From owner-freebsd-smp  Wed Mar  4 10:33:36 1998
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From: dave adkins <>
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To: Tor Egge <>
cc: smp@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: Current SMP kernel panics on booting
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On Wed, 4 Mar 1998, Tor Egge wrote:
> > here is what i get:
> > 
> > mp_lock=00000002; cpuid=0;
> > instruction pointer = 0x8 : 0x0f012f89e
> > stack pointer = 0x10 : 0xf02a9f90
> > frame pointer = 0x10 : 0xf02a9f94
> > code segment = base 0x0 limit 0fffff, type 0x1b
> > 	     = DPL0, pres 1, def321, gran1
> > processor flags = interrupt enabled, IOPL = 0
> > current process = 0 (swapper)
> > interrupt mask = <-- SMP:XXX
> > kernel : type 29 trap, code = 0
> > stopped at _mbinit + 0xe movl $0,_mclfree
> This probably means that the CPU got an interrupt for which it had no
> reasonable interrupt handler.  All vectors initially points to rsvd,
> which gives a T_RESERVED (29) trap.
> This looks like the result of an incomplete kernel rebuild.  The
> config program no longer removes the old kernel compile directory by
> default.
> I suggest a complete kernel rebuild, i.e. 
> 	make clean && make depend && make

I've done that (usually the first thing I do if I get a panic on a new
kernel), but I have the same panic. The mb is a tyan tomcatII.  As a
guess, mbinit happens right after the 8254 intr is enabled. Could the
clock interrupt forwarding could be causing the problem. Any way to shut
that down? Is it all ifdef'd by BETTER_CLOCK? 
dave adkins

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