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Date:      Sun, 5 Sep 2021 08:02:31 GMT
From:      Gleb Popov <>
Subject:   git: a196c0eb6e9e - main - devel/hs-hasktags: Update to 0.72.0
Message-ID:  <>

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The branch main has been updated by arrowd:


commit a196c0eb6e9e34fc173a1ec845bd8d9c25502f8a
Author:     Alexis Praga <>
AuthorDate: 2021-09-04 08:58:00 +0000
Commit:     Gleb Popov <>
CommitDate: 2021-09-05 07:41:08 +0000

    devel/hs-hasktags: Update to 0.72.0
 devel/hs-hasktags/Makefile                   |   9 +-
 devel/hs-hasktags/distinfo                   |  16 +-
 devel/hs-hasktags/files/patch-hasktags.cabal | 216 ---------------------------
 3 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 228 deletions(-)

diff --git a/devel/hs-hasktags/Makefile b/devel/hs-hasktags/Makefile
index 65742c152fca..6192162fbaf4 100644
--- a/devel/hs-hasktags/Makefile
+++ b/devel/hs-hasktags/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 PORTNAME=	hasktags
 CATEGORIES=	devel haskell
@@ -11,9 +10,9 @@ LICENSE=	BSD3CLAUSE
 USES=		cabal
 USE_CABAL=	ansi-terminal-0.10.3 \
-		ansi-wl-pprint-0.6.9_1 \
+		ansi-wl-pprint-0.6.9_2 \
 		colour-2.3.5 \
-		hashable- \
+		hashable- \
 		json-0.10_1 \
 		microlens- \
 		microlens-ghc-0.4.12 \
@@ -22,7 +21,7 @@ USE_CABAL=	ansi-terminal-0.10.3 \
 		microlens-th- \
 		optparse-applicative- \
 		primitive- \
-		syb-0.7.1 \
+		syb-0.7.1_1 \
 		th-abstraction- \
 		transformers-compat-0.6.5 \
 		unordered-containers- \
diff --git a/devel/hs-hasktags/distinfo b/devel/hs-hasktags/distinfo
index c4be27f8ae57..cfb78c3af512 100644
--- a/devel/hs-hasktags/distinfo
+++ b/devel/hs-hasktags/distinfo
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-TIMESTAMP = 1588322142
-SHA256 (cabal/hasktags-0.71.2.tar.gz) = 2c40fdcb834e8ac1d588daf0e8ace5b58c776cbde2d56892a75106ff324e53e8
-SIZE (cabal/hasktags-0.71.2.tar.gz) = 58919
+TIMESTAMP = 1630745196
+SHA256 (cabal/hasktags-0.72.0.tar.gz) = adadb5800ab2996f0198a6fc6af959dee6d69339c204cc9789f83e67024fe726
+SIZE (cabal/hasktags-0.72.0.tar.gz) = 59000
 SHA256 (cabal/ansi-terminal-0.10.3/ansi-terminal-0.10.3.tar.gz) = fa2e2e32dfad29835aa7fd442bbe233e07d97e933223a001fe5efa562535b57c
 SIZE (cabal/ansi-terminal-0.10.3/ansi-terminal-0.10.3.tar.gz) = 35863
 SHA256 (cabal/ansi-wl-pprint-0.6.9/ansi-wl-pprint-0.6.9.tar.gz) = a7b2e8e7cd3f02f2954e8b17dc60a0ccd889f49e2068ebb15abfa1d42f7a4eac
 SIZE (cabal/ansi-wl-pprint-0.6.9/ansi-wl-pprint-0.6.9.tar.gz) = 16723
-SHA256 (cabal/ansi-wl-pprint-0.6.9/revision/1.cabal) = f6fd6dbd4adcad0432bf75e5f5b19bb1deda00a1d8056faf18090026e577652d
-SIZE (cabal/ansi-wl-pprint-0.6.9/revision/1.cabal) = 2388
+SHA256 (cabal/ansi-wl-pprint-0.6.9/revision/2.cabal) = 20d30674f137d43aa0279c2c2cc5e45a5f1c3c57e301852494906158b6313bf7
+SIZE (cabal/ansi-wl-pprint-0.6.9/revision/2.cabal) = 2388
 SHA256 (cabal/colour-2.3.5/colour-2.3.5.tar.gz) = 3b8d471979617dce7c193523743c9782df63433d8e87e3ef6d97922e0da104e7
 SIZE (cabal/colour-2.3.5/colour-2.3.5.tar.gz) = 20485
 SHA256 (cabal/hashable- = 822e5413fbccca6ae884d3aba4066422c8b5d58d23d18b9ecb5c03273bb19ab4
 SIZE (cabal/hashable- = 29835
-SHA256 (cabal/hashable- = 4c70f1407881059e93550d3742191254296b2737b793a742bd901348fb3e1fb1
-SIZE (cabal/hashable- = 5206
+SHA256 (cabal/hashable- = d60cad00223d46172020c136e68acef0481a47d0302b2e74b1805b4f3a446a9b
