From owner-freebsd-smp Fri Dec 6 10:24:06 1996 Return-Path: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.8.4/8.8.4) id KAA04341 for smp-outgoing; Fri, 6 Dec 1996 10:24:06 -0800 (PST) Received: from ( []) by (8.8.4/8.8.4) with ESMTP id KAA04317 for ; Fri, 6 Dec 1996 10:24:00 -0800 (PST) Received: from ( []) by (8.8.4/8.8.4) with ESMTP id TAA24340; Fri, 6 Dec 1996 19:23:22 +0100 (MET) Message-Id: <> To: Cc:, Subject: Re: More info about fatal trap 12 In-Reply-To: Your message of "Sat, 07 Dec 1996 02:15:12 +0800" References: <199612061815.CAA19205@spinner.DIALix.COM> X-Mailer: Mew version 1.06 on Emacs 19.33.1 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=us-ascii Date: Fri, 06 Dec 1996 19:23:21 +0100 From: Tor Egge Sender: X-Loop: Precedence: bulk > Tor Egge wrote: > > A closer examination of the kernel dump shows that the first page fault > > is from the user process /bin/sh. The call stack is > [..] > > The first access to the stack by the child process failed when trying > > to save the return value from fork. > > > > The parent process was running on CPU #1, and the child process > > was running on CPU #0. > > > > - Tor Egge > > Hmm!! The plot thickens! I noticed the failing pmap_enter was at > 0xefbfd000 which is the first stack page already, but I wasn't sure > if it was the initial creation, or if the stack had been paged out > and was failing on pagein. No pageouts. (kgdb) print/x cnt.v_free_count $20 = 0x1b607 - Tor Egge