From owner-freebsd-stable  Fri Sep 17 18:17:22 1999
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Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 21:17:15 -0400 (EDT)
From: matt <matt@MLINK.NET>
To: Luc Morin <>
Cc: stable@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: Motherboard for -stable
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	I run an ASUS P3B-F on my 3.2-STABLE server, and have nothing but
good things to say about it, I'm very happy with the motherboard and would
recommend it to another. I had no problems with it and FreeBSD, so it's
safe to use =)

On Fri, 17 Sep 1999, Luc Morin wrote:

: Hi,
: I'm currently shoping for new hardware to run FreeBSD-stable on it. From
: what I can see, 2 of the mobos that keep being mentionned are the ASUS
: P3B-F and the ABIT BE6. Since I've already read that some mobos can
: cause problems under FreeBSD, I decided to ask for feedback from -stable
: users who might happen to have these.
: Before I'm sent there, I already searched the freebsd-hardware and
: freebsd-questions lists for references to the P3B-F and the BE6, and
: what I found is very scarce.
: Thank you all for your time.
: -- 
: Luc Morin    <>
: Electrical Engineering Technologist
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