+SIZE (cabal/hashable- = 5389
 SHA256 (cabal/json-0.10/json-0.10.tar.gz) = 0c046a3c03c9332816d3c9e50319b1d1eb3c2c1baba1123a7650d047b26856ba
 SIZE (cabal/json-0.10/json-0.10.tar.gz) = 22622
 SHA256 (cabal/json-0.10/revision/1.cabal) = d9fc6b07ce92b8894825a17d2cf14799856767eb30c8bf55962baa579207d799
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ SHA256 (cabal/primitive- = dd8bb7d829f492d6200f
 SIZE (cabal/primitive- = 66023
 SHA256 (cabal/syb-0.7.1/syb-0.7.1.tar.gz) = e04a9c7ae48d9fe25e9b7a064f7122d39c710753544511e15df7a6e87fdfe700
 SIZE (cabal/syb-0.7.1/syb-0.7.1.tar.gz) = 39594
+SHA256 (cabal/syb-0.7.1/revision/1.cabal) = 809b4587757c9358db125577fb7e4e11031b8a26075fabe346912bbe2cfffd65
+SIZE (cabal/syb-0.7.1/revision/1.cabal) = 2544
 SHA256 (cabal/th-abstraction- = 36fef33ad0f34b9b8fb5552fe6187579a00d5f90d938e9bc24d382a9919feb79
 SIZE (cabal/th-abstraction- = 35111
 SHA256 (cabal/transformers-compat-0.6.5/transformers-compat-0.6.5.tar.gz) = da67cf11515da751b32a8ce6e96549f7268f7c435769ad19dc9766b69774620b
diff --git a/devel/hs-hasktags/files/patch-hasktags.cabal b/devel/hs-hasktags/files/patch-hasktags.cabal
deleted file mode 100644
index 972902513471..000000000000
--- a/devel/hs-hasktags/files/patch-hasktags.cabal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
---- hasktags.cabal.orig	2020-05-01 08:36:35 UTC
-+++ hasktags.cabal
-@@ -1,106 +1,107 @@
--Name: hasktags
--Version: 0.71.2
--Copyright: The University Court of the University of Glasgow
--License: BSD3
--License-File: LICENSE
--Author: The GHC Team
-- Jack Henahan <>,
-- Marc Weber <>,
-- Marco TĂșlio Pimenta Gontijo <>
--Synopsis: Produces ctags "tags" and etags "TAGS" files for Haskell programs
--  Produces ctags "tags" and etags "TAGS" files for Haskell programs.
--Category: Development
--build-type: Simple
--cabal-version: >=1.10
--  TODO,
--  testcases/HUnitBase.lhs
--  testcases/Repair.lhs
--  testcases/blockcomment.hs
--  testcases/constructor.hs
--  testcases/module.hs
--  testcases/space.hs
--  testcases/substring.hs
--  testcases/tabs.hs
--  testcases/testcase1.hs
--  testcases/testcase2.hs
--  testcases/testcase3.lhs
--  testcases/testcase4.hs
--  testcases/testcase8.hs
--  testcases/twoblockcommentshs.hs
--  testcases/twoblockcommentslhs.lhs
--  testcases/twoblockcommentstogether.hs
--  testcases/typesig.hs
--  testcases/expected_failures_testing_suite.hs
--  testcases/testcase9.hs
--  testcases/testcase10.hs
--  testcases/testcase11.hs
--  testcases/simple.hs
--  testcases/monad-base-control.hs
--  testcases/16-regression.hs
--  testcases/9.hs
--  testcases/9-too.hs
--Flag debug
--  Default: False
--  Description: When set to true tokens will be print at various places. This helps understanding why hasktags does not behave the way it should
--source-repository head
--  type: git
--  location:
--  default-language:  Haskell2010
--  hs-source-dirs:    src
--  ghc-options:       -Wall
--  exposed-modules:   Hasktags
--  other-modules:     Tags, DebugShow
--  build-depends:
--    utf8-string,
--    base >= 4 && < 5,
--    bytestring >= 0.9 && < 0.11,
--    directory >= 1.2.6 && < 1.4,
--    filepath,
--    json >= 0.5 && < 0.10,
--    microlens-platform >= && < 0.4
--Executable hasktags
--    Main-Is: src/Main.hs
--    Build-Depends:
--      base,
--      directory,
--      filepath,
--      hasktags,
--      optparse-applicative,
--      containers
--    other-modules: Paths_hasktags
