programming manual. They can be used in ANY
> system which deals with VGA text mode (Linux, DOS, etc.)

Yes, I fully understand that.  But, we're talking about INDEX.fonts
on FBSD -- *NOT* something for DOS, Linux, etc.  Again, "FreeBSD 2.1R "
is there purely FOR ME to differentiate amongst the multiple sources
of fonts that I use and have available TO ME.  If *you* don't keep
your fonts, DOS fonts, other third party fonts, nethack fonts,
etc. available, then I guess you don't even *need* INDEX.fonts since
the dozen that come in the distribution are pretty easy to keep track of.
Indeed, you probably wouldn't even use the vidfont tool...

*I*, on the other hand, would like something a bit more descriptive
to sort out the various fonts.
> > > "Code page" is IBM name for character sets, I don't think
> > > that we need to use IBM names.
> > 
> > Yeah, I guess we can pretend the "cp" in "cp437" means Completely
> > Pretentious?  :>  I imagine that "code page" is the true origin of the
> > "cp" prefix and, thus, used it in my description.  (Hey, it gets tough
> > trying to come up with short little descriptions... :>
> Yes, "cp" prefix means "Code Page" and IBM code pages used when
> no more standard registry is available. VGA hardware default font
> conforms IBM CP 437, so why it is under this name. But call *all*
> characters sets as "Code Pages" leads to misunderstanding.

Right.  I just called the cp437-*, cp850-*, cp865-*, cp866-* fonts
by that description.  Note that the descriptions for the iso-* and
koi8-* fonts *don't* use that language.

> > Here, I used Microsplot's name for the "code page"  ;-)
> Microsoft only supports some "code pages", the source of
> all code pages is IBM.

Fine.  I merely pointed out the source of the particular descriptive
phrase that I used.  I don't claim to be an expert on font
nomenclature, etc.  I was simply trying to fill a (simple) hole
in the FBSD distribution...

If you dislike *my* choice of terms, etc. create your own and
commit it, please.  Otherwise, can we drop this issue as it seems
a silly waste of bandwidth?


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