--    ghc-options: -Wall
--    default-language: Haskell2010
--  if flag(debug)
--    cpp-options: -Ddebug
--Test-Suite testsuite
--  Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
--  Main-Is: Test.hs
--  hs-source-dirs: src, tests
--  Build-Depends:
--                utf8-string,
--                base,
--                bytestring,
--                directory,
--                filepath,
--                json,
--                HUnit,
--                microlens-platform
--  other-modules: Tags, Hasktags, DebugShow
--  ghc-options: -Wall
--  default-language: Haskell2010
--  if flag(debug)
--    cpp-options: -Ddebug
-+Name: hasktags
-+Version: 0.71.2
-+x-revision: 2
-+Copyright: The University Court of the University of Glasgow
-+License: BSD3
-+License-File: LICENSE
-+Author: The GHC Team
-+ Jack Henahan <>,
-+ Marc Weber <>,
-+ Marco TĂșlio Pimenta Gontijo <>
-+Synopsis: Produces ctags "tags" and etags "TAGS" files for Haskell programs
-+  Produces ctags "tags" and etags "TAGS" files for Haskell programs.
-+Category: Development
-+build-type: Simple
-+cabal-version: >=1.10
-+  TODO,
-+  testcases/HUnitBase.lhs
-+  testcases/Repair.lhs
-+  testcases/blockcomment.hs
-+  testcases/constructor.hs
-+  testcases/module.hs
-+  testcases/space.hs
-+  testcases/substring.hs
-+  testcases/tabs.hs
-+  testcases/testcase1.hs
-+  testcases/testcase2.hs
-+  testcases/testcase3.lhs
-+  testcases/testcase4.hs
-+  testcases/testcase8.hs
-+  testcases/twoblockcommentshs.hs
-+  testcases/twoblockcommentslhs.lhs
-+  testcases/twoblockcommentstogether.hs
-+  testcases/typesig.hs
-+  testcases/expected_failures_testing_suite.hs
-+  testcases/testcase9.hs
-+  testcases/testcase10.hs
-+  testcases/testcase11.hs
-+  testcases/simple.hs
-+  testcases/monad-base-control.hs
-+  testcases/16-regression.hs
-+  testcases/9.hs
-+  testcases/9-too.hs
-+Flag debug
-+  Default: False
-+  Description: When set to true tokens will be print at various places. This helps understanding why hasktags does not behave the way it should
-+source-repository head
-+  type: git
-+  location:
-+  default-language:  Haskell2010
-+  hs-source-dirs:    src
-+  ghc-options:       -Wall
-+  exposed-modules:   Hasktags
-+  other-modules:     Tags, DebugShow
-+  build-depends:
-+    utf8-string,
-+    base >= 4 && < 5,
-+    bytestring >= 0.9 && < 0.11,
-+    directory >= 1.2.6 && < 1.4,
-+    filepath,
-+    json >= 0.5 && < 0.11,
-+    microlens-platform >= && < 0.5
-+Executable hasktags
-+    Main-Is: src/Main.hs
-+    Build-Depends:
-+      base,
-+      directory,
-+      filepath,
-+      hasktags,
-+      optparse-applicative,
-+      containers
-+    other-modules: Paths_hasktags
-+    ghc-options: -Wall
-+    default-language: Haskell2010
-+  if flag(debug)
-+    cpp-options: -Ddebug
-+Test-Suite testsuite
-+  Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
-+  Main-Is: Test.hs
-+  hs-source-dirs: src, tests
-+  Build-Depends:
-+                utf8-string,
-+                base,
-+                bytestring,
-+                directory,
-+                filepath,
-+                json,
-+                HUnit,
-+                microlens-platform
-+  other-modules: Tags, Hasktags, DebugShow
-+  ghc-options: -Wall
-+  default-language: Haskell2010
-+  if flag(debug)
-+    cpp-options: -Ddebug

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